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Published byEmil Scott Modified over 9 years ago
Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo Skopje March 2011 Ferhat Bejtullahu Construction Company ”TREGTIA” University for Busines and Tecnology-Prishtina Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bedri Prishtina Director of Construction Company “TREGTIA”, Cecilia Norgren Programme Officer, Ulla Jennische Senior environmental consultant, Arch. M.A. Klas Klasson Group Coach. Their commitment to me and my professional enthusiasm motivated my work I would like to express my gratitude to the following institutions and persons for their contribution and trust, enabling me to attend this training course: Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
INTRODUCTION Background Rapid urban growth of Prishtina - the capital of Republic of Kosovo effected developments beyond the harmonic balance of community, environment and economy. Kosovoa is facing lack of capacity in terms of qualified and experienced environmental managers, necessary when rising questions: how to manage sustainability environment? Which appropriate forms, contest, methods and authorities to use when building human and health environment? Stakeholders Key stakeholders in promoting and implementing environmental assessment are government in close working consultation with the building and design institutions, through consultation with expert comity consisting of Government, Construction Industry and NGO representatives. Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011 This document gives an overview of training course (each phase) and how it has affected me as a person, my work and organization. The report describes the objective of the course, its structure, and methodology used in bringing the participants closer to the strategies of Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo
Situation when project started Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Uncontrolled structural development of the city Not enough founds & capacity building to build the system for environmental assessment of buildings Inappropriate planning, designing, construction and maintenance of buildings Unconsciousness of residents about energy demands in build environment Constructions build without consideration of environmental standards and codes Growing Local Environmental Destruction Growing Local Environmental Destruction Illegal buildings & infrastructure causes effects Increased demand for energyInapplicable codes & standards Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Project Manager Project group Reference group Stearing committé Where am I at the moment? The project cycle Planning Implementing/ Monitoring Evaluating Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Evaluation and Outcomes of The Programme will start after five phases, within specific time periods Phase 1, Preparation phase (25 June 2010 to 5 September 2010) Home country Initial contacts with regards to the project for change Phase 2, Scheduled training (6–24 September 2010) In Sweden Lectures, study visits, group exercises and elaboration of the projects for change. Phase 3, Intermediate period (25 September 2010 – 13 March 2011) Presentation of project for change and draft reports. Phase 4, Scheduled training in the region (14–25 March 2011) Presentation and discuss the progress made on projects for change, attending lectures on relevant issues and make study visits. Phase 5 Completion (26 March – Augusti 2011) Financial support for project and prepare to submit final reports Action plan Monitoring Reports ToR INTEGRATED APPROACH DIFFERNT TERMS AND DEFINITIONS CAN BE DONE IN DIFFERENT WAYS AMBITIOUS / COMPLEX Limitations Drafts of Final Reports Final Reports Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Environment assessment of buildings in Kosovo OBJECTIVES Encourage builders to construct more sustainable buildings Signal the direction of future regulations and give certainty Empower buyers to drive demand for more sustainable Buildings Framework of environmental assessment-national standard The overall objective of project was towards the identification of challenges and suitable solutions of management methods for implementation, attempting to enhance Sustainable Environmental Management. Specific objectives were to introduce findings and useful data to suggest draft proposal for Code of Sustainability assessment of Construction (CSAB) guidance, as a new national and/or regional standard form Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Outputs and expected Outcomes Trainers Training material Workshop People trained To have predictable and comprehensive decisions, actions, and events through the life cycle of a building, Publica tion & stategy Cuncept Home Outcomes Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Draft Sweden Project Home Publication Region Project & Founds Home Collection of relevant information, structuring of project proposal Training in Project Cycle Management & Project Design Organize a meeting with target groups. Project finalization etc. Final Design of Project, Final Report & Presentation Activities in promoting codes and standards with financial support ActivityOutput Formulated abstract and outline of Project for Change Inputs Phaze 2 1 3 4 5 Project-Draft, including a project matrix and programme for next phase Final report- draft, together with the latest version of project proposal Publication of booklet with Final Design of Project, Internal and external communication and consultation inv. strategy Depending on financial support Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
RISKS Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011 Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Risk 1 Project Manager (PM) availability, experience and training? PM with successful recent experience in similar project Impact Low Score 1 Weight 4 Score weight 4 PM with successful recent experience Low28 PM with knowledge but little experience High312 Inexperienced PM with limited PM knowledge Very High416 Risk 2 Key project skill and staffing level requirements can be met by? Team members full-timeLow144 Mix of full-time and part-time members Medium28 Part-time membersHigh312 Ad-hoc membershipVery High416
ASSUMPTIONS (external factors, which must act together with the project) 1 Assuming that publication of the booklet faces difficulties the project will be published thru the internet (free web page etc), 2 Assuming that implementation faces luck of Project Manager (PM) availability, experience and training, project will be part of larger programme of NGO or governmental organization. Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
PROJECT MANAGEMENT and ORGANISATION Project manager is responsible for team needs, task needs and individual needs Consultants are responsible for workshops, trainings and reports Staffing level in organization requires full-time and part-time members Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
MONITORING and EVALUATING EVALUATING TOOLS Performance indicators The logical framework approach Theory-based evaluation Formal surveys Impact evaluation Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Setting performance targets and assessing progress toward achieving them. Identifying problems via an early warning system to allow corrective action to be taken. Improving quality of project and program designs-by requiring the specification of clear objectives, the use of performance indicators, and assessment of risks. Summarizing design of complex activities. Mapping design of complex activities. Improving planning and management. Providing baseline data against which the performance of the strategy, program, or project can be compared. Comparing actual conditions with the targets established in a program or project design. Describing conditions in a particular group. Measuring outcomes and impacts of an activity and distinguishing these from the influence of other, external factors. Helping to clarify whether costs for an activity are justified. Strengthening accountability for results. Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Reflections on the programme Expectations – thenExpectations – now Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Learn how to 1.Administrate 2.Doe like others 3.Control 4.Makes short term plans 5.Asks how and when 6.Has eye on the task 7.Accept 8.Doe the things right Know how to 1.Innovate 2.Develop 3.Inspire 4.Make long term plans 5.Asks what and why 6.Focuses on the horizon 7.Challenge 8.Doe the right thing Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Specific things I learned from my colleagues 1. Different types of projects need different types of partnership, policies and instruments. This can be achieved by fully integrate all stakeholders in local environmental management process, 2. Environmental management can lead the way on climate change with velocity and scale, 3. We need to continue to dramatically optimize our use of energy and materials in ways that are delightful and cost effective. Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Specific things I learned from the period in Sweden 1 Coordination between different levels of authorities, 2 During the group work (specific case studies and discussions) on Projects of change I have learned that to design good project is needed activity with a clear beginning and an end and with defined goals, objectives, resources, outputs and outcome, 3 Strong institutions are key factor in implementing strategies For Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas. This I have learned after good organized visits of a number of institutions and areas of special interest in regards to our topic. Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
How I have shared my experience in Sweden with my colleagues at work Thermal image showing heat loss from REGTIA buildings assessments on February 2011 Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011 1 Report after second phase, 2 Presentation and discusion how to design Project, 3 Discusion on topic: Environmental Menagement in Urban Areas, 4 Sharing experience from viziting institucions in Sveden, 5 Working with colleagues in new research on environmental topic.
Successes and challenges: Changes I have been able to effect in my own work, and within my organization: Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu 1.Increased responsiveness to all phases of design a project that fulfil clients’ needs, 2.Increased commitment to achieve goals, Integrated culture & 3.Organizational empowerment. Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Being a ‘change agent’ and using projects as tools for change What i have learned: 1 To design a project, 2 To fill in Project matix, 3 I need to know more about: 1 Communication and consultation strategy, 2 Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
What I wish had been different The lectures and the study visits: 1 Lectures to be in university- closer to students, 2 To have more study visits with more time dedikated for visits The group work and project for change: 1 Groups to be topic based organized from the begining with circulated projects for change (phase 1), 2 More atention in ipmlementation phase and help (from organizer) with sugestions for financial support in home countries Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Thank you! Environmental assessment of buildings in Kosovo - Ferhat Bejtullahu Advanced International Training Programme 2010 Europe Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
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