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What can we learn about the British empire from a Christmas pudding?

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Presentation on theme: "What can we learn about the British empire from a Christmas pudding?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we learn about the British empire from a Christmas pudding?

2 You do your part in supporting a great Empire Industry and giving employment to your own kith and kin




6 Empire Christmas pudding 1932
1 1lb sultanas ( A) 1 lb currants( A) 1lb stoned raisins (S_A_) 6 oz minced apple ( C) 1lb breadcrumbs (U_) 1 1b beef suet ( N_) 6oz candied peel ( SA) 8oz flour ( U_) 4 eggs ( I_F_S_) ½ oz ground cinnamon( C) ½ oz ground cloves (Z) ½ ground nutmeg ( Straits) 1 pinch pudding spice(I) 2 tbsp rum(J ) 1 pint old beer ( E) Guess which country the ingredients come from, using an empire map to help. I have given you the initial letter of each country.

7 Scope of the empire in the years between the First and Second World War

8 Empire Christmas pudding 1932
1 1lb sultanas (Australia) 1 lb currants (Australia) 1lb stoned raisins (South Africa) 6 oz minced apple (Canada) 1lb breadcrumbs (United Kingdom) 1 1b beef suet (New Zealand) 6oz candied peel (South Africa) 8oz flour (United Kingdom) 4 eggs (Irish Free State) ½ oz ground cinnamon(Ceylon, now Sri Lanka) ½ oz ground cloves (Zanzibar) ½ ground nutmeg (Straits) 1 pinch pudding spice (India) 2 tbsp rum (Jamaica) 1 pint old beer (England) The answers

9 1929

10 1929

11 Caption.

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