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Project Management Institute Great Lakes Chapter 2011 Spring Symposium Advisicon’s Tim Cermak Presents New Decade – Same Issues Why are we not executing.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management Institute Great Lakes Chapter 2011 Spring Symposium Advisicon’s Tim Cermak Presents New Decade – Same Issues Why are we not executing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management Institute Great Lakes Chapter 2011 Spring Symposium Advisicon’s Tim Cermak Presents New Decade – Same Issues Why are we not executing on our strategy? A Project Business User’s Discussion for Prioritizing Resources for Strategic Performance

2 About The Speaker Tim Cermak, PMP

3 Takeaways from this Presentation

4 Demand Mgmt Portfolio Prioritization Portfolio Optimization Advanced Analytics Capacity Planning Portfolio Selection: Make Informed Decisions If asked to cut budgets by 15% would you use a scalpel or a hatchet? Successful portfolio selection requires a handshake between Value Optimization and Resource Utilization

5 PMO EveryoneAchievesMoreTogether For successful Project Completion Collaboration

6 Making money Saving money; improving efficiency Bringing products to market faster Supporting compliance Maximizing return on portfolio investment Staying on track, on budget, in scope Communicating status and reporting Quickly responding and adapting What's important to you?

7 Gain visibility into projects and operational activities Objectively prioritize, optimize, and select project portfolios that best align with business strategy and maximize business value Proactively and reactively manage resources Control and measure project and portfolio financial performance Improve communication, information sharing, collaboration Identify, mitigate, and communicate issues and risks Invest in scalable, connectible, and extensible platforms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 The continuous process of identifying, selecting and managing a portfolio of projects in alignment with key performance metrics and strategic business objectives.

9 Thomas Edison, Inventor. Tirrell Whitley, Liquid Soul Media.

10 Leverage Technology

11 Surveys Team Discussion

12 Enterprise Search


14 10 Principal Disciplines That Enable Strategic Execution Business Intelligence / Reporting Portfolio Management Demand Management Forecasting Deliverables Based Work Mgmt. Team Collaboration Schedule Development / Mgmt. Common Operating Platform Common Knowledge Base Competency Based Training Compensation for Performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5

15 Can We Extract Innovation from PPM?

16 Enterprise vs. Organizational Unit The Enterprise Portfolio Management Council James Pennypacker and San Retna, editors The Enterprise Portfolio Management Council James Pennypacker and San Retna, editors

17 Business Process Maturity Levels

18 Enabling Successful Change

19 Movement Along the “Commitment Curve”

20 Productivity During a Transition Period

21 Scalability Leveraging Technology and Innovation


23 The Language of Strategy 2 Execution


25 The 5 Bridges That Enable People to Traverse the Execution gap.


27 … Some That Are Not

28 … and Two That Did

29 Organizations Closing the Gap Personal Experience

30 Ten GoDo’s To Help Drive Strategic Business Transformation

31 Some Final Parting Thoughts …

32 More Practitioner Resources


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