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A Professional Development School Counseling Internship Past experience Design of new internship model Proposal and meetings Donald Trump “You’re Fired”

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Presentation on theme: "A Professional Development School Counseling Internship Past experience Design of new internship model Proposal and meetings Donald Trump “You’re Fired”"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Professional Development School Counseling Internship Past experience Design of new internship model Proposal and meetings Donald Trump “You’re Fired” Feedback: 1st semester of new model Feedback: 2nd semester of model

2 Past experience 100 to 600 hr evolution Rural geographic area 0-70 miles 1 intern per school Difficult placement process Difficult quality control

3 Design: PDS Model for SCs Remodel program while living in it Teacher Ed PDS Plan replication for SCs Anticipated benefits for: School district & SCs Interns Counselor Education

4 Partnership Schools

5 Proposal and Process Discussions with SCs Request to meet with Supt. Meeting with Admin team Anxietiesnew Supt and new team Mis-stepsAssumed matching needs Meeting with SCs Placement time pressure

6 Benefits to District SCs Logistics University-based supervision Site-supervision responsibility Orientation of interns Veteran peer influence Multiple talents Time coverage Stability & consistency sustainability Value-added Address barriers to academic success Initiation of Student Success Skills curriculum Collection and analysis of data Facilitation of RAMP status

7 Benefits to interns Easier placement fewer sites Placement close to university less than 5 miles Less pressure shared with peers Orientation Time coverage flexible Peer collaboration on-site & at university More contact with university-based supervisor

8 Benefits to SBU Counselor Ed Placement easier Interviews with Admin and SCs Board of Ed approval Supervision more efficient Visits Contact with SCs Quality control easier

9 Initial Experiences Orientation multiple interns at once Find place to congregate 4 selected interns and 4 SCs Understand needs of SCs

10 Second year experiences Not enough communication among SCs and interns; too relaxed; can’t read minds One intern “fired” New interns added too many? Added new school (elementary) 9 on 5

11 1. RtI System 2. School Climate Survey 3. Collaboration with Families & Community 4. Narrow Achievement Gap 5. Raise Graduation rate 6. Achieve “Adequate Yearly Progress” in ELA & Math 7.Increase # of students scoring 4 (distinction) on the NYS Assessments in English

12 Q & A

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