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RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD FEDERAL REGISTER 1/8/98 29 CFR 1910. 134 Revised Other OSHA Standards That Incorporated 1910.134 By Reference.

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1 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD FEDERAL REGISTER 1/8/98 29 CFR 1910. 134 Revised Other OSHA Standards That Incorporated 1910.134 By Reference

2 DATES EFFECTIVE DATE: APRIL 8, 1998 COMPLIANCE DATES: Paragraph (a) September 8, 1998 Paragraph (b-o) October 5, 199 8

3 NEW REQUIREMENTS Program Administrator Mandatory Medical Questionnaire Fit Testing Protocols Specified Fit Testing and Training Annually

4 NEW REQUIREMENTS More Detailed Written Procedures Change Schedule for Cartridges Used for Gas and Vapors Breathing Air Quality Specified in More Detail - Moisture Content etc..

5 APPLICABILITY Respirator Use Required If PEL Exceeded If Employer Requires Respirator Use Below PEL Voluntary Use Below PEL

6 WRITTEN PROGRAM Procedures for Selecting Respirators Medical Evaluation Fit Testing Procedures Procedures for Use of Respirators Procedures and Schedules for Respirator Maintenance (cleaning, disinfecting, storing, inspecting, repairing, discarding)

7 WRITTEN PROGRAM Procedures to Ensure Adequate Air Quality Quantity, and flow of Breathing Air Training Employees on Respiratory Hazards, Proper Use, Limitations and Maintenance Procedures for Evaluating Program Effectiveness

8 RESPIRATOR SELECTION Requires use of NIOSH approved respirators Provides general guidance for selection Must select respirators from a sufficient number of models and sizes so it fits correctly

9 RESPIRATOR SELECTION Non IDLH gases and vapors –atmosphere supplying or –air purifying respirator with ESLI or change schedule Particulates –filter certified under 42 CFR 84

10 RESPIRATOR SELECTION Respirators for IDLH –A full face pressure demand 30 minute SCBA –Combination full face pressure demand airline/SCBA All Ox. deficient atmospheres are IDLH See Table II for exceptions at altitude Unknown atmosphere IDLH

11 MEDICAL EVALUATION Required prior to fit test Must be performed by a PLHCP using a medical questionnaire or exam Appendix C - Medical Questionnaire Follow up exam if positive answer - any tests or procedures determined by PLHCP

12 MEDICAL EVALUATION Provide written procedures, respirator weight, duration and frequency of use, physical effort required, temperature and humidity to PLHCP Written report provided to employer and employee

13 MEDICAL EVALUATION Additional medical evaluation required: –employee report –PLHCP, supervisor or program administrator specifies –observations during fit testing or program observation –change occurs in workplace

14 FIT TESTING Required prior to initial use –Whenever a different respirator is used –Annual requirement –Change in employee physical condition Required for all tight fitting respirators Follow OSHA Protocol in Standard

15 FIT TESTING Qualitative - If FF required less than or equal to 100 Quantitative - If FF required more than 100 Quantitative FF Pass –100 for half face piece –500 for full face piece

16 USE OF RESPIRATORS Prohibits facial hair at the sealing surface or that interferes with valve function Must conduct a user seal check before each use –Procedures in Appendix B –Procedures as recommended by manufacturer that the employer demonstrates as effective

17 USE OF RESPIRATORS Allows employees to leave the respirator use area: –to wash face / face piece to prevent skin irritation –if break through, changes in resistance, or face piece leakage –to replace respirator air purifying element

18 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and disinfecting must use procedures in Appendix B or equivalent provided by manufacturer Recharge cylinders when pressure below 90%

19 BREATHING AIR oxygen - 19.5-23.5% hydrocarbons - 5mg/m3 carbon monoxide less than or equal to 10 ppm carbon dioxide less than or equal to 1000 ppm

20 BREATHING AIR Compressor air moisture - dew point at least 10 F below ambient temperature Cylinder air moisture - dew point less than or equal to -50 F Alarms for oil lubricated compressor - if no CO alarm, (high temperature alarm only) air must be monitored and not exceed 10 ppm

21 TRAINING Required: –Prior to initial use –Annually –Changes in workplace or respirator type Employee must be able to demonstrate knowledge: –Why respirator is necessary –Limitations and capabilities of respirator

22 TRAINING –How to use the respirator properly –How to inspect, put on, use, check seal –Respirator maintenance and storage –Medical signs and symptoms that may limit the use of a respirator –General requirement of 1910.134 Voluntary use - train on Appendix D

23 PROGRAM EVALUATION Needed to ensure program is properly implemented Employees are to be consulted regularly to assess their views and identify problems

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