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Senior Project Introduction Woodland Hills High School 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Project Introduction Woodland Hills High School 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Project Introduction Woodland Hills High School 2013-2014

2 English Teacher vs. Adviser English Teacher’s Role Teach Senior Project process in English class Provide SOME in-class work time Sign Proposal/Contract Collect work on deadline days Keep a record of Senior Project progress & grades Coordinate presentations in English class Adviser’s Role Grade Senior Project work for 2-3 students Return graded work to English teachers Conference with advisees (if necessary) You should introduce yourself to your adviser – next few weeks Attend advisees’ presentations (if schedule allows)

3 Portfolio Requirement Turn in all work in your Senior Project folder Try to take care of it so it doesn’t fall apart Keep your Senior Project folder organized English teacher and Adviser both check the work inside Don’t throw anything away! Lost Senior Project materials must be recreated, reprinted, or replaced IMPORTANT! Don’t use your Senior Project folder for anything other than Senior Project! Bring your folder to class on Senior Project work days

4 Topics Choose a career field of interest Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center database Bridges Research some controversial topics within that career field Issues and Controversies database WHSD Homepage, schools, high school, library, Facts on File Databases, Issues and Controversies

5 Topic Selection Determine a controversial topic for your Senior Project You will research: Background on the topic Arguments in favor of the issue Arguments opposed to the issue Determine your stance on the issue and explain it

6 TOPICS THAT ARE OFF LIMITS: NO MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION NO ABORTION Your topic must be approved. Topics that are difficult to support will be denied at your English teacher’s discretion.

7 Senior Project Handbook All information you will need for each step in the Senior Project process Table of Contents Activities Explanations of requirements Rubrics Paper and Works Cited format Documenting sources – parenthetical citations

8 Senior Project Process & Deadlines Proposal – September 25 Draft on pages 10-11 of Senior Project Handbook Final copy – separate (yellow) Research and Notes – Two Deadlines November 6 = Notes on background/introductory info December 18 = Notes on arguments (both sides) Total required (between both deadlines) Six sources Three different kinds of sources At least one firsthand source Firsthand vs. secondary sources – Proposal (page 10)

9 Senior Project Process & Deadlines First Draft – February 19 Draft of research paper Final Paper – April 2 If you get an A on your draft, you do not have to do a final paper Grade on draft will also be grade on final paper Presentations – May

10 Deadlines Deadlines are not negotiable Lose 10% per day late, regardless of absence or excuse Deadline is the period you have English If you are not in school for any reason: Turn in work early Have a responsible friend turn in work TO YOUR TEACHER! (not in mailbox) As a last resort, email work before your class period & turn in printed copy in Senior Project folder the next day

11 Deadlines Final paper deadline If not completed on March 13 AND meeting minimum requirements, you are not eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony Presentation You must present on the day you are scheduled You must be on time to class on your presentation date Conflicts must be resolved before the calendar is finalized

12 Grading/In Class Work Time Each step is graded on rubric – copies in Senior Project handbook (pp. 20, 21, 29, 32) Allow for 2 weeks for advisers to grade & return to English teacher; English teacher to record grades When work is returned, we will discuss the next step and may have a few days in class to work Much of the work will need to be completed out of class You have ample time between deadlines to complete work

13 Plagiarism Plagiarism is cheating Plagiarism = Forging a parent’s signature on proposal, not paraphrasing or quoting, not citing Plagiarize once = 0 for that step, must still complete that step for no credit Plagiarize twice = fail Senior Project Plagiarize final paper = fail Senior Project, do not graduate

14 Minimum Requirements 5-7 page research paper Minimum 5 full pages! 6 sources, 3 different kinds, at least one firsthand source 10 minute minimum presentation Complete all steps in Senior Project process Pass final paper & presentation

15 Questions?

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