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República Dominicana Dominican Republic. How can IGG accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction simultaneously? Economic growth alone does not guarantee.

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Presentation on theme: "República Dominicana Dominican Republic. How can IGG accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction simultaneously? Economic growth alone does not guarantee."— Presentation transcript:

1 República Dominicana Dominican Republic

2 How can IGG accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction simultaneously? Economic growth alone does not guarantee poverty reduction, is necessary to improve equity and ensure people's access to basic goods and services. In this regard, the international community and individual states, are on duty to promote inclusive green growth to ensure the stability of the natural environment and people´s quality of life.

3 How can IGG accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction simultaneously in DR? Elements of a strategy for inclusive green growth DR has not developed a strategy for Green Growth Inclusive, however, the country has a number of initiatives that together make up a form of inclusive green growth approach.

4 Some options on how can the IGG accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction simultaneously 1.One option that is being implemented in DR, is the creation of green jobs. For example in reforestation programs, 2.Another option is the provision of electricity to poor communities from renewable and clean sources such as hydro, solar and wind energy, 3.The implementation of REDD +-based programs, 4.Promote cleaner production schemes and recycling in developing countries.

5 Law 64-00 (environmental impact) 1.Strategic Environmental Assessment, 2.Plans for remediation of environmental, 3.Environmental Impact Assessment of projects as a condition for obtaining the environmental license, 4.Payment for environmental services (PES). Some elements of a strategy for inclusive green growth:

6 | Policy tools and instruments that have been successfully applied in DR to promote Inclusive Green Growth in the context of accelerated urbanisation and growing economic activities: Law No. 57-07 on Incentives for Development of Renewable Sources of Energy and its Special Regimes, Municipalities Act No: 176-07, National Land Management Plan (under elaboration), Municipal land use plans, Land use plans for tourist areas. Some elements of a strategy for Inclusive Green Growth:

7 Promotion of renewable energy: Law No. 5707 on Incentives for Development of Renewable Sources of Energy and its Special Regimes. At this time 20% of the electricity produced in the country is hydraulic, solar and wind energy. Payment for environmental services (PES): Resolution of the Ministry of Environment that sets the agenda for PES. The PES is considered in the General Law of the Environment and Natural Resources No. 64-00. At this moment there are two programs in two river basins that are applying the PES. National Protected Areas System: Currently the National System of Protected Areas comprise 123 sites and is occupying a land area of ​​12,033 km 2 which represents 25% of the country. Reforestation Program: The Dominican government spends about a million dollars a month in the implementation of the national program of reforestation. En 12 years were planted 101223 hectares of new forest. Sustainable forest management. Number of management planes authorized: 894. Area under forest management: 62.341 hectares. Some elements of a strategy for Inclusive Green Growth, being implemented in DR:

8 Forest Transition Curve in the Dominican Republic 1939-2011 19391973198419962003 2011

9 | 9 How can we share lessons on inclusive green growth across countries? Establishing pilot projects based on the criteria of the IGG, Promoting mechanisms and strategies for the application of IGG, in the national and regional level, Promoting South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation for the exchange of successful experiences.

10 | 10 How can the international community play a role to support developing countries’ domestic IGG commitments and efforts? Support to countries in the process of strengthening national capacities on issues related to IGG, The International community should promote regional processes with the aim to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between developing countries, to promote the IGG., To promote the progress in the negotiations of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in issues related to IGG.

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