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Mark Caddey, Sustainability Advisor Learning and Leadership Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Caddey, Sustainability Advisor Learning and Leadership Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Caddey, Sustainability Advisor Learning and Leadership Directorate

2  Signed on?  Introductions  Today’s program Housekeeping

3 Engaging students  Research warns of the potential for disengaging students with negative environmental messages  Make it real and relevant – Thermal comfort classroom thermometer  Make it creative! – The rock of power behind the light switch 4 C Gordon West  Make it fun! Make it fun

4 Today’s program  Institute of teachers course information  Learning for sustainability  Climate Clever Energy Savers program  Stories of success  Sustainability action process  Resources – wiki, scaffold, DEC Assets, Webgraphs  What the evaluation has told us so far  Regional networking

5 This DEC course or program has been approved for professional development under the terms of the NSW Institute of Teachers Continuing Professional Development policy. Completion of course/s will allow participants to claim the prescribed numbers of hours for the attainment or maintenance of Professional Competence. Climate Clever Energy Savers (CCES) one-day workshop Course code: 151CUK116Hours: 5 Climate Clever Energy Savers (CCES) mixed mode professional learning Course code: 151CUK115Hours: 20 NSW Institute of Teachers

6 Sustainability is a goal or state ‘in which society meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ environmental political social educational personal financial Others? Defining sustainability Group discussion 5 mins sharing 5 mins

7 How do you engage students in sustainability education? List some activities. Use the half A4 paper Learning for Sustainability Table discussion 10 mins

8 Learning for sustainability is learning that is intended to occur as part of the formal school curriculum for the purpose of equipping students with skills, knowledge and confidence to contribute to achieving a sustainable future. Learning for sustainability

9  enable students to develop energy saving and greenhouse gas reduction proposals and action plans  enhance student engagement and the learning of subject matter  embed learning for sustainability into the school curriculum  support an across KLA approach to authentic project- based sustainability work.  Use the Sustainability action process Climate Clever Energy Savers aims

10  Develop and implement a teaching and learning program using the sustainability action process and related assessment tasks  Support students investigate and plan energy efficiency and reduction strategies  Submit quality student proposal/s to Principal for endorsement  Submit Principal endorsed proposals to regional coordinators  Support students to implement funded proposals  Evaluate program by completing on-line survey. So what will you need to do?

11 Principal:  provide support to the participating teacher  endorse suitable proposals. Regional Coordinators:  coordination of regional professional learning  supporting schools to implement the program  selection of proposals for funding  Video conferences. DEC Learning and Leadership:  provision of professional development and curriculum resources  funds to support professional learning, regional coordinator & proposal implementation Who will support you to do this?

12 Climate Clever Energy Savers  Sharing our Climate Clever journey, stories from past primary and high school participants

13 Climate Clever Energy Savers 2010-12 What have we learned so far?  Major findings  Student engagement high  Sustainability action process scaffold is positive  Awareness raising & behaviour change  Regional support critical  UTS undertaking evaluation over 4 years of the project – Dr John Buchanan  Evaluation will continue in 2014, data collection from schools includes: on-line surveys, teacher & student interviews & work samples

14 KLAs, Primary

15 KLAs, Secondary

16 Project type

17 Expenditure items

18 Learning outcomes

19 Support mechanisms

20 Learning challenges

21 Climate Clever Energy Savers A Climate Clever Energy Savers communication project Linfield East Public School

22 Morning tea 20 minutes

23 Sustainability action process  A scaffolded process to promote a change or action that achieves sustainability outcomes.  Each step builds on the knowledge and skills of the preceding step.  Blends existing investigation and action methodologies – science, technology, geography

24 Sustainability action process  Where do your environmental activities fit with the SAP?  Use your the suggestions for engaging students in environmental activities from this morning.  Deconstruct your activity and describe what you did at each step  Any holes or gaps?  Sharing stories Group activity 15 mins

25 Climate Clever - Where do you start?  Student challenge  Resources to get you started  Audits  Energy notebook resource  Sustainability activities  Allegoric Apple & Water bucket

26 Climate Clever student challenge You are challenged to identify a sustainability issue in your school and to develop a creative and practical proposal for action that will save energy and reduce greenhouse gases. Through this project you will engage with issues of sustainability, learn how to take sustainability action to make a difference to your world, and strengthen your knowledge, understanding and skills related to school subjects. This is an authentic project in which your proposal can be implemented, provided that it is both well researched and designed. Your proposal will need to be selected by your teacher and school principal for action in your school. If selected, it will be forwarded for regional evaluation and may receive funding.

27  Project information and support materials  Primary and secondary – units of work, student learning resources (IWB), sample e-folios & proposals  Websites, print material and videos  Energy efficiency and climate change information and readings  Explore the USB and discuss Supporting resources - USB Group activity 15 mins

28 Other resources DEC Assets DEC Assets – audits, information pages, problem solvers, appliances and cost calculators. PDF’s on the USB. My favourite – Thermal performance solutions for my schoolThermal performance solutions for my school Webgraphs – monitor your schools electricity consumption Log in with your school code and password Welcome01

29  Includes all of the material on the USB  Units of work & work samples  Learning resources  Discussion pages  information on video conferences  information for New Scheme Teachers  Climate Clever 13 Wiki

30  Teacher resource materials on USB  Primary and secondary  Linked to sustainability action process  Links to suggested activities Teaching and Learning Sequence

31 Group task - Create a lesson Create 1 or 2 lessons to introduce your students to energy efficiency and investigations;  Creating context / challenge / purpose  Stage / KLA  Student / group structure  Resources  Activities Group activity 20 mins, sharing 10 mins

32  scaffolded to reflect steps of the sustainability action process  provided in two formats, Word and OneNote  teachers free to use other formats  to be submitted electronically with proposal Student e-folio

33  product of step 3 of the sustainability action process- template and samples on USB  supported by and summarises the e-folio  submitted to Principal for approval  Principal approved submissions electronically sent to Regional Coordinators The Proposal

34 Implementation  Step 4 in the sustainability action process  needs monitoring and evidence / data gathering by students  Even if physical implementation by other – eg installing lights not a passive stage for students  Needs to set students up for evaluating the project  Certificates for students

35  Student construct project reports  Students reflect on project  Reflection on the learning Evaluation and Reflection

36 Regional Support  Regional coordinator – timeframe, coordinator availability  further Regional workshops  regional networking and collegial support

37  about the program?  about the funding?  about the timeframe?  anything else? Questions

38 Lunch Lunch 45 minutes

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