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Techniques for selecting projects

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1 Techniques for selecting projects
Project Selection Techniques for selecting projects

2 Learning Objectives Understand basic evaluation models for selecting projects Understand various techniques and approaches to evaluating potential projects Understand the utility of computer tools in project selection Be able to evaluate your organization’s techniques and suggest improvements

3 Why is Project Selection Important?
The FIRST STEP in successful projects Wasted resources with starts and stops, high-risk, high-cost projects Lost opportunity costs of not doing the “right” projects Completion of projects that do not contribute to the organization’s strategic direction (throw-aways)

4 Overview of PS Issues Project Management Office (PMO): What role should it play? How can it help? Project Proposals: How is the list of potential projects built? Strategically selecting best Projects: What global criteria should be used? Project Selection: What local, individual criteria are important Dealing with Uncertainty: How important is risk analysis at this stage?

5 Project Management Office
What role should it play?

6 Potential Roles for the PMO
Define proposal formats and requirements Collect proposals Do preliminary screening based on criteria (local and global) Convene Strategic Board (Decision makers) Recommend and provide details to decision making board Follow-up on getting project approved, funded, organized, and initiated.

7 How to document a potential project
Project Proposals How to document a potential project

8 Project Proposal: Content
Executive summary Statement of need and business benefits of project Nature of problem to be solved and general approach to a solution Approach for implementation and support for the project Description and experience of potential project team

9 Project Proposal: Statement of need and Business Benefit
Description of the need in general terms (non-technical) Why it is a need now – urgency Business Benefits Tangibles and intangibles

10 Project Proposal: Technical Approach
More detailed description of problem to be addressed or project to be undertaken Major subsystems of problem or project Methodology or approach of solving the problem Possibly alternative analysis Special client requirements

11 Project Proposal: Implementation and support approach
Rough Order of Magnitude of effort and cost Impacts on equipment, facilities, staff In-house resource capability versus out-sourcing potentiality Termination success statement Potential logistic support needed Other “success” needs

12 Project Proposal: In-house staff and skills requirement
Key project staff required Estimate of skills required Availability of required project staff Impacts on organization departments and personnel

13 Project Selection Models
Global and Local Criteria

14 Models – Benefits Real world problems are much too complex to analyze in their entirety A Model is an attempt to identify and isolate the “essential” elements of the real world problem in order to simplify enough for analysis Models can provide valuable “insight” into the elements of a problem

15 Types of Models Numeric versus Non-numeric
Stochastic versus Deterministic Analytical versus Descriptive Diagrammatic versus Textual Complex, multifaceted versus Simple, single dimension

16 Characteristics of “Good” Model
Realistic – Should include all “important” variables of the real problem Capable – Should be able to integrate the variables into the algorithm Flexible – Should handle various combinations of variables, including new ones Easy to use – Should be intuitive, not requiring a long or steep learning curve Computerized – To alleviate the workload of using it

17 Non-numeric Selection Models
Sacred Cow (The boss wants it) Mandatory due to operations Mandatory due to competition Mandatory due to legislation (legal) Extension of existing activities, projects, products, or processes Comparative Benefits (Opinion based) Discussion Delphi Q-Sort

18 Q-Sort

19 Numeric PS Models: Profit / Profitability
Payback Period (PB) Average Rate of Return Discounted Cash Flow (NPV) Internal Rate of Return Profitability Index

20 Numeric PS Models: Scoring
Unweighted 0-1 Factor Model Unweighted Factor Scoring Model Weighted Factor Scoring Model Constrained Weighted Factor Scoring Model S = ∑(x), x=0,1 S = ∑(s), s=score S = ∑(s·w), w=weight S = ∑(s·w) ∏(c), c=constraint


22 Benefits of Scoring Models
Structurally simple Multiple decision criteria Easy to modify Easy to do “what if” or sensitivity analysis Weights provide flexibility

23 Drawbacks of Scoring Models
It is a “ranking” method, but does NOT necessarily represent “true” value Quantitative value may cause decisions without “judgment” Assigning values sometimes is haphazard Input value changes (assumptions) may cause large swings in results

24 Choosing the PS Model Firms with outside funding often chose scoring PS models Firms without outside funding often chose profit / profitability PS models 80% of Fortune 500 firms also use “nonnumeric” PS models

25 Risk Analysis with Crystal Ball

26 Including Risk Analysis – Stochastic Models
Instead of assigning a fixed value to a raw score, assign a range of values and a probability. Probability is usually more “realistic” It may also be more “correct”

27 Areas of Uncertainty Project timing & expected cash flow.
Direct outcome of project, i.e. what exactly will the project accomplish Side effects and unforeseen consequences of project

28 Introduction to Monte Carlo Technique
Outputs are a result of an algorithmic combination of inputs if the inputs cannot be determined with confidence, then provide a probability range Monte Carlo Simulation picks an input value, based on the probability function, for each variable and calculates the result from the algorithm This is done numerous times (500 or 1000) and the results are plotted

29 Crystal Ball A Monte Carlo Tool that plugs into Excel
Any formula or calculation that can be done in Excel can be modified to use probabilities and Monte Carlo Simulation

30 Probability Distributions for Inputs

31 Risk Analysis: Output

32 Self Assessment What are some of the roles of the PMO in project selection? What should be included in a project proposal? How does a Q-Sort work? How does a Scoring Model work? What is a Monte Carlo technique? What is Crystal Ball? How does it work?

33 End

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