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Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Indirect Objects 2006. 11. 14. Joo Minyoung, Yoo Jin Hwa Moon Mi Jung, Kim Hyoung Won.

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1 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Indirect Objects 2006. 11. 14. Joo Minyoung, Yoo Jin Hwa Moon Mi Jung, Kim Hyoung Won

2 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Mary: Where did you get those flowers? George: From your mother’s house. Mary: What! Are you crazy? George: Why? It was your idea. Mary: But I asked you to take her flowers. George: That’s what I did!

3 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Basic Forms 1.I sent some photos to my friend. 2.I sent my friend some photos. 3.Give your money to me! 4.Give me your money! 5.He told the story to Sam. 6.He told Sam the story.

4 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Types of verbs 7.2. Verbs used with indirect objects Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 After-verb After-prep After-verb only After-prep (+to) (+for) (+to) (+) for bring build communicate construct bet give buy describe create cost send cook donate design fine teach get explain obtain forgive tell make report purchase spare

5 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG 9.He described the picture to us. 10.*He described us the picture. 11.It cost me a lot of money. 12.*It cost a lot of money to me.

6 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Basic structures: origins and pronunciation 13.a. They’ll give some old books to the library. b. They’ll give the library some old books. 14.a. They’ll donate some old books to the library. b. *They’ll donate the library some old books. 15.a. He taught the new rules to everyone. b. He taught everyone the new rules. 16.a.He explained the new rules to everyone. b. *He explained everyone the new rules. 17.a. She told the bad news to all of us. b. she told all of us the bad news. 18.a. She communicated the bad news to all of us. b. *She communicated all of us the bad news.

7 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG 7.3 Origins and pronunciations Verb origin Stress Indirect object position Old EnglishFirst or only syllable stressed After-verb and after- prep LatinSecond syllable stressed (two or more syllables) After-prep only

8 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Basic meanings There are clear meaning distinctions marked in sentences containing indirect objects. Here are three: 1.Indirect objects will tend to be used to refer to humans. 2.These humans will generally be in the role of recipents. 3.The major concept expressed will involve transfer

9 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Humans, transfer, and having What is transfer? Transfer is movement. It can involve real objects, such as books in 20.a, or mental objects, such as ideas in 20.b 20.a. She gave the students some new books. b. She gave the students some new ideas.

10 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG 7.4 Indirect objects, transfer, and having Structure1: After-prep Source Action Transferred object Goal/location A cause B to go to C She gave some books to the student He sent the parcel to a friend I taught the new song to the whole group Structure 2: After-verb Source Action Transferred object Goal/location A cause C to have B Source A He sent his mother a birthday card. I sold Ray my old computer. You told the girls a scary story. 21. The Red Cross sent relief supplies to Zaire. 22. a. We reported the results to the crowd b. They explained their plan to the committee. 23. a. The loud music gave me a terrible headache. b. These grammar lessons give me a pain in the neck!!!

11 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Transfer and not having 24.This awful book cost me twenty dollars!!!!! 7.5 Indirect objects, transfer, and not having Structure 3: After-verbs only Source Action Possessor Entity A cause C not to have B The deal cost me a fortune. The judge fined him fifty dollars. I bet you five dollars.

12 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Creating, getting and benefiting 25. I’m getting a present for Keiko. 7.6 Indirect objects and benefiting Structure 4: After-prep Source Action Created/ Obtained entity Goal A cause B to be for the benefit of beneficiary C I cooked dinner for all of them. She got a present for her friend. We bought ice cream for everyone. Structure 5: After-verb Source Action Beneficiary/possesor Created/obtained A cause C to benefit by having entity B She made her daughter a new dress. Hugo got them football tickets. I ‘ll fix you a nice cold drink. 26. Will you do something for me? 27. Could you please do me a favor?

13 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Meanings in Context How indirect objects occur in discourse? There is a strong tendency of discourse structure patterns. Two major factors are at work in English: -Information structure -End-weight

14 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The rule for Info. Structure in English Old (given, known) info. comes before new (unknown) info. This rule affects the position of I.O. e.g. a) I gave some money to Jack (new). b) I gave Jack (old) some money.

15 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The rule for Information Structure This discourse pattern is more obvious when the given (old) information is presented in question. That is, the answer is structured to place the given before the new. e.g. a) Where’s the money? I gave it to Jack. b) Why is Jack so happy? I gave him some money.

16 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Indirect objects & Info. structure I.O. in after-verb position (old info) is likely to be: I.O in after-prep position (new info) is likely to be: Shorter Definite (the student) Specific (that student) A pronoun Longer Indefinite (a student) Non-specific (some student or other) A full noun phrase

17 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG End-weight in message structure & the position of Objects The more language=the more weight in the message The strong tendency towards end-weight affects the position of the D.O. and I.O. That is, the longer expression tends to be positioned at the end of sentences whether it’s I.O. or D.O.

18 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG End-weight & the position of objects E.g. A) He handed her a large brown envelope stuffed with hundred dollar bills. B) Later, she gave that envelope to a short bedraggled man sitting by the side of the road holding a sign that read ‘Will Work for Food’. The longer expression positioned at the end is D.O. in a) and the I.O. in b).

19 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Linguistic Distance * Linguistic Distance refers to ‘the amount of language (e.g. number of words, syllables, sounds, or letters) between one linguistic element and another. Linguistic distance signals conceptual distance in English: More linguistic distance=more conceptual distance E.g. a)He flew in a plane.b)He flew a plane. More conceptual distance between the action of verb and object in a) than in b).

20 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Linguistic Distance & the position of Indirect Objects When the I.O. is after preposition, there’s more linguistic distance between the action of the verb and the recipient(or beneficiary) of that action. (much looser connection) When the I.O. is after verb, there’s much less linguistic distance and thus a much closer connection.

21 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The Question Maze Objective: to make sentences involving indirect objects under guided circumstance by teacher Level: Novice high Age: Middle school 2nd grade Time: 40 minutes Materials: handout Procedure:

22 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The Question Maze Step 1 Ask students to imagine that their male friend, John disappeared. A police officer asks you some questions about him. Connect the words to make questions that the police officer can ask you.

23 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The Question Maze Step 2 Give directions: The words must be beside each. You can use a word as many times as you like, but you are not allowed to change it any way. You do not have to use all the words. You can start a sentence anywhere.

24 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The Question Maze Ex) NowDidGetFlower s AHeYouFor

25 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The Question Maze Step 3 Make questions individually StorySuitcaseNewsBadFlower s AYouGiveSendThe SomeBringHeToYou MoneyDidTeachTellLetter HeWhatADidHim AnBuyGetWriteYou

26 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The Question Maze Step 4 Work in groups of three. Compare students’ lists and add to one’s own list. Ask students to present the result and teacher write it on the board.

27 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Using Realia_A Objective: 1. to have each student use indirect objects Level: Novice mid Age: Middle school 2nd grade Time: 40 minutes Procedure:

28 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Using Realia_A Step 1 Collect one object from each of six students. Teacher should not look at the items that students put out. Teacher’s job is to return the objects to their owners. Use following patterns.

29 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Using Realia_A –T: Should I give this book back to Jin-ho? S: No, give it to Min-ji. –T: Should I give Min-ji this eraser? S: No, give her the pen. Continue till the teacher return all the objects to students.

30 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Using Realia_A Step 2 Make each group of four. Ask them to collect their items and do the same activity with group members.

31 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Using Realia_B Objective: to have each student give an instruction to another student using indirect objects. Prepare some items like a book, a ball. Give instruction to a student asking her to act out. Ex) Min-ji, pass the pen to Jin-ho.

32 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Using Realia_B As the students become comfortable with the exercise, the recipients can be asked each to express what just happened. Ex) Min-ji just passed me the pen. List verb types that students can use like the patterns above, if necessary. (give, hand, pass, take, throw)

33 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Research Step 1 Draw the following chart on the board. Ask a student to think about unforgettable present for her best friend. (Who is your best friend?, What do you want to buy for the best friend?) Complete the table.

34 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Research Write on the board as the student gives the answer. Ex) Min-ji wants to buy a guitar for Jin-ho. NameBest friendPresent item Min-jiJin-hoA guitar …… …….

35 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Research Step 2 Students copy the empty table into their notebooks, leaving space for three names and present items. Ask questions each other and complete the table. Based on the chart, students can say what other classmates want to buy for their best friends. Ex) Based on my research Jin-hee wants to buy a doll for Min-hee.

36 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG SENTENCE BIDDING GAME Objective: to distinguish sentences with after-verb I.O from those with after-prep I.O.

37 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The teacher makes a list of sentences with after-verb or after-prep I.Os. Some are acceptable and others are unacceptable ones. Divide the class into 3~5 groups. Each group has imaginary money of 2,000 dollars.

38 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The teacher reads out a sentence only two times at a normal speed. Each group has to decide if the sentence is acceptable and bid some money by saying, “We want to bid for ____ dollars.” Other competing groups may raise the bid before the teacher confirms it by saying, “____ dollars once, ____ dollars twice. So it goes to group X.”

39 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Repeat the same process until all the sentences get sold out or until all the groups spend their money. The teacher can discuss the acceptability of the sentences from the list with the class. The group with the most number of acceptable sentences is the winner. In case of tie, the group with more money left is the winner.

40 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG NEWSPAPER ACTIVITY Objective: To find sentences with indirect objects.

41 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Divide the students into several groups. Provide each group with some English newspaper, books, or magazines. (or online newspaper)

42 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Let each group find some sentences with after-verb or after-prep indirect objects. They should come up with sentences like this: “As we break ground, we give Martin Luther King his rightful place among the many Americans honored in the National Mall.”

43 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG The group that finds the most number of sentences is the winner. The class can discuss the acceptability of the sentences they found.

44 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG A SHOPPER’S NIGHTMARE Objective: To understand the sentences with indirect objects

45 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Students are divided into clerks and shoppers. The clerks set up stands and the shoppers are given a set of fake money. Students shop, trying to accumulate as many items as possible.

46 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG Periodically, the teacher stops them and give an instruction with a sentence that has I.O such as “Shoppers, give all oranges to Su-jin,” “Bring me all ice cream,” or “Buy a drink to the person on your right.”

47 Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Graduate School of TESOL JOO MINYOUNG At the end of the game, the student with the most products wins. Students then switch the roles. The teacher can make the clerks get involved by giving instructions like, “Clerks, give away any two items to the person standing in front of you.”

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