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CE 515 Railroad Engineering Environmental Regulations and Permitting Source: AREMA Ch. 11 “Transportation exists to conquer space and time -”

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1 CE 515 Railroad Engineering Environmental Regulations and Permitting Source: AREMA Ch. 11 “Transportation exists to conquer space and time -”

2 Environmental Regulations & Permitting United States Canada Mexico Just overview – assessments to be completed by licensed professionals J. Rose Lectures, Ch. 16, Slide 4

3 US Regulations Wetlands Best Management Practices Threatened & Endangered Species Cultural Resources Phase I Environmental Assessment Hazardous Waste Brownfields Asbestos Air Quality

4 Best Management Practices Policies, practices, procedures, or structures implemented to mitigate the direct and indirect degradation of surface water quality from an activity BMPs required for all permits Non-structural elements – Preservation of natural areas Floodplains Streams Wetlands Prairies Woodlands Native soils Structural elements – Vegetated swales – Filter strips – Infiltration trenches Limit amount of impervious surface area

5 Threatened & Endangered Species Endangered Species: any animal or plant that is in danger of going extinct Threatened Species: any animal or plant that is likely to become endangered in the near future Critical habitat: geographic area which maintains biological/physical features essential to conservation of the species and which require special management, consideration, or protection. Take permit issued by Fish & Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service An NWP WILL NOT authorize any activity which is likely to impact a threatened or endangered species, or its critical habitat. Lakeside Daisy AREMA Manual; Page 490 Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway @ US 151 near Amana Humpback Sucker AREMA Manual; Page 490

6 Cultural Resources Cultural Resource: any phenomenon associated with prehistoric or historic events, themes, or individuals (often unique, fragile, & non- renewable) NHPA of 1966 Professional archaeologists must conduct surveys Some states have additional laws – Illinois Examples include: – Historic buildings/districts – Burial sites – Campsites – Spiritual sites – Churches/cemeteries – Trails – Tunnels – Towers – Bridges/miscellaneous structures

7 Phase I Environmental Assessment First step to determine if contamination exists on property Includes: – Property Overview – Property History – Regulatory History – Environmental investigations and cleanups – Physical reconnaissance – Visual and physical inspection Buildings interior and exterior Facility grounds and areas of concern (28 listed on pg. 493 of AREMA) – Property Maps If concerns exist, move on to Phase II (sampling) Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway @ US 151 near Amana Site-Assessments.cfm

8 Information about regulated substances must be made available to authorities or the public Hazardous Waste Three types are to be reported: – MSDS – Emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms – Toxic chemical release reporting In the event of a release, authorities MUST be notified. Notification must identify: –Hazardous chemical involved –Amounts released –Time, duration, and environmental fate –Suggested action

9 Brownfields EPA definition: “abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is contaminated.” EPA has “Brownfield Economic Redevelopment Initiative to help local stakeholders revitalize and clean-up sites.

10 Asbestos Very small, natural mineral fibers known for their strength and fire- resistant properties. Demolition/construction areas known to contain asbestos must be monitored by a qualified hygienist. OSHA and NESHAP/EPA standards apply. Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway @ US 151 near Amana

11 Air Quality CAA of 1970 National Primary and Secondary ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) Designated pollutants: – O 3 – CO – NO 2 – SO 2 – Particulate Matter – Pb Different states have different regs Locomotive exhaust info: Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway @ US 151 near Amana

12 Case Study AREMA Manual: Drawing made courtesy of Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway @ US 151 near Amana

13 Questions?

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