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Joe Vieira Project Manager BLM Colorado Renewable Energy Team 6/28/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe Vieira Project Manager BLM Colorado Renewable Energy Team 6/28/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Vieira Project Manager BLM Colorado Renewable Energy Team 6/28/2011

2 Points  BLM Geothermal Leasing - Land Use Planning Bounding regulatory environment  BLM San Luis Valley Field Office example Geothermal Leasing: Issues & Concerns BLM alternatives Public response  Closing messages: Geothermal Energy & multiple use NEPA environmental review-public participation

3 BLM Geothermal Leasing – Land Use Planning  Public Lands Geothermal Energy Leasing, exploration, development Bounded by federal & state regulatory requirement Examples: ○ Mineral Leasing Act ○ Geothermal Steam Act ○ Federal Lands Policy Management Act ○ National Environmental Policy Act ○ Endangered Species Act ○ National Historic Preservation Act ○ Energy Policy Act

4 BLM Geothermal Leasing – Land Use Planning  BLM Geothermal Leasing Steps: 1. Allocate BLM-administered lands and federal mineral estate with geothermal potential as closed, open with standard terms and conditions, or open with major or moderate constraints to geothermal leasing. 2. Lands and federal mineral estate open to leasing are made available for leasing through bidding process. 3. BLM receives lease nominations and conducts site-specific environmental analysis on the proposed parcels 4. Leases issued for a primary term of 10 years and may be extended for two five year periods. Lease owner has the right to develop in accordance with lease terms and stipulations. 5. The four stages of geothermal resource development may follow if the lessee chooses to develop the lease.

5 BLM San Luis Valley Field Office example  BLM Programmatic Geothermal Leasing PEIS (2008) did not amend the BLM San Luis Resource Area Resource Management Plan (RMP, 1991);  BLM Colorado action intent is to amend the RMP with the PEIS direction.  RMP Amendment: EA-level analysis, tiered to the PEIS.  Focus only on geothermal leasing; not a complete RMP revision  As appropriate, RMPA provides more specific direction to address regional conditions.

6 The units of measurement are in milliWatts per square meter (mW/m 2 )

7 BLM San Luis Valley Field Office example


9 NEPA Public Comment The largest percentage of comments (60.4%) addressed resource planning issues which included the following: Fish and Wildlife - protect Orient Mine bats, protect sensitive wildlife habitats, protect state wildlife areas… Water Resources – protect from degradation, and protect riparian areas… Renewable Energy Development – pro and con development Visual Resources - protect

10 BLM San Luis Valley Field Office example



13 SLV Geothermal EA Overview  Three NEPA Alternatives  EA-RMPA Alternatives compare: Geothermal Leasing Allocation - Open vs. Closed Geothermal Leasing Stipulations for Open – SS, NSO, CSU, TL  Alternative A - No Action: No PEIS ROD/BMP Adoption + Least Closed + TL focus + RMP Stips  Alternative B – BLM Preferred Alternative PEIS ROD/BMP Adoption + Increased Closed + CSU Emphasis  Alternative C – High Restriction Action Alternative PEIS ROD/BMP Adoption + Most Closed + Most NSO

14 SLV Geothermal EA Overview






20 Concluding Messages  BLM’s renewable energy mandate: Make lands available for environmentally responsible energy development  Geothermal energy land use: what, where, & how  Streamlined geothermal leasing decisions: Clear geothermal leasing allocations & resource protection stipulations  Geothermal Planning is one land-use  RMP’s are old, NEPA-Land Use Planning is a public process

21 Contact Information Joe Vieira, BLM CO Renewable Energy Program San Luis Valley Public Lands Center 1843 W. Hwy 160 Monte Vista, CO 81144 719-852-6213 BLM San Luis Valley Geothermal Leasing EA-RMPA

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