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Trouble-Free ERV Trouble-Free ERV for over 20 years!

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1 Trouble-Free ERV Trouble-Free ERV for over 20 years!

2 Trouble-Free ERV What is RenewAire? An advanced static-plate exchanger

3 Trouble-Free ERV What does RenewAire do? 1. Transfers heat by conduction 2. Transfers humidity using hydroscopic resin

4 Trouble-Free ERV Proven Technology  The largest selling ERV technology in the world for over 30 years  A leader in the North American market since 1983  10s of thousands of successful installations large and small RenewAire EV450

5 Trouble-Free ERV Kuala LumpurPoint Barrow

6 Trouble-Free ERV Why is ventilation necessary?  Applicable local codes  International Mechanical Code Requires “balanced” exhaust and make-up  ASHRAE 62 engineering standard for “Acceptable Indoor Air Quality”  Codes requiring energy recovery Ohio, Minnesota, Canada  Solve IAQ problems

7 Trouble-Free ERV HOURS 05/26/95 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 M PPM CO2 (THOUSANDS) PRESCHOOL FACILITY- Before RenewAire HE450 OSHA 800 PPM CO 2 LIMIT ASHRAE-1000 PPM CO 2 LIMIT IAQ - Case Study

8 Trouble-Free ERV HOURS 05/28/95 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 M PPM CO2 (THOUSANDS) PRESCHOOL FACILITY- After RenewAire HE450 Installation OSHA 800 PPM CO 2 LIMIT ASHRAE-1000 PPM CO 2 LIMIT IAQ Case Study TIME CLOCK TURNED OFF - HE450

9 Trouble-Free ERV EPA “Tools for Schools” Ventilation is a critical component

10 Trouble-Free ERV Hospitality IAQ  Accommodation of smokers and non-smokers in bars and restaurants  Full time ventilation requirements 24/365 in hotels and motels  High ventilation rates in dedicated smoking areas, casinos and private clubs and lodges

11 Trouble-Free ERV IAQ Case Study Prime Time Sports Bar Smoke control for patrons and employees

12 Trouble-Free ERV Hospitality Industry IAQ ERV is #1 recommendation

13 Trouble-Free ERV Target Market  Schools  Medical and veterinary clinics  Nursing Homes  Hospitality facilities that accommodate smokers  Facilities with multiple ventilation requirements

14 Trouble-Free ERV  Flushes Out Contaminants  Dries Excess Moisture  Dispels Odors  CAN COST A LOT But Ventilation with Energy Recovery Minimizes That Cost CONVENTIONAL VENTILATION

15 Trouble-Free ERV ERVs versus HRVs  Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) transfer temperature differential only Aluminum and plastic plate exchangers and heat pipes Good for high humidity and high temperature applications Positive air stream separation Not often used for general building ventilation because of low efficiency

16 Trouble-Free ERV HRVs Shortcomings?  Complex controls  Seasonal Adds humidity to the building in summer  Condensate pan and drain required  Active defrost required anywhere north of Florida  Low overall efficiency  Temperature exchange only Lifebreath 700 FD

17 Trouble-Free ERV ERVs versus HRVs  Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) transfer temperature and humidity differential Desiccant wheels and enthalpic plate units Best in cold climates and hot humid climates High temperature and humidity transfer efficiency Not used for indoor pools etc.

18 Trouble-Free ERV How are Wheels Vulnerable?  Complex controls  Cross contamination - purge air required  Parasitic power consumption  High (expensive) maintenance  Failure mode impacts HVAC load Wheel stops, recovery stops Failure=100% outside air  Air leakage at seals – Lost Air Semco FV2000

19 Trouble-Free ERV Wheel Leakage Effects Media Rotation Exhaust Air Outdoor Air Diameter Seals=Contamination Circumference Seals= Lost Efficiency

20 Trouble-Free ERV Lost Air Effects SEMCO FV600 Not ARI Certified – SEMCO data Outdoor Air Fresh Air Supply Exhaust Air Room Air PURGE AIR (150 CFM ) Media Rotation 450 CFM Wheel Cross Section 600 CFM 450 CFM Pressure = 0.00 Exhaust Air Transfer = 0.04% OACF = 1.33

21 Trouble-Free ERV ARI-1060-2000 Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment Product Certification

22 Trouble-Free ERV What is Certified?  The energy recovery component  Performance at “Standard Conditions” Winter - OA= 35°Fdb, 33°Fwb RA=70°Fdb, 58°Fwb Summer - OA= 95°Fdb, 78°Fwb RA=75°Fdb, 63°Fwb  Airflow, pressure drop, effectiveness, purge air (OACF), and cross contamination (EATR)

23 Trouble-Free ERV Lost Air Effects Micrometl ERV-AA Rated Airflow = 500CFM Outdoor Air Fresh Air Supply Exhaust Air Room Air PURGE AIR (165 CFM ) Media Rotation 500 CFM Wheel Cross Section 665 CFM 500 CFM Pressure = 0.00 Exhaust Air Transfer = 0.2% OACF = 1.33

24 Trouble-Free ERV Lost Air Effects Micrometl ERV-AA Rated Airflow = 500CFM Outdoor Air Fresh Air Supply Exhaust Air Room Air PURGE AIR (295 CFM ) Media Rotation 500 CFM Wheel Cross Section 795 CFM 500 CFM Pressure = +0.5 Exhaust Air Transfer = 0.0% OACF = 1.59

25 Trouble-Free ERV Lost Air Effects Micrometl ERV-AA Rated Airflow = 500CFM Outdoor Air Fresh Air Supply Exhaust Air Room Air PURGE AIR (10 CFM ) Media Rotation 500 CFM Wheel Cross Section 510 CFM 500 CFM Pressure = -0.5 Exhaust Air Transfer = 9.9% OACF = 1.02

26 Trouble-Free ERV Wheel Performance - A Delicate Balance Low Efficiency Low Cross ContaminationHigh Efficiency High Cross Contamination Ventilation System Design

27 Trouble-Free ERV Wheel Performance - A Delicate Balance Low Efficiency Low Cross ContaminationHigh Efficiency High Cross Contamination Ventilation System Design

28 Trouble-Free ERV Without Regular, Professional Service System Failure !

29 Trouble-Free ERV “Lost Air” is Significant in Wheels  Small wheels 15-30% purge air and still some exhaust air transfer  Small wheels over 50% purge air to achieve 0.0 exhaust air transfer  Large wheels typically 10-20%

30 Trouble-Free ERV Desiccant Degradation  ARI-1060 testing was conducted on a desiccant wheel exchanger from a major US manufacturer  The unit was removed for testing after being used for an equivalent of four years in a residential application  Aged performance was compared to certified data for the product

31 Trouble-Free ERV Desiccant Degradation Con’t  Cross leakage of exhaust air into fresh air (EATR) increased from 10.0% to 19.5%, an increase of 95%  Sensible exchange efficiency decreased from 75.0% to 70%, a decrease of 7% due to increased leakage  Total exchange efficiency decreased from 70% to 58%, a decrease of 17% due mainly to desiccant degradation

32 Trouble-Free ERV ARI Tests Clean Wheels Close-up of wheel surface H²O CO² Formaldehyde

33 Trouble-Free ERV Dirty Wheels Don’t Expose Desiccant Close-up of wheel surface H²O CO² Formaldehyde

34 Trouble-Free ERV Wheel Maintenance is Critical  Air-X-Change recommends buying a replacement wheel with each unit to switch out for cleaning  Seal adjustment and replacement  Trueing wheel  Belt or drive adjustment or replacement

35 Trouble-Free ERV RenewAire is… A clear alternative to the wheel

36 Trouble-Free ERV EV450  Positive air stream separation  No condensate or defrost  Simple to maintain  Reliable long term operation RenewAire Static Plate ERV

37 Trouble-Free ERV Certified Performance  Safety and durability - UL  Residential product performance - HVI  Commercial product performance - ARI

38 Trouble-Free ERV Lost Air Effects RenewAire EV450 Rated Airflow = 450 CFM Outdoor Air Exhaust Air Fresh Air Supply 450 CFM Core Cross Section 459 CFM Room Air 450 CFM Pressure = 0.0 Exhaust Air Transfer = 0.0% OACF = 1.02

39 Trouble-Free ERV




43 RenewAire is a Proven Stable Technology To Build your Ventilation Design On! Low Cross ContaminationHigh Efficiency Ventilation System Design

44 Trouble-Free ERV RenewAire Allows Equipment Downsizing

45 Trouble-Free ERV Simple Maintenance

46 Trouble-Free ERV vs. Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow  Straight Air Passages Laminar Flow Doesn’t clog  Typical Velocity 200 - 500 ft./ min.  Static pressure loss 0.3 - 1.3 inch RenewAire Technology

47 Trouble-Free ERV Does the RenewAire Core Foul with Particulate? As you can see particulate will mat on the low velocity entering faces of the core.

48 Trouble-Free ERV Note that the air passages have no particulate accumulation.

49 Trouble-Free ERV After vacuum cleaning with soft brush- air flow is fully restored.

50 Trouble-Free ERV RenewAire Core Warranty Plus, Two year parts & manufacturing quality warranty

51 Trouble-Free ERV A Complete Line of Static-Plate ERVs Residential and Small Commercial Applied Products RTEC – Roof Top End Connect Outdoor Commercial Indoor Commercial  “C” - Series (cabinet)  500-20,000 CFM  “P” – Series (panelized)  1,500-unlimited CFM  Requires blowers and manifolds by others  5 models  250-3,700 CFM  1 or 3 phase multi-voltage  24 volt control  Available transition for various brand rooftop units  7 models  250-7,950 CFM  1 or 3 phase multi-voltage  24/120/230 volt control  Available vertical or horizontal duct connections  5 models  100-500 CFM  Built-in 24 volt transformer/relay package V H  11 models  250-7,950 CFM  1 or 3 phase multi-voltage  24/120/230 volt control

52 Trouble-Free ERV Example Integrated ERV/Fan Coil in School Classroom

53 Trouble-Free ERV Example Integrated ERV/VAV box in School Classroom

54 Trouble-Free ERV Twenty-seven EV450 units above suspended ceiling Yellow Medicine East High School, MN School Retrofit Installation

55 Trouble-Free ERV HE2X900V with Packaged Fan Coil Wingspread

56 Trouble-Free ERV Hospitality – Hotel Installation Woodfield Suites Madison, Wisconsin Six roof-top stand-alone units - 24hr, 365 day operation

57 Trouble-Free ERV School New Construction Ballentine Elementary School Columbia, South Carolina Fourteen RTEC ERVs tied into Carrier and ICP roof top units


59 Trouble-Free ERV Tying the RTEC ERV and Rooftop a/c unit together ++ + RTEC ERV Flange Scoop Rooftop a/c = Problem Solved

60 Trouble-Free ERV HE900RTEC Connected to Trane Rooftop A/C

61 Trouble-Free ERV C-Series Assembly of RenewAire cores in Stackable Cabinet 500 CFM up to 4400 CFM Up to five units can be stacked for up to 22,000 CFM Equipped with Standard 2” Pleated Filters Double Wall Construction Available Uses Separate Blowers Custom & Applied Products

62 Trouble-Free ERV RenewAire Applied Products Cabinet - “C” Series - ERV Installed in Air Handling System RenewAire

63 Trouble-Free ERV Cabinet - “C” Series - ERV Installed in Air Handling System Bob Johnson Hockey Training Facility

64 Trouble-Free ERV Healthcare – Hospital Installation Applied Products: two P3003 and two P3002 Holy Family Hospital Manitowoc, Wisconsin

65 Trouble-Free ERV RenewAire: Competitive Advantages  ARI Certified 0% cross contamination  Warranted against core degradation for 10 years  Lowest maintenance costs  Full commercial and residential line  Competitive pricing

66 Trouble-Free ERV

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