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LGICT Committee Terms of Reference, Governance, Methodology DRAFT Document Author:Paula Giles, MAV Lisa Bennetto, LGICT Version Number:Version 2.0 Date:03/05/2012.

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1 LGICT Committee Terms of Reference, Governance, Methodology DRAFT Document Author:Paula Giles, MAV Lisa Bennetto, LGICT Version Number:Version 2.0 Date:03/05/2012 Document File Name:LGICT_TOR_2012

2 Introduction The Local Government Information Communications Technology Group (LGICT) was established by the Municipal Association of Victoria in 2004. It is an independently funded group of Local Government IT managers and officers, who are committed to demonstrating leadership in ICT to support effective delivery of community services. LGICT membership is available to all Victorian councils. The LGICT provides: communication channels for members to share ideas, resources and experiences; collaborative procurement opportunities to reduce costs and increase efficiency; conference and forum events to encourage discussion and innovation; funding for projects of strategic value to the sector; fellowships and awards to encourage and recognise innovation in ICT; advocacy for major project delivery and transformative initiatives; a platform to engage and co-operate with other levels of government.

3 Membership and structure LGICT membership is available to all councils and is secured by annual subscription (which is independent from MAV membership fees). The LGICT Group is governed by the LGICT Committee, which is made up of volunteer representatives from member councils, from which a chair and deputy chair is elected. The Committee makes decisions regarding the LGICT Group's strategic direction; project funding and support; event co- ordination; vendor sponsorships and partnerships; engagement with State and Federal government; and advocacy for innovative and transformative ICT initiatives. The activities of the LGICT Group and Committee are co-ordinated by the LGICT Executive Officer, who is appointed by the Committee and supported by MAV staff and services. Any member council of the LGICT Group can volunteer a representative to join the LGICT Committee. Nominations are sought annually.

4 Guiding Principles Principle Operational Intent Deliver business value through improved processes  Consistent reuse of common standards drives efficiency Establish shared standards for infrastructure and applications  Promote economy of scale and standardised processes Leverage procurement & vendor management  Gain maximum tactical and strategic value from Suppliers Support the diversity of business priorities across Local Government  Recognise local requirements rather than a “one size fits all’ approach Develop strong project management capabilities  Ensure outcomes are delivered and benefits realised Optimise usage of shared skills and resources  Collaborate for effective delivery Make appropriate use of shared services and selective outsourcing  Consider core business and most cost effective ICT service delivery model Deliver effective ICT governance  Incorporate information assurance into all strands of strategy Provide balanced approach to risk management  Enable risk appetite to be localised

5 Strategic Objectives Improved alignment of IT to business priorities Effective shared services model Optimum resource development & utilisation Integrated government interfaces Reliable and efficient ICT service delivery Increase Quality and Value of ICT Services Increase Stakeholder Engagement Enable/Implement digital economy initiatives Revise ICT Sector Priorities and Align Individual ICT Strategies Measure alignment to Local Government priorities Communicate/promote our success

6 Current Priorities 1.Improve communications and visibility of LGICT - with the MAV - with Member Councils 2.Develop and maintain Centres of Excellence 3.Coordinate knowledge / case studies for; -Mobility -Cloud, hosted and managed services (shared) -e-services (24x7) -Sustainability (initiative commenced) 4.Facilitate liaison for the Digital Economy with the Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy, NBN Co and others

7 Work Plan

8 Project Assessment Criteria (INDICATIVE) That the project: Should advance the sector and the LGICT Strategy in a meaningful, significant way Demonstrates sufficient sector interest and appeal for the project’s deployment and take-up. Helps facilitate new organisation forms and/or ways of doing things which improve intra/inter council operations and service delivery (eg collaborative networks) Directly contributes to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of council processes Supports role of council in region or community building activities and development Is capable of re-use, re-deployment, extension, or knowledge sharing across the sector Minimises or reduces direct cost of major expenditure categories Has a reasonable payback period (to be defined) Intangible Benefits Tangible Benefits

9 LGICT Committee Project Stage Governance (INDICATIVE) Stage 1 Initiate Stage 1 Initiate Stage 2 Scope & Set Up Stage 2 Scope & Set Up Stage 3 Detailed Design Stage 3 Detailed Design Stage 4 Implement & Manage Transition Stage 4 Implement & Manage Transition Stage 5 Review Outcome Stage 5 Review Outcome Provide an outline of an idea, proposition or opportunity and associated timing, resources, risks, issues and implementation impacts To prepare a preliminary business case outlining costs & benefits For large, complex projects or where additional funds are required: Describe project scope, approach, timing, resources, risks, issues, implementation impacts and future mode of operation where total investment is Review and update business case Mobilise Resources Trial as a ‘proof of concept’ or Implement Project Outline the approach & resources required for sector implementation, roll-out, or take up Identify impacts & risks Seek EOI and council investment where required Validate and confirm business case Manage and support Transition processes Evaluate Success against agreed objectives and original intent Identify any actions required Capture learning Program Governance, Engagement and Review Go/No Go PIR = Milestone and Go/No Go Decision Gate Project Proposal/Brief Feasibility Report Project Business Case Project Business Plan Project Implementation Plan Outcome Realisation Plan 1. INITIATE PROJECT 2. MANAGE PROJECT3. REALISE BENEFITS Note: ICT innovation sometimes requires a more flexible and adaptable approach to project governance. This process chart is indicative only.

10 Project Proposal Brief (Template: Table of Contents) 1.PROJECT NAME: PROJECT STAGE: 2.PROJECT PURPOSE: (Overall purpose, what are we seeking to achieve?) 3.PROJECT OBJECTIVES: (List of key objectives/outcomes against which project success will be evaluated) 4.PROJECT APPROACH: (How would the project be undertaken? What key stages) 5.PROJECT TIME FRAME: (Indicate start/finish dates overall or by stage) 6.PROJECT RESOURCES: (Indicate team leader, members of reference group, people, materials, organisations involved, etc.) 7.PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS: (Those who have a direct interest in the outcomes of this project, or who need to be involved at key stages) 8.PROJECT SPONSOR: (Council or Region sponsoring this initiative)

11 Local Government ICT Committee LGICT Committee Regional IT Group Member Councils MAV Representative LGICT Executive Officer Co-ordinate local activities and knowledge sharing forums Identify needs and define initiatives Review initiatives Propose priorities and funding requests/support Undertake implementation of agreed initiatives Note: Individual member councils can also propose projects and/or request funding and support for ICT initiatives. Role of Regional Groups Recommend/ Agree/Input and Local Decision Making TBC Skills Based

12 Terms of Reference Chair: –Elected annually by LGICT Committee members Scope: –The committee will focus on the ICT priorities affecting all areas of council business, as identified in the LGICT Strategic Plan and approved by its subscribed member councils. –The committee will support, co-ordinate and fund ICT events, projects and communications activities that progress the objectives of the LGICT Strategic Plan. Membership: –LGICT Committee membership is determined by an annual nomination process available to all subscribed members of the LGICT group. Committee membership is reviewed each year in August: The Committee should have broad representation from across the state. Representation should include senior ICT practitioners from large and small councils. There should not be more than one appointee per council. The Committee should include a representative of the MAV. Role of Members: –To inform the LGICT’s work on ICT priority issues –To manage and allocate member subscription and other income streams to activities that progress the objectives of the LGICT Strategic Plan. –To participate in the formulation of MAV state-wide policy positions and campaigns. –To attend monthly LGICT Committee meetings –To respond to out-of-session communications WorkPlans and Timelines: –The committee should address the issues and strategic directions contained within the LGICT Strategic Plan –Short-term project or policy specific working groups may be created where the need arises –Meets every month (except January) –Review achievements and future strategy annually Term of Committee –There is no pre-determined sunset for this committee. Committee membership is reviewed annually. Reporting –Minutes and outcomes from committee meetings to be reported to the MAV Board by the LGICT Executive Officer. MAV Resourcing –Secretariat functions provided by MAV. LGICT Committee Resourcing –The LGICT Committee is funded by member subscription and event sponsorship income. Media and communications –The LGICT Executive Officer is responsible for communications pertaining to the LGICT. –The MAV President is the media spokesperson for the MAV. He may, at times, give express permission for the CEO or another person to act as a spokesperson on a specific matter. All media inquiries that occur in your capacity as a member of a MAV committee should be redirected to MAV Communications (Debbie Smith, 9667 5521, 0414 396 097, for the attention of the

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