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Limebank Road Environmental Assessment Study February 19, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Limebank Road Environmental Assessment Study February 19, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limebank Road Environmental Assessment Study February 19, 2003

2 Presentation Outline Study Area Background Need and Justification Public Consultation Study Recommendations Next Steps

3 Study Area

4 Background 1988 Regional Official Plan (OP) – South Urban Community Boundaries (7000 units) 1992 Gloucester OPA 3 Development Plan – 11,000 dwelling units 1997 Transportation Master Plan – Confirmed need for transportation improvements Study initiated Spring 2000 New City of Ottawa OP (completion 2003) – 8000 dwelling units – Considering an increase to 16,500 Riverside South Development On-going On going parallel studies

5 1992 Riverside South Community Plan

6 Study Purpose Review need identified in 1997 TMP Analyze and evaluate transportation requirements necessary to support identified development Obtain approvals for recommended improvements

7 Study Approach Consider all reasonable alternatives Provide a comprehensive assessment of environment Systematic and traceable evaluation of net effects Proactive public consultation Clear and concise documentation of the planning process

8 Need and Justification 1997 TMP identified transportation needs of Riverside South TMP includes basket of solutions with both transit and roadway improvements Existing long queues and delays to residents Fatalities Road network requires changes when triggered by closure of temporary access to River Road

9 Transportation Analysis Findings confirm 1997 TMP need and Limebank Road as preferred road corridor Transportation Solutions – Local and Rapid Transit Phased Expansion to Community (RTES) – Roads Riverside Drive – 4 lanes River Road – 2 lanes Limebank Road – 4 lanes Armstrong Road – 4 lanes Leitrim Road – 2 lanes Bicycle Lanes and Sidewalks

10 Public Consultation PAC represented diverse stakeholders 3 Open Houses Innovative Value Planning Workshop One-on-one meetings with property owners Consensus on technical recommendations (TAC and PAC)

11 Traceable Evaluation Approach

12 Evaluation Sections

13 Technical Study Recommendations Riverside Drive – 4 lanes with urban cross section – Bicycle lanes – Sidewalks – Signalized intersections 4120 Riverside Drive River Road – Flatten Curves -Safety Improvements – Widening towards Airport

14 3 4

15 Leitrim Road 2 lane rural cross section Paved bicycle shoulders Maintain existing alignment Removal of jog at Limebank Road

16 Limebank Road 4 lane urban and semi urban cross section Bicycle lanes and sidewalks Detailed evaluation selects existing alignment

17 Armstrong Road 4 lane urban cross section Bicycle lanes Sidewalks Detailed evaluation selects exist. alignment

18 Summary of Recommendations Confirmation of Limebank Road for N/S arterial Limebank alignment on existing corridor Preferred alignment for Earl Armstrong Road to Albion Road Transit staging in conjunction with future rapid transit corridor (RTES) Triggers land use plan harmonization and OPA

19 Next Steps City Council approval of Recommended Plan Filing and 30 day public review of ESR Future improvements phased with community growth

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