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Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development DSDM Offshore Steve Messenger Patrick Vermeij.

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Presentation on theme: "Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development DSDM Offshore Steve Messenger Patrick Vermeij."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development DSDM Offshore Steve Messenger Patrick Vermeij

2 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 2 Agenda  Introduction of the speakers  The need for DSDM Offshore  Offshore Team  Communication is Key  Offshore Risks  The DSDM Phases Applied to Offshore  Summary

3 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 3 What is Offshore?  “A project whereby a development process, which is the responsibility of one organisation, is performed by another organisation at a separate location.”

4 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 4 Why Go Offshore?  Offshore can provide:  Large pool of resource  Lower rates  Extended working hours  Leading to:  Faster, cheaper development  Giving your business  Agile response to business changes  Competitive Edge

5 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 5 Frequently Encountered Issues  Communication  Cultural differences cause different perceptions  Understanding and trust  Logistical  Legal and Contractual Issues  Hidden Costs  More Management  Costs of travel  IT infrastructure and data communication  Product delivery  Late  Poor Quality

6 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 6 Offshore is Easy! Create Specification Choose VendorThrow Over the Wall Receive Perfect System

7 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 7 Offshore is Easy? No User Involvement Poor Collaboration And Cooperation Systems That don’t meet Requirements

8 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 8 Offshore Issues With DSDM  People  Impossible to locate everyone in the same place  Communication and understanding  Cultural differences a barrier to DSDM principles  How do we ensure a one-team environment?  Organizational  Onshore / offshore have different objectives  Ensuring collaboration in a contractual relationship

9 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 9 DSDM Offshore  Amendment of DSDM targeted at offshore development  Highlights:  There is one team! (no offshore and onshore teams)  Specialized and extended roles  Communication is key  Predefined risk list  Extended product quality criteria  Additions to the DSDM process

10 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 10 Agenda  Introduction of the speakers  The need for DSDM Offshore  Offshore Team  Communication is Key  Offshore Risks  The DSDM Phases Applied to Offshore  Summary

11 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 11 Empowerment  Is there a culture of empowerment?  Bring developers to you  Contractual clauses  Confidence is basis for empowerment  Vendor has knowledge of business area  Use same offshore vendor  Appropriate decision making  Business team members make business decisions  Technical team members make technical decisions

12 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 12 There Is One Team! Remove isolation Ambassadors Face to face meetings

13 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 13 There Is One Team! New Roles New Responsibilities for Existing Roles

14 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 14 New Roles  Ambassador Developer  Representative of offshore developers at onshore  Senior Offshore Supplier  Counterpart of the executive sponsor  Offshore Technical Coordinator  Liaising with technical coordinator  Test Coordinator  Coordinator of testing, which takes place at several locations

15 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 15 Amended Roles  Technical Coordinator  Work with onshore and offshore (face to face) to ensure a system that meets the non-functional requirements  Coordinate usage of environments at all locations  Executive Sponsor  Ensure a collaborative and co-operative contract in which changes can be reversed  Resolve escalated issues between offshore and onshore  Others  Be aware of cultural differences

16 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 16 Agenda  Introduction of the speakers  The need for DSDM Offshore  Offshore Team  Communication is Key  Offshore Risks  The DSDM Phases Applied to Offshore  Summary

17 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 17 Communication  Offshore development differs from traditional development in:  Physical distance  Different time zones  Communication is the Achilles’ Heel of offshore development  Rely more on results, less on gut feeling  Tools capture results Yes ? 不是!

18 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 18 Means of Communication  Face to face meetings  Tele-conferencing facilities (telephone and video)  Desktop collaboration tools  Electronic project rooms  Project assets available to the whole team (all locations)  Configuration management tools  Requirements management  Test and defect management

19 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 19 Ensuring Product Quality  Ambassadors MUST travel to tell the story  The WHY and the WHAT from the horse’s mouth  Involve Offshore at earliest possible opportunity (creation of PRL)  Frequent product deliveries, reviews and testing  Mechanism is needed for developers and testers to interact  Desktop collaboration tool for demonstration of defects  Issue management tool to keep track of issue status

20 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 20 Communication per Product (1/3) Best forms of communication for products: ProductType of Communication Business Area Definition  Face to face workshops  Electronic project rooms System Area Definition  Face to face meetings  Tele conferencing facilities Development Plan  Face to face meetings Prioritized Requirements List  Face to face meetings

21 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 21 Communication per Product (2/3)  Best forms of communication for products: ProductType of Communication Functional Model  Face to face workshops (several)  Desktop collaboration tools

22 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 22 Supporting Communication (1/2)  Best forms of supporting communication: ProductType of Communication Project Deliverables  Configuration management tool  Electronic project rooms Project Management  Face to face meetings  Tele conferencing facilities  Electronic tools for documents / issues management.

23 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 23 Supporting Communication (2/2)  Best forms of supporting communication: ProductType of Communication Quality Management  Prototype review sessions – tele/video with desktop collaboration tool.  Test records etc. in EP-room Workshops  Face to face on priority issues.  Tele / Video

24 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 24 Agenda  Introduction of the speakers  The need for DSDM Offshore  Offshore Team  Communication is Key  Offshore Risks  The DSDM Phases Applied to Offshore  Summary

25 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 25 Risks (1/3)  Cultural differences  Could lead to misunderstanding and delays  Mitigate by:  analysis of differences  awareness and acceptance  Daily business risks  Things can go wrong at several locations  Mitigate by:  Face to face meetings with key people at both locations  Communicate, communicate and communicate

26 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 26 Risks (2/3)  Multiple-locations risks  Projects at multiple locations are more complex (e.g. time differences)  Mitigate by:  Face to face meetings at all locations  Create and stick to a communication plan  Planning and control risks  Planning and or budgets are not met  Mitigate by:  Allowing offshore overhead into the timebox plan  Continuous communication of status of project  Prompt escalation of issues

27 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 27 Risks (3/3)  Partnership risks  One of the parties does not meet the requirements of the other  Mitigate by:  Clear communication  Close and open monitoring  Contractual risks  The contract is not co-operative, collaborative and/or does not allow changes to be reversible  Mitigate by:  Contracts negotiators must follow DSDM principles

28 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 28 Agenda  The need for DSDM Offshore  The 9 Principles Applied to Offshore  Communication is Key  Offshore Roles  Offshore Risks  The DSDM Phases Applied to Offshore

29 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 29 Phases – Feasibility Study

30 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 30 Phases – Business Study

31 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 31 Phases – Functional Model Iteration

32 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 32 Design and Build Iteration

33 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 33 Phases – Implementation  Is onsite phase. No offshore-specific aspects.

34 Where Agile Business Meets Agile Development 34 Summary

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