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The MCH Proposal Development and Critique. The MCH Proposal: Development and Critique Introduction Donor vs foundation funding Funding resources Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "The MCH Proposal Development and Critique. The MCH Proposal: Development and Critique Introduction Donor vs foundation funding Funding resources Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MCH Proposal Development and Critique

2 The MCH Proposal: Development and Critique Introduction Donor vs foundation funding Funding resources Funding trends Preparing a good proposal Proposal critique

3 Key Proposal Development Steps Identify and research health need Identify potential funders Identify potential partners Design appropriate intervention Develop proposal and budget Submit proposal

4 Govt/multinational vs. Foundation Funds Flexibility (health need, geographic region, partners, etc.) Contract or grant Administrative and financial Requirements Size and scope

5 Funding Resources








13 Funding Trends Sustainable approaches Evaluation, output driven Alliances Cost share or leveraged financing Public/private partnerships Global Funds

14 Preparing a Good Proposal

15 Project beings with a compelling feasible Idea Addresses clearly articulated need Matches donor priorities Can be completed within time frame Needs/constraints can be addressed Will result in measurable difference

16 Write proposal making sure that: Writing is clear and concise Figures and tables are used when possible Specific format requirements of the donor are met All math is correct! Proposal completed on time…

17 Proposal Overview Executive summary Introduction Background Goals and objectives Implementation plan Evaluation Budget request and justification Supporting materials

18 Executive Summary Outline goal and key project elements Funding required Short, clear, compelling!

19 Introduction Introduce need and beneficiaries Introduce project response Introduce submitting organization Introduce key partners Outline fit with funder priorities

20 Background Describe project context Describe organization and partners work related to project Discuss community and official support Describe other related projects

21 Goals and Objectives Describe overall goal of project “Improve the reproductive health of women in the target area.” List specific, measurable “SMART” objectives Integrate reproductive health education into 25% of micro-credit programs nationwide Increase by 10% participation of out-of- school girls in health and development program

22 Use SMART Project Objectives SMART Project objectives ­Simple ­Measurable ­Appropriate ­Realistic ­Time limited

23 Implementation Plan Describe specific project activities Describe project management plan Match implementation plan with budget Outline when key activities will be initiated and completed (project timeline)

24 Evaluation Describe project outcomes Describe how progress toward objectives will be measured Outline how project will be monitored Budget for evaluation (10%-15%)


26 Budget Request and Justification Outline budget year and category (staff, travel, equipment/supplies, facilities, indirect costs) Justify each budget item by matching to implementation plan

27 Sample 1-year budget Staff Staff titlesDaysRateAmount Director40$300$12,000 Fringe Benefit @ 25%$3,000 Consultants Training expert20$250$ 5,000 Staff subtotal$20,000 Travel Seattle-Kenya RT$2,500$2,500 Nairobi 8 days perdiem$200$1,600 Travel Subtotal$4,100

28 Supporting Materials Information that is helpful, but not crucial, to understanding the project letters of support summaries of previous work staff capabilities organizational information publications

29 GOOD LUCK! Jacqueline Sherris, Ph.D. Strategic Program Leader Reproductive Health

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