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 Born in July 11, 1943  He is son of parents that fled from Nazi persecution.  Howard was born shortly after his brother Eric died in an accident.

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2  Born in July 11, 1943  He is son of parents that fled from Nazi persecution.  Howard was born shortly after his brother Eric died in an accident.  As Gardner grew neither of those events were discussed and they were linked to his parents refusal of letting him play sports.

3  By age 13 he became a great pianist.  He considered a career in music  He also was a boy scout and he achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.  Howard’s parents didnt let him play sports in school because it was a link to Eric’s death.

4 Howard Gardner entered Harvard in 1961. His interest was majoring in history Under the influence of Erik Erikson he changed his major to social relations (combination of psychology, sociology and anthropology) He changed his interest again after encountering psychologist Jerome Bruner and the writing of Jean Piaget.

5 After finishing his Ph.D at Harvard in 1971, Howard Gardner continued working at Harvard. He established a research team with Nelson Goodman on arts and education. The project was known as Project Zero Project Zero is the study of artistic though and creativity in arts, also humanistic and scientific disciplines. Garder still remaines involved in the project.

6 The theory of Multiple Intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983. This theory is an idea that explains that there are different types of intelligences in human beings. He proposed this theory because he wanted to accurately define the concept of intelligence and to prove whether methods which claim to measure intelligence are trully scientific. Gardner’s theory argues that intelligence as it is traditionally defined, doesnt explain the wide variety of abilities humans display.

7  The categories of intelligences proposed by Gardner are:  Bodily- Kinesthetic  Interpersonal  Verbal- Linguistic  Intrapersonal  Visual- Spatial  Musical  Naturalistic  Logical- Mathematical

8 Bodily- Kinesthetic  Has to do with the bodily movement and phisiology.  In theory people with this intelligence learn better when involving muscular movement, and generally good at physical activities. Interpersonal  This area has to do with the interaction with others.  They tend to communicate easily and effectively with others, and may be either leaders of followers

9 Verbal- Linguistic  Has to do with either written or spoken words. Poeple with high verbal- linguistic intelligene display facility with words and languages.  This intelligence is highest in writers, lawyers, philosophers, journalists, politicians, poets, and teachers. Intrapersonal  Those who are strongest in this intelligence are typically introverts and prefer to work alone  They are usually highly self- aware and capable of understanding their own emotions, goals and motivations

10 Visual- Spatial  This area has to do with vision and spatial judgement  People with strong visual- spatial intelligence are good at visually and mentally manipulating objects Musical  This has to do with hearing, rhythm and music.  Those who have a high level of musical intelligence, display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythm, tones and music.

11 Naturalistic  This area has to do with nature, nurturing and relating information to one’s natural soroundings.  This intelligence was not part of Gardner’s original theory but was added in 1997. Logical- Mathematical  This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning and numbers.  Careers which suit this intelligence include scientists,mathematici ans, engineers, doctors and economists.

12  paY3GI-I Explaining Multiple Intelligences Theory paY3GI-I  nM7-AkAM How do children learn nM7-AkAM

13  ultiple_intelligences ultiple_intelligences  dner

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