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MDM 4U Culminating Project Mr. Lieff Carleton Place High School.

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Presentation on theme: "MDM 4U Culminating Project Mr. Lieff Carleton Place High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 MDM 4U Culminating Project Mr. Lieff Carleton Place High School

2 What is it? a large independent/pair research project students will: –choose a topic –find data –write a report –present the findings to the class

3 Choosing A Topic look for something you are interested in you will spend many hours doing this, so you had better like it look at the BrockU Sample Projects site for ideasBrockU Sample Projects

4 Is There Enough Data? look for a topic where there is data –Data: you will need to have a minimum of 60 data points –Survey: 10% of the population

5 Choosing A Hypothesis look for a topic where you can develop a hypothesis your focus should be on supporting an idea (either true or false) your hypothesis itself does not need to be complex

6 Finding Data use to search the web check out the data sites on the course wiki (especially Stats Canada) you may also decide to collect your own data, but this needs to be done in a statistically accurate way 60 data points minimum

7 Create a Report 10-20 pages contents are explained in the Sections Guide Sections Guide due date will be strictly enforced must be created using a word processor sources of data and information must be cited

8 Present Your Findings to The Class create a PowerPoint or other electronic presentation 10 minute presentation students will perform peer reviews of all presentations see sample presentations for a better idea

9 Formative Assignments there are 4 proposals, each with its own due date, worth 20% of project mark: –hypothesis proposal –data proposal –analysis proposal –presentation proposal

10 Report due date will be strictly enforced assessment rubric is availableassessment rubric First Friday in June for second semester First Friday after Christmas break for first semester

11 Presentation submit electronic version will be assessed during the student presentation Jan. 12 – 16 (dates will be assigned)

12 Ways to Do Well work hard during given class time (4 weeks starting in Dec.) hand in your proposals adhere to due dates see sample projects and presentations

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