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Short history of towns 1066 – towns at first controlled by local landowner Could force townspeople to work on his land Charge them rent and stop them.

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Presentation on theme: "Short history of towns 1066 – towns at first controlled by local landowner Could force townspeople to work on his land Charge them rent and stop them."— Presentation transcript:


2 Short history of towns 1066 – towns at first controlled by local landowner Could force townspeople to work on his land Charge them rent and stop them from leaving Could treat them as badly as villeins But merchants and craftspeople wanted to be free


4 As towns became richer townspeople were able to buy their freedom This is why many history books tell the story of medieval towns as the story of people becoming free. But, every town had to have rules – why?


6 Buying and selling 1100-1300 – more food produced Spare food – local market = towns -This picture shows a shop selling clothes

7 Buying and selling Rules needed -No fish sold before first church service – Why? -Each baker to have own sign – why? -John Penrose accused of selling wine which was bad – what punishment?

8 Making things Work-shops – Towns grew - new crafts So, what other rules were needed? Guilds – rule makers – who & what standards 1300s – no guild = no craft Apprentice…


10 Making things (cont’d) Guilds – keep prices high -No outsiders offering goods for lower prices -Didn’t want too many goods being made -No one allowed to work at night -No women in most guilds

11 Goodies from the guilds Wealth = wonderful things for towns -feasts, processions and plays -Helped sick and poor -Homes for old people -Paid for funerals of members


13 A Charter What could the chief townsmen buy that would release them from the lord’s control?

14 Elect a town council As well as giving them the right to buy and sell land, what else did the charter give them the right to do?

15 1298 In what year did the City of York make rules covering food hygiene, the behaviour of doctors, drains, public toilets and prostitutes?

16 pigs They also made a rule about something wandering. What?

17 48 How many leaders did York’s council include in 1396?

18 Newcastle on Tyne Which town in 1140 made the rule that ‘A townsmen may leave the town if he wants?

19 weapons What must every man living in the city bring when the bell is rung in Hereford?

20 6d How much would people get fined if they refused to serve on the ‘watch’ in Norwich in 1423??

21 Walls What did most medieval towns have around them?

22 London Which town was Richard Devizes writing about when he said ‘pass through it quickly’?

23 The Scots Who were the townspeople of York very suspicious about??

24 Special knockers What did they put on the gates just for the Scots in 1501?

25 Benedict As well as Josce, which other Jewish man became rich lending money to northern landowners?

26 Richard I Who was crowned in 1189?

27 Wicked customs As well as thinking them strange why else did people in London dislike the Jews?

28 Commit suicide What did Rabbi Yemtob encourage the people in York castle to do?

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