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Recurring non-eruptive unrest at Taal (Philippines)

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Presentation on theme: "Recurring non-eruptive unrest at Taal (Philippines)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recurring non-eruptive unrest at Taal (Philippines)
R.U. Solidum, E.P. Laguerta and Taal Monitoring Team Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) Volcano Observatory Best Practices Workshop: Near-term Eruption Forecasting 11-15 September 2011

2 Introduction to PHIVOLCS
– major activities Monitoring, warning and advisory services on volcanic and earthquake hazards, including tsunami - national seismic network - 6 volcano observatories Hazard mapping and risk assessment services Research and development Disaster preparedness and risk mitigation services

3 Introduction to PHIVOLCS
– links (some) Member of the Technical Working Group of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (DRRMC) at National level and Regional to Provincial Level if present in area Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Local governments Key government agencies – land use and development planning; local governance; education Non-government organizations Media

4 Tectonic Setting of the Philippines
~300 volcanoes: 23 active 26 potentially active

5 Taal Caldera Taal Caldera Volcano Island South China Sea Metro Manila
Tagaytay City Main Crater Lake Taal Caldera Taal Lake Volcano Island

6 Historical Eruptions at Volcano Island
33 eruptions since 1572 latest eruption: October 1977 Historical Eruption Sites Main Crater (1572, 1591, , 1634, 1635, 1641, 1645, 1749, 1754, 1790, 1808, 1825, 1842, 1873, 1874, 1878, 1903, 1904, 1911) Binintiang Malaki (1707, 1715) Binintiang Munti (1709, 1729) Pira-piraso (1731) Off Calauit (1716) Mt. Tabaro (1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1976, 1977)

7 Some Destructive eruptions of Taal
1754 (15 May-30 Nov) – Main Crater; Plinian; VEI 4; ?dead 1911 (27 Jan- 7 Feb) – Main Crater; Phreatic; VEI 3; 1335 dead 1965 (28 to 30 Sep) – Mt. Tabaro; Phreato-magmatic; VEI 4; ~200 dead Taal base surge, 1965

8 Areas affected by base surges (1754)
Tagaytay City Balayan Calaca Agoncillo Lemery Taal Old Tanauan Old Lipa Mt. Batulao Mt. Makulot Old Taal Areas affected by 1754 base surge Data Sources: Arboleda and Ruelo, (1986); Torres, (1989) 20 kilometers Eruption site

9 Areas affected by base surges (1911, 1965)
4 km Eruption site 1965 4 km Eruption site Areas affected by base surges Data Sources: Pratt (1911); Worcester (1912); Moore, Nakamura and Alcaraz, (1966); Moore (1967); Arboleda and Ruelo, (198x)

10 Base Surge Hazard Map At risk: ~5000 people on Volcano Island
at least 100,000 people around Taal Lake


12 Response Action Based on Alert Level
ALERT LEVELS RESPONSE Alert Level 1 Main Crater is off limits to the public because sudden explosions may occur or toxic gases may accumulate. Volcano Island residents and visitors must be aware and vigilant of the volcano’s condition. Alert Level 2 Main Crater, Daang Kastila and Mt. Tabaro Eruption Site are off limits to the public. Selective evacuation – women, children and elderly at the Volcano Island are advised to transfer to their relatives at the mainland. Alert Level 3 Total evacuation of the Volcano Island. Alert Level 4 Flank eruption – lakeshore barangays facing eruption sitel Eruption site: Main Crater – lakeshore barangays of Talisay, Tanauan, Agoncillo, Balete, San Nicolas and Laurel. Additional areas to be evacuated shall be determined based on the development of escalating activity and possible location of eruption site. Alert Level 5 Expansion of risk areas depending on the magnitude of eruption.

13 Taal Volcano Seismicity (1990-1999)
Pira-piraso Station

14 Taal Volcano Seismicity (2000-2011)

15 Description of some unrest in Taal
1991 Mar to Jul - increased seismicity up to 45 VT events/day; some felt at Intensities I-V; intense bubbling at Main Crater Lake (MCL); geysering at MCL; lake T increased by 2C 1992 Feb dramatic increase in seismicity with 2550 VT events within 24hrs, several were felt; decreased to baseline within 2 weeks; Volcano Island uplifted up to 20cm; fissuring at northeastern slopes; intense bubbling at MCL; lake T increased by 2C (Alert level 2 then 3 – evacuation of Volcano Island) 1994 Mar escalating increase in seismicity with 1550 VT events within 24hrs, several were felt at Intensities I-II; inflation of Volcano Island up to 16cm; fissuring at eastern slopes; intense bubbling at MCL; lake T increased by 5C (Alert level 3 – evacuation of Volcano Island)

16 Description of some unrest in Taal
SUMMARY OF SEISMIC SWARMS/UNRESTS AT TAAL VOLCANO Description of some unrest in Taal 2010 Apr - June - increase in VT events, several were felt; slight inflation of Volcano Island; bubbling at MCL; lake T increased by 2-3C; increased steaming at Crater Lake (Alert level 2 - Main Crater off limits) 2011 Apr-May – increase in VT events, several felt at Intensities I-III; quakes from 4km to 1km beneath Volcano island; preceded by CO2 flux of 4600 t/d in late March, 4 times background measurement (Alert level 2 – Main Crater off limits)

17 Taal Volcano Seismicity (2005, 2008, 2010, 2011)

18 Precise Leveling at SE slope

19 CO2 Flux (2008-2011) CO2 flux from ITER (Spain)-PHIVOLS collaboration
Graph from Arpa et al, 2011

20 Communication of Forecast
(via fax, , web, phone) NDRRMC Head OP VAAC Tokyo Darwin PHIVOLCS HQ OCD National NDRRMC Members PHIVOLCS Observatory OCD Region DRRMC CAAP National Local Met Office National Local Province DRRMC Media National Media Local City/Town DRRMC CAAP – Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines NDRRMC- National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council OCD – Office of Civil Defense OP- Office of the President Village DRRMC Public

21 Awareness and Preparedness Activities
(Town of Laurel – 2008)

22 Awareness and Preparedness Activities
(Village of Bilibinwang, Agoncillo – 2008) Village Captain Civil Defense Director

23 Some on-going initiatives for Taal
Improvement of monitoring systems: - seismic telemetry (currently 8 stations: 4SP, 4BB) - deformation (currently 3cGPS, one e-tilt; precise leveling, EDM) - electromagnetism - gas geochemistry (CO2) - Main Crater Lake observations (chemistry, T) * With international partners from NIED and Japanese institutions (JICA-JST), EMSEV Group, ITER (Spain), others? Awareness and preparedness at local level with province and OCD Region Advocacy for appropriate land use and development planning

24 PHIVOLCS Building, CP Garcia Ave. UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City
THANK YOU! PHIVOLCS Building, CP Garcia Ave. UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City Tel ; Fax

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