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KM3NeT ESFRI/PSE-WG meeting, 3 December 2013, Brussels Maarten de Jong & Paschal Coyle on behalf of KM3NeT 1 The next generation neutrino telescope in.

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Presentation on theme: "KM3NeT ESFRI/PSE-WG meeting, 3 December 2013, Brussels Maarten de Jong & Paschal Coyle on behalf of KM3NeT 1 The next generation neutrino telescope in."— Presentation transcript:

1 KM3NeT ESFRI/PSE-WG meeting, 3 December 2013, Brussels Maarten de Jong & Paschal Coyle on behalf of KM3NeT 1 The next generation neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean

2 Introduction Discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in Universe – interface between astrophysics and particle physics pillar of multi-messenger approach – synergy with Earth & Sea sciences 2 KM3NeT is a new Research Infrastructure – cabled network of neutrino telescopes – located in deep waters of Mediterranean Sea

3 Multi-messenger astronomy 3 p, He,..  ? cosmic rays gamma rays neutrinos – Supernova Remnants – Active Galactic Nuclei – Gamma-Ray Bursts –... !

4 KM3NeT Architecture 4 neutrino telescope shore station remote access to data remote operation onoff computer center

5 Technology (I) 5 ~ 600 m Optical module Launcher vehicle ‒31 x 3” PMTs ‒low-power HV ‒LED & piezo inside ‒FPGA readout ‒DWDM ‒rapid deployment ‒autonomous unfurling ‒recoverable

6 Technology (II) 6 Multiplicity Rate [Hz] PMT orientation [deg.] Atmospheric muons + data (M ≥ 7) Atmospheric muons K40 random coincidences + data Rate [a.u.] photon counting directionality

7 Costs (I)  Total investment 220–250 M€ – stable since ESFRI roadmap (2006) and conform with TDR – includes contingency of 10%, provided no VAT – actual prices conform with cost model  Operational costs << 5% of total investment per year – conform with ESFRI roadmap update and TDR  Personnel – conform with TDR  Operation – ≥ 10 years 7

8 Costs (II) € KM3NeT string ~ ¼ of € Antares string 8

9 Site Before:One large Research Infrastructure interest from France, Italy and Greece to host complete infrastructure Now:Strong case for distributed Research Infrastructure agreement that France, Italy and Greece host part of infrastructure 9 “Advantage of additional funds and human resources resulting from using the three available sites significantly outweighs any financial or scientific advantage from using one of the sites.”

10 Organisation (I)  EU funded Design Study 2006–2009 – Conceptual Design Report – Technical Design Report  EU funded Preparatory Phase 2008–2012 – Administrative Standing Committee endorsed technology decision supported phase-1 – Scientific Standing Committee review science & technology 10 Technology Governance Site decision

11 Organisation (II)  KM3NeT phase-1January2013 established collaboration – 40 institutes, more than 220 persons elected central management set up project organisation – prototyping, cost review, planning, QA/QC drafted Memorandum of Understanding – investments, facilities, human resources, access policy set up Resources Review Board set up Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee December2013 11

12 12 Spending profile phase-1 (I) spent/committed ≤ 2013 itemcosts [M€] R&D3,750 Infrastructure-Fr4,850 Infrastructure-It8,805 Deployments1,950 Total19,355

13 Spending profile phase-1 (II) 13  expenditures [M€] months 1-9-2013 prototyping string1 string2–25 string26–31 total

14 Construction schedule phase-1 14 months strings ¶ in string-equivalent units integrated modules ¶ integrated strings installed strings 1-1-2014

15 Phased implementation 15 Phase Total costs [M€] Primary deliverable 131 Proof of feasibility of network of distributed neutrino telescopes 1.580–90 Measurement of neutrino signal reported by IceCube 2220–250Neutrino astronomy

16 ERIC establishes KM3NeT as a legal entity – streamline procurement and financial management – avoid VAT for total investment collaboration agreed to host ERIC in the Netherlands – Amsterdam Science Park is ideal Resources Review Board supports ERIC for phase 1.5 – start process when phase-1 is positively reviewed (i.e. before it is completed) 16

17 Funding requests (I) France – 25 M€ (ERDF + national + local) to be matched with 25 M€ from other countries Greece – 54.7 M€ (ERDF) construction of neutrino telescope at Pylos site Italy – 10 M€/year between 2015–2019 (national) part of upgrade program of existing Research Infrastructures in less favoured regions 17

18 Funding requests (II) the Netherlands – announced future request for 4.3 M€ (national) construction, real-time computing, T-sensor array Romania – ? M€ (national) intention to set up production line for optical modules (negotiations on-going) Interest from groups in Germany, Spain and UK – no requests in near future 18

19 Global Neutrino Network MoU signed by KM3NeT 19

20 20

21 Replies (I) 1.Engage with funding agencies and governments; Likelihood and timetable for funding versus phase-1; VAT. – MoU phase-1 submitted to Resources Review Board – preparation of funding request on-going – invited to submit Letter of Intent for phase-1.5 – VAT exempt for hardware deployed in deep-sea 2.Governance structure; Earth & Sea sciences. – preferred governance structure compliant with ASPERA guidelines and successfully applied in Antares – Earth & Sea sciences membership (full or observer) MoU foreseen with ESS institutes and/or EMSO 21

22 Replies (II) 3.Management; Cooperation between groups; Consensus-building path. – established single collaboration with central management – major decisions taken (sites, technology, governance, etc.) 4.Three sites versus management plan; ERIC & Procurement. – evaluated merits of single versus multi-site three sites solution is favoured by funding and human resources – management plan phase-1 exist site managers are member of central management team – ERIC will be pursued for next phases facilitates procurement avoid VAT for total investment 22

23 Replies (III) 5.Ethics Board; Impact marine environment. – role and implementation defined in MoU Annex 4 – environmental impact studies made conclusions: no significant impact – decommissioning costs worked out financed through common fund 6.Cost review; Structural funds versus project management. – costs reviewed actual prices conform cost estimates – significant fraction of available budget spent or committed and various tenders on-going 23

24 Replies (IV) 7.Resources Review Board; Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee. – RRB and STAC are in place first meetings on 18 and 19 November 2013, respectively precursor of RRB existed since Preparatory Phase (ASC) 8.Activity plans; Budgets; KPI; Earth & Sea sciences. – viable long-term plan with KPIs exists for neutrino astronomy budgets committed – recent observation by IceCube consolidates field of research – synergy with Earth & Sea sciences have exploratory nature 24

25 Replies (V) 9.KM3NeT – EMSO. – formalisation of already active collaboration started memberships defined MoU prepared 25

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