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Genetics and Genetic Engineering terms clones b organisms or cells of nearly identical genetic makeup derived from a single source.

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2 Genetics and Genetic Engineering terms

3 clones b organisms or cells of nearly identical genetic makeup derived from a single source

4 complementary b containing structures that match or bond with related structures

5 electrophoresis b technique used to separate migrating molecules in an electrical field

6 Expression b the appearance of a trait directed by a gene

7 Codon (Genetic code) b a series of three nucleotide bases that determine the amino acid order and the proteins formed in cell reproduction

8 Transgenic b b a cell or organism that harbors another organism or DNA from a foreign source.

9 Genetic Engineering b technology involved in removing, modifying, or adding genes to a DNA molecule

10 Ligase b enzyme used to join two pieces of DNA

11 Mutation b a heritable change in genetic makeup

12 Nucleotides b building blocks of nucleic acid composed of a sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogenous base

13 Plasmid b a small, usually circular, piece of DNA that is separate from the chromosomal DNA

14 Polymerase b an enzyme that joins nucleotides to make nucleic acid

15 Recombinant DNA b DNA that has been altered by genetic engineering

16 Restriction enzyme b restriction endonuclease b enzyme that cuts DNA strands at specific sites

17 sequence b order of nucleotides or amino acids

18 template b a pattern used for developing a complementary structure

19 trait b a characteristic resulting from gene expression

20 transform b to change the genetic makeup of an organism by alteration of the DNA

21 vector b an agent such as a plasmid used to transfer DNA into a host cell

22 Complex Organism b higher organism b an organism with cells, tissues, and organs arranged to function as a single unit b ex. Plants, animals, humans

23 cell membrane b delicate structure that surrounds the cell

24 Cytoplasm b cell fluid containing all cell structures

25 Nucleus b control center of a cell b contains most of the DNA

26 Chromosomes b structures that are physical carriers of genes b made up of DNA b are located in cell nucleus

27 Ribosome b site where new proteins are produced b result of genetic expression

28 Genetic engineering b technology involved in removing, modifying, or adding genes to a DNA molecule

29 Genetic engineering b movement of a gene from one organism to another

30 Other names b recombinant DNA technology b recombinant DNA science b gene transfer b gene splicing gene cloning

31 Naturally occurring b alterations in the genetic makeup of plants and animals allow them to respond to changes in their environment

32 Naturally occurring b some bacteria and viruses change the function of cells by inserting their DNA into the DNA of the cell

33 Scientific Gen eng. b Scientists have developed the ability to transfer genetic material from one organism to another

34 Scientific Gen eng. b Plasmids found in some organisms can be engineered to accept DNA from other sources

35 Scientific Gen eng. b Restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA at specific sites b cut ends of plasmid rings can accept pieces of DNA from other organisms

36 Scientific Gen eng. b The ability to cut and splice DNA segments is providing many opportunities for changing the function of organisms

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