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Health Education England. The Talent for Care Get On !

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Presentation on theme: "Health Education England. The Talent for Care Get On !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Education England

2 The Talent for Care Get On !

3 Deliverables 3&4 Deliverable 3 “establish minimum training standards for HCA’s to reflect the increasing levels of seniority” Deliverable 4 “establish a robust baseline of HCA training standards in 2013 and achieve a significant improvement against the baseline in 2014/15”

4 Key Project objectives Focus on safety and quality of care Build on existing best practice – recognising that most trusts already have programmes for bands 1-4 Needs to reflect different roles across organisations – A&E to Mental Health to Children's community services to GP practices Add value and consistency to these existing programmes and capture existing qualifications

5 What might it look like Build on NMTS and Cavendish Certificate of Care Modular “pick and mix” approach Not prescriptive on detail of content Needs to reflect seniority of role both in terms of experience and advanced competency Uses a model of Quality Assurance or Validation

6 Care Certificate + Employer Induction + Nationally agreed Training Standards = “Role specific training Programme”

7 Flexible Learning Assessment and Observations of practice E-learning workbooks Reflective Log supervision Peer support Learning in practice

8 E.g. of role specific modules – Nursing assistant Communication Infection Prevention Personal care Physiological observations Nutrition and hydration Elimination and continence Mobility, Falls and Manual Handling End of Life Pressure Ulcer Prevention Record keepingDementiasafeguarding

9 E.g. of role specific modules – AHP assistant Communication Infection Prevention Activities of Daily Living Exercise Therapy Nutrition and hydration Elimination and continence Mobility, Falls & Therapeutic Handling End of Life Pressure Ulcer Prevention Record keepingDementiasafeguarding

10 ? Reflecting seniority Venepuncture Leading class based treatment sessions ECG HCA Leadership Screening & Assessments Second Home Birth Attendant

11 Links to... Cavendish Skills for Health and Skills for Care Pre – degree nursing project Changes to Apprenticeships Access to registered training Greater widening participation agenda

12 Cavendish Certificate of Care A Certificate of Fundamental Care should be developed for all support workers in Health and Social Care “ to raise standards, improve transparency, reduce duplication, raise the status of caring and bridge divides in the system”


14 Validation of programmes To bring – Consistency – Portability – Quality assurance – Confidence Possible options include – Single validation organisation such as City and Guilds – Multiple validators - HEIs

15 Questions for today If you are an HCA…. What difference/impact will these standards have on you and your patients? Are there any barriers/obstacles which may prevent you from achieving these standards? What support would you need from your employers to meet these standards?

16 Questions for today If you are representing a Trust How does this model reflect your service needs as an organisation? What would give you confidence in the quality of competencies achieved by HCAs in another Trust? What would need to happen to make this work in your Trust? If you think there are any barriers, what are they and what could we do to overcome them? What opportunities do your workforce plans include for more senior HCA roles?

17 And.... Would your trust be willing to pilot a new framework? Do you have examples of best practice to share?

18 Finally.. Get into groups..

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