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Ivan Dontsov, Andy Phenix, Maureen Rottschaefer. Agenda  Status  Demo  Lessons Learned.

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Presentation on theme: "Ivan Dontsov, Andy Phenix, Maureen Rottschaefer. Agenda  Status  Demo  Lessons Learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ivan Dontsov, Andy Phenix, Maureen Rottschaefer

2 Agenda  Status  Demo  Lessons Learned

3 Project Proposal “The primary objective of this OMSE 2012 Practicum Project is to extend and refine the process specification tool (developed during the 2010 Practicum) and address some of its limitations. In particular, the project will address the ‘most obvious extension’ to provide a more user- friendly interface and easier administrative support.”

4 Project Process  OMSE 555 (Term 1) Waterfall  OMSE 556 (Term 2) Iterative

5 Roles (planned)  OMSE 556

6 Roles (actual)  OMSE 556

7 Project Plan Adjusted  Contingency – Focus only on ‘core’ Functionality

8 Project Plan Adjusted  Contingency – Focus only on ‘core’ Functionality

9 Project Plan Revised

10 Project Status - Development  Planned vs Actual Iteration 0 – Technical Prototype Complete Iteration 1 – In Progress Complete Iteration 2 – In Progress Complete  Testing, Documentation Behind Schedule

11 Status of Deliverables DeliverableStatusComments PlansSoftware Project Management Plan (SPMP) Complete Software Test Plan (STP)-Not started Technical Documents and Software Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Draft5 th revision Software Architecture Document (SAD)Draft4 th revision Software User Documentation-Not Started Source Code (including installation and configuration instructions). Complete‘Alpha’ version

12 Use Cases Implemented Use CaseStatusComments [DTCPII-001] View process specificationsComplete [DTCPII-002] Begin new process specificationComplete [DTCPII-003] User LoginComplete [DTCPII-004] Input process component dataComplete [DTCPII-005] Publish process specificationComplete [DTCPII-006] Delete process dataComplete [DTCPII-007] Delete all data for specified userComplete [DTCPII-008] System deleteComplete [DTCPII-009] Data downloadComplete

13 Project Constraints  Platform  Developer Skillset

14 Technical Platform .Net / Mono  Web-based Application ASP.Net MVC Framework jQuery AJAX  Apache / mod_mono  MySQL  MoMA

15 Project Proposal “The primary objective of this OMSE 2012 Practicum Project is to extend and refine the process specification tool (developed during the 2010 Practicum) and address some of its limitations. In particular, the project will address the ‘most obvious extension’ to provide a more user- friendly interface and easier administrative support.”

16 Existing OMSE 551 Tool  Set up Assembla user account  Checkout xml templates from Subversion repository  Copy templates and fill out xml content  Commit updates to Subversion repository  Repeat until all content created  Navigate to website  Enter Assembla user account and click ‘Load User’  Click ‘Build Site’ to process xml content  Click ‘View Built Process Site’ to view process specification


18 New Tool  Logon to website  Click ‘Create New…’  Fill in form fields  Click ‘Save’  Click ‘Preview’ to view process specification

19 Project Demo

20 Future Project Work  Notifications  Collaborative Review

21 Lessons Learned  Project Management Issues Roles and Responsibilities Communication Processes Phased Approach  DSEPS Limited Use

22 Project Risks RiskProbability (L/M/H) Impact (L/M/H) Mitigation Plan Limited resourcesHMProject team will manage scope accordingly (see section 3.2 below), and each team member will assume multiple project roles (see section 2.2 above) Unavailability of secondary stakeholders MLProject team will assume the primary stakeholder role, and validate requirements with the secondary stakeholders Confusion around practicum project process HHAddressed by week 4 recalibration meeting New development process / project team MMProject team will review DSEPS

23 Q & A

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