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Lancer’s Labor of Love March 2-3, 2011. “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progess and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Lancer’s Labor of Love March 2-3, 2011. “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progess and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lancer’s Labor of Love March 2-3, 2011

2 “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progess and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” Cesar Chavez

3 “Responsibility does not only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us... when our community is in a state of peace, it can share that peace with neighboring communities.” Dalai Lama

4 “The challenge of social justice is to evoke a sense of community that we need to make our nation a better place, just as we make it a safer place.” Marian Wright Edelman

5 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

6 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke, British statesman and orator

7 “When you teach your son, you teach your son's son.” Talmud

8 “No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers.” Ronald Reagan “Throughout my life, I've seen the difference that volunteering efforts can make in people's lives. I know the personal value of service as a local volunteer.” Jimmy Carter

9 “ Everyone can be great because anyone can serve... You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't even have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve... You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love...” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

10 “magnitude of our social problems will require that all citizens and institutions make a commitment to volunteering as a way of life and as a primary opportunity to create needed change.” George Romney, former Michigan governor

11 Community Service is NOT: A Punishment... Communism... Self-sacrifice... Uninteresting...

12 Community Service is... n. Services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions. An American Tradition Necessary Local A Labor of Love...

13 Lancer’s Labor of Love March 2-3, 2011

14 Description of the Program On March 2 nd and 3 rd, The Class of 2011 will pilot a program never before seen at Livingston High School. Instead of participating in informational and educational presentations here on campus, you will have an opportunity to select or create community projects. You could be a part of an event that results in over 2,700 hours of service over the two-day program.

15 What am I supposed to do? There are two ways to student can choose to participate in this program: 1) Select an opportunity from a “menu” of service projects arranged by the “Labor of Love” committee. 2) Create your own project and enlist student volunteers to help you complete it.

16 “Menu” of Service A collection of local organizations have stepped forward to “host” students to help meet their service initiatives. This “menu” can be seen on the Labor of Love webpage. Online Template of Choice - Copy.doc This menu will updated regularly as new programs and opportunities are made available.

17 Student Projects If none of these opportunities are of interest to you, consider creating your own project. If you are involved in a leadership program, club or honor society that requires a service project, this project could meet that requirement. Student projects will be posted on the “menu” of service, once they are approved.

18 How will it work? Program’s timeline: January 10, 2010: Introduction meeting/PowerPoint

19 How will it work? Program’s timeline: January 10, 2010: Introduction meetings/PowerPoint January 21, 2010: Submission of Student Project Proposal (Deadline)

20 Student Project Proposal Students interested in creating their own projects must complete a proposal form. This form can be found on the Social Studies Website. Proposals must be submitted by Jan. 21, 2011, but they will be accepted before this date.

21 Student Project Proposal Project Proposal must include: 1) An explanation of the community need fulfilled by the project. 2) A description of the project and how it will address the community need. 3) A description of logistical, financial and organizational obstacles you may encounter. Please describe how you would address these problems. 4) A detailed list of the steps needed to successfully complete this project. 5) A detailed description of the schedule for your “plan of service.” 6) Where will your project be located? How many volunteers will you need?

22 How will it work? Program’s timeline: January 10, 2010: Introduction meetings/PowerPoint January 21, 2010: Submission of Student Project Proposal (Deadline) January 24-28: Student Project meetings (Deadline)

23 Student Project meetings Each community service project must be reviewed with the Social Studies Supervisor prior to being approved. As soon as the proposal is completed, schedule a time to meet Mr. Kercher to present your program. These meetings will take place the week of Jan. 24-28 (but earlier meetings are available).

24 How will it work? Program’s timeline: January 10, 2010: Introduction meetings/PowerPoint January 21, 2010: Submission of Student Project Proposal January 24-28: Student Project meetings January 28: Posting of final projects February 4: Selection Forms due

25 Service Selection Form An application process has been established to enable students to select a community project that meets their interests. To help the Committee correctly match volunteers with service projects, a selection form has been created. This form asks volunteers to select their top 5 choices and write an interest statement. The selection form is located on the Social Studies website. These forms must be submitted by Feb. 4 th.

26 How will it work? Program’s timeline: January 10, 2010: Introduction meetings/PowerPoint January 21, 2010: Submission of Student Project Proposal January 24-28: Student Project meetings January 28: Posting of final projects February 4: Selection Forms due February 11: Confirmation of Placements

27 Confirmation of Placements By Feb. 11 th, each student will be notified of their placement for March 2nd and 3 rd. This notification will include your placement as well as a description of the program including contact information for your supervisor of service.

28 How will it work? Program’s timeline: January 10, 2010: Introduction meetings/PowerPoint January 21, 2010: Submission of Student Project Proposal January 24-28: Student Project meetings January 28: Posting of final projects February 4: Selection Forms Due February 11: Confirmation of Placements March 2 and 3: Service days

29 1) Report immediately to your service project location at 8am. 2) Have Fun 3) Leave service project in order to report to school by 11am.

30 How will it work? Program’s timeline: January 10, 2010: Introduction meetings/PowerPoint January 21, 2010: Submission of Student Project Proposal January 24-28: Student Project meetings January 28: Posting of final projects February 4: Selection Form Due February 11: Confirmation of Placements March 2 and 3: Service days March 4: Submission of community service receipt and reflection

31 Community Service Receipt and Reflection In order for the district to validate the total hours of service and assess the success of the program, two forms need to be completed. Community Service Receipts online Service receipt and reflection.doc Volunteer Reflection online reflection sheet.doc

32 Is This Possible?

33 Lancer’s Labor of Love Student Project Proposal Any Senior interested in creating their own service project for the Lancer’s Labor of Love Program should complete and submit a proposal form prior to the Jan. 21 st deadline. Proposal forms can be found on the Social Studies Website. New opportunities available daily on the “menu of service” link. Check them out. Let’s get to 2,700 together!

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