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P EER C OACHING R EFLECTIONS Nancy Toll, Technology Coordinator Hudson School District May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "P EER C OACHING R EFLECTIONS Nancy Toll, Technology Coordinator Hudson School District May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 P EER C OACHING R EFLECTIONS Nancy Toll, Technology Coordinator Hudson School District May 2011

2 M AIN F EATURES OF I MPROVED L ESSON Goals: Students will better understand locations of countries and cities in SE Asia Students will have a better understanding of SE Asian culture Develop a more motivating lesson Integrate technology into existing curriculum

3 W HAT W E D ID Decided wanted more than a typical scavenger hunt Developed project-based lesson using (An example at: 32344703454310038854BCE18CB696D3 ) 32344703454310038854BCE18CB696D3 Students worked in groups of 4 to plan a vacation to SE Asia that they had to try and sale to the rest of the class Students had individual jobs but had to work as a team to pull it all together (leader, tripline master, photographer, music/sounds, narrative, cartographer, budget, air travel, hotel/restaurants)

4 G REATEST S TRENGTHS OF N EW LESSON Used a real-world problem Incorporated Web 2.0 application Worked on collaboration and teamwork Students became more aware of the geography of SE Asia and locations in respect to Wisconsin Students became more aware of real- world costs associated with travel

5 R OOM FOR I MPROVEMENTS Could use some examples to model with for students as far as how to present material Stick to time limits first set Communicate better with parents and students on how a group project can be graded fairly Make sure students logs are kept and turned in Making sure teachers understand how the same material can be covered in many different ways and can still lead to common assessments

6 W HAT L EARNING H AVE I G AINED AS A C OACH ? You don’t have to have all the answers right away. It’s important that the teacher feels like they are a part of the plan and go with their needs – not your own ideas of how you think it should be. Make sure teachers understand that timelines need to be flexible when dealing with technology. Sometimes students don’t have the skills you think they’re going to have coming in. I have found some great resources to pass on to others.

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