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HUMAN RELATIONS IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY Unit 2. Unit #2  Seminar  Discussion Board  Gender issues in policing assignments  Written Project.

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2 Unit #2  Seminar  Discussion Board  Gender issues in policing assignments  Written Project

3 Project Unit 2  Write a 2 -3 page paper. This means 2-3 FULL pages of written material (excluding cover page) that responds to the following:  According to the United States Census, the population in the United States is growing more and more diverse with each decade. While an increase in diversity adds a wonderful richness to society, it also adds challenges to serving the needs of the community effectively.  With the help of your text material, discuss three challenges that police officers may confront when working with diverse populations.  Propose solutions to these challenges.  Address how pervasive the influence of culture, race, and ethnicity is in the workplace.

4 Project continued (PLEASE NOTE: This essay may require outside research) The paper should contain a cover page, in text citations, a list of references in APA format. All internal citation of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA format. All text pages (at least 2-3 full pages) should be double-spaced and in 12-point font. You may consult the Kaplan Online Library, the Internet (creditable cites only- NO WIKIPEDIA REFERENCES), the textbook and other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style. If citations and references are not included points will be deducted.

5 Question  Why is it important for police departments to employ a diverse group of people within its ranks?

6 Diversity- A changing population  Law Enforcement must reflect the diversity of communities they serve  All individual groups bring a different perspective to police-community relations  Failure of law enforcement to recognize and adjust to community diversity can foster confusion and resentment among citizens and lead to the breakdown of trust between a law enforcement agency and its community

7 Law Enforcement Diversity: A Microcosm of Society


9 Ethnic and Racial Issues within the Workforce  Racism: (Heritage Dictionary)  Discrimination or prejudice based on race.  Racism within law enforcement  Wiley G. Overton first black policeman hired by New York Police Department in 1891

10 Discrimination Statistics in 2008  Race discrimination: 33,937 charges; resolved 28,321; $79.3 million  Religion-based discrimination: 3,273 charges; resolved 2,727; $7.5 million  National origin–based discrimination: 9,396 charges; resolved 8,498; $25.4 million

11 Question  What do you feel was the best suggestion for defusing racially and culturally motivated conflicts in the workplace?

12 Defusing Racially and Culturally Rooted Conflicts  Admit that racism exists.  US Army model  Command commitment  Training of advisers  Complaints and monitoring

13 Sondra Thiederman’s Conflict Resolution Guidelines 1. Give the opportunity to voice concerns without interruption. 2. Attempt to obtain agreement on the problem 3. Keep employees on the subject of the central issue. 4. Establish whether the issue is indeed rooted in cultural differences 5. Summarize the cultural differences.

14 Sondra Thiederman’s Conflict Resolution Guidelines 6. State the negative outcomes that will result if the situation is not resolved (be specific). 7. State the positive outcomes that will result if the situation is resolved (be specific). 8. Negotiate terms by allowing those involved to come up with the solutions. 9. Provide positive reinforcement as soon as the situation improves.

15 Question  QUESTION: Do you see value in assigning officers of the same ethnic or cultural makeup to neighborhoods that match their makeup? Are there negatives to this approach?

16 Assignment Based on Diversity  Often to a tough, high-crime area  More often exposed to violence  Not all ethnically diverse officers have the skills, desire, or experiences for diverse neighborhoods  Not the best use of resources  Certain officers have the internalized hatred  Unfair to officers and neighborhoods  Many could be stuck in an area preventing promotion  Based on best fit for the neighborhood, competence and capabilities

17 Women in Law Enforcement  1845 – NY hired first police “matron”  1922 – IACP supported the use of policewomen  1964 – Passage of EEO Act applied to state and local governments the provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964  1985 -- First woman chief of police in a major city (Portland, Oregon)  1994 -- First African American woman chief of police in Atlanta

18 Question  What types of negative issues do women in law enforcement have to deal with?

19 Women Workplace Issues  Overcoming the attitudes of society  Overcoming the attitudes of their male co-workers and supervisors  Bias, discrimination, and harassment issues

20 Workplace Issues  Sexual Harassment  Hostile work environment  Quid pro quo sexual harassment  Gender harassment

21 Workplace Issues  Role Barriers  The Brotherhood  Double Standard  Differential Treatment  Career vs Family

22 Barriers to Women’s Advancement

23 Mentor and Support Programs  Provide information, advice, support, and encouragement  Leading, developing, and guiding by example  Informal networks

24 Gays and Lesbians in Law Enforcement  Policy versus practice  Public relations versus recruitment  The controversy  Differences in treatment of gay versus lesbian officers

25 The Chief Executive  Demonstrate commitment  Plan  Manage organizational change  Develop police-community partnerships  Provide new leadership models

26 Recruitment of a Diverse Workforce  President’s Crime Commission Report (1967)  Kerner Commission Report (1968)  Warren Christopher Commission Report (1992) on the Los Angeles Police Department, following the first Rodney King trial

27 Profile of Federal, Local, and County Personnel  U.S. Department of Justice collects information on law enforcement agencies  Progress has been made for women and minorities  The numbers still do not represent the demographics of our communities

28 Recruitment Crisis  Shortage of applicants for police departments  Applicant pool will be dominated by minorities and women  Applicant histories

29 Question  QUESTION: What are some methods that can be utilized to recruit more women and minorities into law enforcement?

30 Recruitment Strategies  Commitment  Planning  Resources  Selection and Training of Recruiters  Recruiting Incentives  Community Involvement  High School Police Academy  Adopt-a-Cop Program

31 Recruitment Difficulties 1. Senior Management and the “diversity message” Commitment Policy 2. Informal networking channels closed to outsiders All-white, all-male? 3. In-house recruiters errors  Variety in message  Community assistance

32 Recruitment Difficulties 4. Differences in life experience  Education GPA: single, single with children, married with children 5. Negative judgments based on personality or communication style differences  Accents, communication differences, assertiveness, other personality factors 6. Introductions to similar employees  Race, ethnicity, or gender groups  Mentor or support groups.

33 Recruitment Difficulties 7. Thorough candidate search  Diverse candidates – 4 to 6 weeks longer on average 8. Early identification recruitment program  Internships, scholarships, and placements  Police-affiliated programs (e.g., PAL)

34 Selection Processes 1. Maintain Satisfaction Level for Employees Positive and Inclusive Workplace Culture Survey and Culture Assessments Important Policies and Procedures Reviewed Supervisors’ Commitment, Support and Assistance Field Training Programs Reviewed and Evaluated Role Models and Mentors

35 Selection Processes 2. Fair and Relevant Applicant Screening Processes Basic qualifications Intelligence and problem-solving capacity Psychological fitness Current and past illegal drug use Character as revealed by records, background checks, credit history, and polygraph examination Aptitude and ability to serve others Racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, and cultural biases

36 Question  Many have commented that discrimination in hiring still exists today. How do we go about correcting it?

37 Legal Issues and Affirmative Action Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964  Prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin  1972 EEO Act passage now applies to state and local governments Affirmative Action

38 Retention and Promotion of a Diverse Workforce  Lack of promotion  “Bullet-proof glass ceiling”  An invisible and often perceived barrier  Prevents some ethnic or racial groups and women from being promoted

39 How to Go Through the Glass Ceiling Useful practices have included the following: 1. Have objective and measurable standards 2. Have quantitative and qualitative standards 3. Have consistent performance standards 4. Hold the agency and senior managers accountable for their actions

40 Unit #3  Read Chapter 5 in Multicultural Law Enforcement  Law Enforcement Contact with Asian/Pacific Americans  Attend the weekly Seminar  Respond to the Discussion Board  Why do you think that many Asian/Pacific Americans tend to resolve problems within their own communities? What can police officers and agencies do to reach this population more?

41 Questions?   ForbesTeaching on AIM  Virtual Office

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