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Sources of Weather Information Chapter 9, Section E.

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1 Sources of Weather Information Chapter 9, Section E

2 Preflight Weather Sources Flight Service Stations - FSS can be contacted anywhere in the USA by using 1 800 WX-BRIEF 1 800 992-7433 Identify yourself as a pilot and provide the following information –VFR or IFR –Aircraft number and type –Departure airfield

3 –Route of flight –Destination –Flight Altitude –Estimated time of departure –Estimated time enroute

4 Types of Briefings Standard is the most complete briefing and assumes no familiarity with the weather picture Abbreviated is used to update weather information when you need only one or two specific items Outlook is used if you departure is six or more hours away. You should update with a standard or abbreviated briefing closer to flight time

5 TIBS Telephone information briefing service allows you to get recorded weather information It is designed to be a preliminary briefing tool. It is not intended to replace a standard briefing

6 DUATS Direct User Access Terminal System allows pilots with current medical certificates to receive weather and file flight plans with a personal computer and modem If you have any question, you should contact a live briefer to help you interpret the raw data and to advise you on how or whether to complete a flight

7 DUATS DTC Duats – –1 800 245-3828 GTE Duats – –1 800 767-9989

8 In-Flight Weather Sources Airmets - WA - Airmans meteorological information are forecasts for a maximum of a six hour period Sierra for IFR conditions Tango for turbulence Zulu for icing and freezing levels

9 SIGMETs Significant meteorological information - WS - –Severe Icing –Severe and extreme turbulence –Volcanic eruptions –Duststorms, sandstorms or volcanic ash lowering visibility to less than three miles

10 Convective SIGMETs Imply severe or greater turbulence, severe icing and low level wind shear Contain either an observation and a forecast or just a forecast for tornadoes, significant thunderstorm activity or hail 3/4 inch or greater in diameter

11 Enroute Flight Advisory Service Flight Watch is available daily from 6 AM to 10 PM when flying between 5,000 AGL and 17,500 MSL any where in the US Contact on 122.0 with your aircraft ID, ARTCC facility identification and name of the nearest VOR

12 Center Weather Advisory CWA Issued by ARTCC to alert pilots of existing or anticipated adverse weather conditions May be issued prior to an AIRMET or SIGMET as a result of PIREPs

13 HIWAS Hazardous in-flight weather advisory service is a continuous broadcast of in-flight weather advisories over selected VORs or SIGMETs, convective SIGMETs, AIRMETs, severe weather warming alerts AWW, and Center weather advisories CWAs.

14 AWOS Automated Weather Observing System was the first widely installed automated weather data gathering system AWOS reports at fixed intervals and cannot issue special reports like ASOS does

15 ASOS Automated surface observation system are becoming the primary weather observing system in the United States Can be reached by telephone or by monitoring an ASOS frequency It provides information for ATIS

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