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FAQ Research and Personal Statement.  Next you will research the answers to these questions. Once you have answers, type up the questions and provide.

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Presentation on theme: "FAQ Research and Personal Statement.  Next you will research the answers to these questions. Once you have answers, type up the questions and provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAQ Research and Personal Statement

2  Next you will research the answers to these questions. Once you have answers, type up the questions and provide simple answers that are accurate, helpful, clear, and concise.  In order to answer your questions effectively you have to know where to look – helpful sources might include: a college website,.gov webpages explaining different military branches or government jobs, or other organization webpages like Peace Corps (your research must come from reputable sources, Wikipedia does not count!)  Keep track of the sites you visit or the people you interview for a works cited page.

3  FAQs:  MLA Format  Single spaced between question and answer, double spaced between questions  Questions should be fully written out and answers in complete sentences  Questions should be numbered, but do NOT number the answers  Title: FAQs (this is the title for everyone)  Works cited page

4  The personal statement is your opportunity to sell yourself in the application process to colleges or even jobs. Personal statements usually fall in one of two categories: the general, comprehensive statement or a response to a very specific question.  The UC Admissions website explains, “Your personal statement should be exactly that — personal. This is your opportunity to tell us about yourself — your hopes, ambitions, life experiences, inspirations.”  When writing your personal statement it is important to keep in mind who the audience is, admissions and scholarship officers, and what you want them to understand about you.

5  General advice to keep in mind while writing a personal statement includes:  Answer the question(s) being asked  Tell a story  Be specific  Find an angle  Concentrate on your opening paragraph  Tell what you know  Don’t include some subjects (anything innapropriate)  Avoid clichés

6  Today you will be brainstorming different ideas and directions you might take your personal essay and complete an outline for your essay.  Personal statements must not exceed 750 words  Follow the prompt, i.e. stay on topic  Use the proper mechanics and grammar  Be compelling in your descriptions  Final drafts must be in MLA Format

7  The prompt for this assignment is the general admission prompt for all UC schools, (so this is something you may use in the future): Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

8  Your teacher will show you a few example essays.  Fill out the brainstorm and outline sheet to be turned in today.

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