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SMOKE MANAGEMENT USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Burner’s Proverb: My Fire and My Smoke are My Problems, wherever they go. (

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Presentation on theme: "SMOKE MANAGEMENT USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Burner’s Proverb: My Fire and My Smoke are My Problems, wherever they go. ("— Presentation transcript:

1 SMOKE MANAGEMENT USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Burner’s Proverb: My Fire and My Smoke are My Problems, wherever they go. (

2 Credits Thanks to the authors: This presentation was developed using slides from the Prescribed Fire Training Center in Florida, and from USDA Forest Service Air Resources Management training.

3 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008OBJECTIVES FL Certified Prescribed Burn Manger training  Learn major pollutants of smoke  Understand and designate smoke sensitive areas and CRITICAL SSA  Know the current legal requirements for managing smoke during rx burns  Identify indicators that inversions may be likely, including DI (dispersion index)  Identify ignition strategies to mitigate smoke  Learn the smoke screening system

4 What Is Smoke? Water vapor combined with gases and small particles Flaming fire phase (only about 25% of the smoke is dispersed at ground level) Smoldering fire phase- 2x smoke of flaming phase… (poor combustion and smoke disperses down drainages) USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008

5 Smoke Emissions Ozone (O 3 ) + Carbon Dioxide (2200-3500 lbs per ton of fuel consumed) Water Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons (VOCs) Nitrogen Oxides Particulate MatterParticulate Matter USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Damages plant tissues Key ingredient of smog Bad for human health

6 Particulate Matter Smoke particles are relatively small < PM 2.5 microns PM 2.5-10 microns > PM 10 microns 70.0% 20.0% 10.0% (similar size to pollen) (similar size to fly ash) (similar size to dust) USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008

7 Fine Particulate, PM 2.5

8 PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. Nuisance Smoke1. Nuisance Smoke –Increasing Population Within WUI Increased potential for complaints of nuisance smoke –Popular Recreation Areas SMOKE: WHY BE CONCERNED?

9 2. Health Effects Related to Particulate Matter2. Health Effects Related to Particulate Matter Increased Premature Deaths Aggravation of respiratory or cardiovascular illnesses Changes in lung function / structure / natural defense SMOKE: WHY BE CONCERNED? PUBLIC CONCERNS

10 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 SAFETY! Interstate 4: Florida (January 9, 2008)- FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission N PUBLIC CONCERNS Interstate 4 Winds 5-11 mph Predicted RH= 60%+ LVORI?

11 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 SAFETY Interstate 4: Morning of January 9, 2008)

12 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 3. Safety- six burned vehicles, 4 fatalities, 38 injured. 70 cars/ trucks damaged. (AP Photo/Reinhold Matay) ( Reinhold Matay – AP)

13 3. Safety moke-from-forest-service-prescribed- fire-causes-school-bus-crash/ Smoke from Forest Service prescribed fire causes school bus crash

14 SMOKE MANAGEMENT PLAN OBJECTIVES Prevent public health and safety hazards!! Minimize amount of smoke entering sensitive areas Avoid significant deterioration of air quality Avoid NAAQS violations USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008

15 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Where are these objectives in your burn plan? Description of burn unit Map of burn unit Weather factors Fuel conditions Season and time of day Smoke screening plan Publicity Firing plan/ ignitions Control and mop-up

16 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 SMOKE: WHY BE CONCERNED? LEGAL REQUIREMENTS CLEAN AIR ACT States, Tribes, local gov’t take the lead State/Tribal Implementation Plans Smoke Management Programs EPA Sets limits on emissions / pollutants NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards) Reviewed Every 5 years Non-attainment and Maintenance Areas Approves States’ plans

17 NAAQS: PollutantPrimary Stds.Averaging TimesSecondary Stds. Carbon Monoxide9 ppm (10 mg/m 3 ) 8-hour (1) (1) None 35 ppm (40 mg/m 3 )1-hour (1) (1) None Lead1.5 µg/m 3 Quarterly AverageSame as Primary Nitrogen Dioxide0.053 ppm (100 µg/m 3 )Annual (Arithmetic Mean) Same as Primary Particulate Matter (PM10) 150 µg/m 3 24-hour (3) (3) Same as Primary Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) 15.0 µg/m 3 Annual (4) (Arith. Mean) (4)Same as Primary 35 µg/m 3 24-hour (5) (5) Same as Primary Ozone0.075 ppm8-hour (6) (6) Same as Primary 0.12 ppm1-hour (7) (Applies only in limited areas) (7) Same as Primary Sulfur Oxides0.03 ppmAnnual (Arith. Mean)------- 0.14 ppm24-hour (1) (1) ------- 3-hour (1) (1) 0.5 ppm (1300 µg/m 3 )

18 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 SMOKE: WHY BE CONCERNED? LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Federal Agencies must comply with state and local regulations and procedures Burn permits Others vary by state Visibility must be maintained Class I Areas- e.g. National Parks >5000 acres

19 CLASS I AREAS Native American Lands

20 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Legal requirements KNOW THE NON-ATTAINMENT AREAS IN YOUR AREA Areas that the State and EPA have determined exceed the NAAQS for specific pollutant(s). Burning OR sending smoke into a Non-Attainment Area: May require Conformity Analysis Completed with NEPA Call your Air Specialist Work with the state prior to the burn


22 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 TOOLS to help prescribed burners plan for compliance Weather-related predictions Smoke Modeling Smoke Monitoring Atmospheric Dispersion Index NASA Satellite Imagery of Fires in Georgia: May 7, 2007 in Georgia: May 7, 2007

23 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Weather-related predictions

24 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Weather-related predictions

25 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Smoke Modeling FCAMMS FireConsortiaforAdvanced Modeling of Modeling ofMeteorology and Smoke. and Smoke.

26 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Smoke Modeling USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Burn Plan  Day of BurnBurn Plan  Day of Burn –SIMPLE SMOKE SCREENING –SASEM –V-SMOKE –V-SMOKE GIS –SMOKE IMPACT SPREADSHEET –HYSPLIT –PB-PIEDMONT –BLUESKY –Available:

27 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Smoke Modeling: V-SMOKE USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 VSMOKE: Level II model used to predict period by period particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and visibility estimates at 31 distances (0.06 - 62 miles). http:// Primary contact: –Bill Jackson 828-257- 4815

28 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Smoke Modeling: V-SMOKE GIS VSMOKE-GIS: For use in flat to gently rolling terrain, and steady wind conditions. http:// Primary contact: –Bill Jackson 828-257-4815 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008

29 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Smoke Modeling: SIS USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 Smoke Impact Spreadsheet (SIS) –Screening model used in complex terrain –Couples FOFEM with CALPUFF –Results are in simple Excel spreadsheet

30 TOOLS FOR MANAGING SMOKE Smoke Modeling: Simple Smoke Screening USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008

31 Before Approving the Burn Plan:  Were The Sensitive Areas / Receptors Identified?  Non-Attainment Areas  Conformity Analysis (NEPA)  Class I Areas  Highways and Airports  Hospitals  Towns, Communities  Recreational Areas  Are Potential Impacts Identified? USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 BURN PLANS: SMOKE

32 Know your Meteorological Thresholds. Avoid:Avoid: –Mixing Heights < 1700’ –Transport Winds (Speed and Direction) <9 mph –Dispersion Index <41 or less than 8 at night –LVORI >7 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 BURN PLANS: SMOKE Before approving the Burn Plan: Stable Atmosphere Un-stable Atmosphere

33 How else do we minimize risk? Suggested: for rough > 2yrs, use backing fire, unless done 3 hrs before sunset Mop up promptly! Keep stumps, snags from burning, or extinguish them carefully

34 Before Approving the Burn Plan: Potential for Plume Collapse? –Mass ignition (e.g. aerial ignitions) Smoke Plume Rises Above Mixing Height Potential Effects Farther Downwind/ in urban areas (60-100+ miles) What is the Contingency Plan? Will Timely Information Be Made Available ? –Notification List in Burn Plan- who will contact those who may be impacted? –Inform Public / Press of Smoke Impacts USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 BURN PLANS: SMOKE

35 Determine your method and frequency of weather forecasts and smoke monitoring –Daytime v. Nighttime Dispersal? –Multiple Day Burns? –Look Beyond Day/Time of Burn Are Conditions Expected to Change Overnight –Minimum: Check Daily Until Declared “Out” Define conditions to leave fire unstaffed at the end of the burn... USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 BURN PLANS: SMOKE Before Approving the Burn Plan:

36 USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008 During the Burn- Monitoring Smoke Smoke Monitoring on the Day of Burn Visual Ground Aerial Satellite Instrumental Contact Air Specialists State Particulate Monitors Web-based Agency Air Specialist State Air Quality Managers

37 After The Burn Is Complete: Post Burn Smoke Evaluation: –Were Complaints Received? How Many? By Whom? Location? –Did We Impact Any Sensitive Targets?. –What Caused The Smoke Problems? Implementation problems? Changes in weather conditions? –Were The NAAQS Exceeded? Do we have the documentation needed by the State? –CONDUCT IMMEDIATELY POST BURN USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management January 2008

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