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REVISION and UPDATE. Stuff happens We reflect Changes in: Knowledge Skills Attitudes Stuff happens differently.

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4 Stuff happens We reflect Changes in: Knowledge Skills Attitudes Stuff happens differently



7  Events  Learning  Feelings  all tutorials, all half day release sessions, all out of hours sessions, each time look something up between patients. nuggets of learning

8  Self-awareness  Insight, and curiosity,  willingness to change practice  demonstrating openness and honesty about performance along with some consideration of own feelings;

9  Evidence of critical thinking and analysis, describing own thought processes;  Evidence of learning, appropriately describing what needs to be learned, why and how.

10  Concise, note book not text book  Quality more than quantity  reflective practice  A plan of action is stated  Learning needs expressed in SMART form  Linked to PDP  The chosen curriculum linkage is correct


12  Information provided  Critical Analysis  Self Awareness  Evaluation/ Evidence for Learning



15  Read the reflection  Underline where the writer has included reactions or feelings  circle examples where the writer has analysed or evaluated the experience  Is there a SMART learning need highlighted?

16  See example of descriptive entry  Then look at the same log entry with added reflection.



19  PDP is dynamic not static – all learning needs should be entered from the learning log as they go  GPR enters curriculum coverage which allows the teacher and learner to see the holes

20  Learning objectives should be SMART ◦ Specific ◦ Measurable ◦ Achievable ◦ Relevant ◦ Time framed Ie: no waffle or blah. Short succinct sentences

21  Use the learning log entry to write some SMART learning objectives.



24  RCGP  Bradford VTS website  KSS Deanery  


26 With GP partner at end of surgery

27 Uncertain of value of d-dimer as an isolated investigation in a patient with calf pain

28 That there is a protocol for DVT assessment in Cumbria That d-dimer has good sensitivity but poor specificity which makes it dangerous to use as a solitary investigation

29 Identify guideline and add to my memory stick Refer ?DVT to nurse practitioner at DGH

30 Investigate sensitivity and specificity of commonly used tests My investigation rate and how this compares with others in the practice

31 Discussion with lab staff this week ARUP website this week Investigation audit this month and present to trainer

32 …then the GPR adds the learning needs to the PDP. The GPR doesn‘t need to validate it with the GP partner, but will validate it with the trainer by discussing what was found out about sensitivity and specificity and showing your trainer the investigation audit.

33  Look at the learning log entries and sort them into order of merit  Describe why you have chosen your first choice  Suggest how one of the less good entries could be improved

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