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Final Exam JEOPARDY 2013 PEOPLE 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 DAILY LIFE 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 GIFTS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RELIGION 100 200 300.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam JEOPARDY 2013 PEOPLE 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 DAILY LIFE 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 GIFTS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RELIGION 100 200 300."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam JEOPARDY 2013 PEOPLE 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 DAILY LIFE 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 GIFTS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RELIGION 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 TERMS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

2 PEOPLE for 100 Two similarities between Hammurabi’s law code and the modern American code. What are… –Fines –“innocent until proven guilty” –judges –Witnesses –Death penalty (in some U.S. states)

3 PEOPLE for 200 Two achievements of Mansa Musa. What are: - Encouraged education (poets, scholars invited to Timbuktu) - spread Islam (mosques built, made a pilgrimage) - gave away gold (but it hurt Cairo’s economy!) - standardized law and trade - built up Timbuktu (new architecture, university)

4 PEOPLE for 300 This Roman leader gave citizenship to conquered people, doubled the size of the Senate, and offered citizenship to conquered people. Who is Julius Caesar?

5 PEOPLE for 400 This Greek was a philosopher who created a method of asking questions. Who is Socrates?

6 PEOPLE for 500 Three measurements that Emperor Qin STANDARDIZED in China What are… –Money –Weight –Distance –Wheel width Narwhals are fantastic, just like history is!

7 PEOPLE for 600 TWO PART ANSWER- YAY! Ashoka spread THIS religion and used THESE animals in warfare. What is Buddhism and what are elephants?

8 PEOPLE for 700 This person led the German troops that defeated the Western Roman Empire. Who is Alaric?

9 DAILY LIFE for 100 Why HERALDRY was used in the Middle Ages. What is to identify the knight?

10 DAILY LIFE for 200 This profession constituted the lowest social class in feudal Japan. Who were the merchants? Unicorns are magnificent.

11 DAILY LIFE for 300 The term for an advisor to a West African king who told stories and taught about history and culture. What is a griot?

12 DAILY LIFE for 400 Two practices that were invented in the Neolithic Revolution AND two effects of it. What are: Farming and herding –Effects: writing, government, specialized jobs, population growth, villages

13 DAILY LIFE for 500 Three reasons archaeologists know Mohenjo Daro was a planned city. Great Bath, plumbing, gridded streets, standard bricks, houses on stilts to avoid flooding, distinct neighborhoods

14 DAILY LIFE for 600 The job of the Assembly in Athens What is pass laws?

15 DAILY LIFE for 700 Name three figures in this picture and what they are doing. Anubis: leading ka to scale. Thoth: writing down judgment. Ma’at: presiding over scales Ammut:waiting by scales to eat naughty folk Horus: ushering dead into afterlife

16 GIFTS for 100 What did the term “barbarian” mean to the Romans? a non-Roman; a foreigner

17 Gifts for 200 These medieval groups- which are similar to modern trade unions- made rules for conducting business and took care of sick members. What are guilds?

18 GIFTS for 300 Two ways the Mesopotamian base- 60 math system is used today What is 60-second minute, 60- minute hour, 360- degree circle

19 GIFTS for 400 This culture is famous for its carpet weaving, calligraphy, and coin production. What is Persia?

20 GIFTS for 500 THREE similarities between our law code and the Justinian Code (Rome). What are… –Innocent until proven guilty –Lawyers –Witnesses –Judges –Standardized laws for country (some)

21 GIFTS for 600 Three ways someone might attack a castle. What is: - battering ram - tunnel to collapse wall -siege tower - catapult or trebuchet

22 GIFTS for 700 THREE ways in which the Egyptians used papyrus. What are making paper, sandals, rafts, and columns for houses?

23 RELIGION for 100 This part of a Gothic cathedral illustrated Bible stories. What are stained glass windows?

24 RELIGION for 200 Two religious groups that believed in karma. What are Buddhism and Hinduism?

25 RELIGION for 300 Two reasons why the Crusades took place. What is - Regain Holy Land - Spread Christianity/ desire to get to heaven - Freedom from debt, service - Get trade resources - Seek adventure

26 RELIGION for 400 This philosophy believes in respecting authority and having strong families. What is Confucianism?

27 RELIGION for 500 Three “rules” in the Code of Bushido. What are –Honesty –Religious tolerance –Good manners –Controlling anger –Showing mercy

28 RELIGION for 600 Two jobs of the members of the highest caste in India. What are priests, teachers, or philosophers

29 RELIGION for 700 These documents hurt power of Church/nobles by allowing townspeople to self-govern. What are charters?

30 TERMS for 100 A person who studies ancient artifacts. What is an archaeologist?

31 TERMS for 200 The name of the body of water into which the Nile empties. What is the Mediterranean Sea?

32 TERMS for 300 A poor Roman- paid taxes and served in the army but couldn’t serve in government. What are plebeians?

33 TERMS for 400 Two different reasons the Early Middle Ages are often called the “Dark Ages”. What is… –Little is known about it –Few written records –Some say “cultural achievements” declined

34 TERMS for 500 The term for the government type of Sparta in which a few people are in charge. What is an oligarchy?

35 TERMS for 600 An oracle in Greece would make this about the future. What is a prophecy?

36 TERMS for 700 An architectural structure (invented by Romans) in which two tunnels intersect at a 90- degree angle. What is a cross vault?

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