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Title I at Willow Elementary Presented during annual Open House August 30 th, 2012 By Mrs. Anders.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I at Willow Elementary Presented during annual Open House August 30 th, 2012 By Mrs. Anders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I at Willow Elementary Presented during annual Open House August 30 th, 2012 By Mrs. Anders

2 What is Title I?  Federal assistance program that provides funding to high-poverty schools  Schools qualify based on free and reduced lunch count  Funds are used to support all students in the school.

3 What does this mean for Willow Elementary?  Extra Resources and Student Services  Technology  Books  Title I Teacher  Small group instruction  Extra Programing  Family Nights  Reading Rewards Program ( 75%)  Teacher Trainings  Technology  Classroom Curriculum

4 AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress)  Willow Elementary currently meets AYP  Reading: 87% proficient  Writing: 73% proficient  Math: 83% proficient  We need to continue growing!  Our goal is to increase proficiency 3% across all areas.

5 Keeping Track… SUBJECTASSESMENTCLASSROOM Reading Imagine It! AssessmentsPK-2 Reading Streets Assessments3-6 Accelerated Reader quizzes1-6 *AIMSWEB AssessmentsK-6 **SuccessMaker AssessmentsK-6 MATH Math Expressions Assessments2-5 McDougal-Littell Course 1 Assessments6 OTHER ***MAP AssessmentsK-6 Student Self-Assessments (Conferences)3-6 Grade Level Check SheetsK-3 Informal Portfolios4/5 Teacher ObservationK-6 *AIMSWEB is a standardized, individually administered test that provides a measure of risk for learning to read. This test is administered to all students - kindergarten through sixth grade. **SuccessMaker is an interactive learning program for reading, language arts, and math. There is a bilingual component. Teachers can monitor, assess, and direct the progress of students. ***MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) a web-based assessment tool by NWEA.

6 Parent Involvement  Parent Involvement Policy & Parent Compact  Working together to share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement  Together we can!  Parents we need your help!  Feedback on PIP & Parent Compact  Accountability Team  Family nights  Look for meeting notices in the newsletter and signs around town

7 Parent Rights  You can and should:  Request meetings to make suggestions to school staff as needed  Participate in decisions regarding your child and their education  Request teacher qualifications  Submit written review on our Title I Action Plan  Plan will be posted on the District Website

8 Is she done yet? I’m HUNGRY!  Please make sure you signed in  Is this your first time attending a Title I/Family Night event?  Take a draft of PIP & Parent Compact  We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions  We need volunteers!  Library  Book Fair

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