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Published byKaren McDaniel Modified over 9 years ago
WASBO 2011 T.J Kelly and Calvin Brodie - OSPI ABC’ S O F T HE N EW F UNDING FORMULA
A GENDA Prototypical Funding Model An Overview Session Changes Working Model for district usage Required Comparison Your Questions & Our Answers
P ROTOTYPICAL M ODEL - O VERVIEW A full Presentation is available on our website at under the SHB2776 link. We have provided 23 training sessions to groups of Business Managers, Superintendents, Skills Centers & CTE directors, Personnel and Others. The following are NINE reference slides to keep handy.
N EW F UNDING S TRUCTURE The new funding structure breaks out into the three major functional areas of a school district: Schools (12 Job Duties) District-wide Support (3 job Duties) Administration (Admin or Classified) Provides formula detail of staffing units. Non employee funding provides detail.
W HAT I S T HE A SSUMPTION OF S CHOOL S IZE ? SHB 2776 CategoryElementary (K-6) Middle (7-8) High (9-12) Base Enrollment400432600 In reality, school configurations vary widely and are not generally consistent with the Prototype model. Your school sizes WILL be different.
W HAT I S T HE A SSUMED C LASS S IZE ? SHB 2776 Grade LevelClass Size (Basic Ed) Class Size (High Poverty School) Grades K-325.23See Budgets Grade 427.00Not Defined Grades 5-627.00Not Defined Grades 7-828.53Not Defined Grades 9-1228.74Not Defined CTE 7-826.57Same CTE 9-12 – (Exploratory & Preparatory) 26.57Same Skills Centers22.76Same Lab ScienceNot DefinedSame Advanced PlacementNot DefinedSame International BaccalaureateNot DefinedSame
W HAT A RE T HE S TANDARD S TATE A SSUMPTIONS ? Assumed Student Instructional Day: Elementary School 5.6 Hours. Middle and High School 6 Hours. Assumed Planning Time: 13% for Elementary = 45 Minutes. 17% for Secondary = 60 Minutes. SHB 2776
S CHOOL L EVEL T EACHERS SHB 2776 Grade LevelClass Size (Basic Ed) Students Planning Time Assumption Funded Teachers Grades K-325.2340015.5%18.31 Grade 427.0040015.5%17.11 Grades 5-627.0040015.5%17.11 Grades 7-828.5343220%18.17 Grades 9-1228.7460020%25.05 CTE 7-826.5710020%4.52 CTE 9-1226.5710020%4.52 Skills Centers22.7610020%5.27 Lab ScienceNot Defined AP/IBNot Defined
O THER S CHOOL B ASED S TAFFING SHB 2776 School Level StaffingElementary (K-6) Middle (7-8) High (9-12) Staff Type Base Enrollment400432600Student Principals1.2531.3531.880CAS Teacher Librarians0.6630.5190.523CIS Guidance Counselors0.4931.1161.909CIS Health & Social Services: School Nurses0.0760.0600.096CIS Social Workers0.0420.0060.015CIS Psychologists0.0170.0020.007CIS Teaching Assistance0.9360.7000.652CLS Office Support2.0122.3253.269CLS Custodians1.6571.9422.965CLS Student & Staff Safety0.0790.0920.141CLS Family Involvement Coordinators0.0 CLS
Districtwide SupportAll GradesStaff Type Base Enrollment1000Student Technology0.628CLS Facilities, Maintenance, and Grounds 1.813CLS Warehouse, Laborers, and Mechanics 0.332CLS District-wide Support SHB 2776
Career and Technical EducationMiddleHighStaff Type Base Enrollment100 Student Certificated AdministrationNot Defined CAS Teachers4.516 CIS Other Certificated SupportNot Defined CIS CTE and Skills Centers Skills Center StaffingHighStaff Type Base Enrollment100Student Certificated AdministrationNot DefinedCAS Teachers5.272CIS Other Certificated SupportNot DefinedCIS SHB 2776
C ENTRAL A DMINISTRATION SHB 2776 Central AdministrationPercentStaff Type Total Central Admin Staff5.3% Percent Certificated Administrators25%CAS Percent Classified75%CLS Central Administration is 5.3% of staffing units generated as K-12 teachers, School Level Staffing, and Districtwide Support. The Central Administration percentage is NOT applied to enhancements. Examples include: Poverty, Lab Science, AP/IB, CTE, Skills Centers, or Categorical Program Staffing.
MSOC T ARGETED V ALUES Materials, Supplies, and Operating CostsPer Student Starting $$ Target Values 2015-16 SY Total MSOC per Student FTE$517.91$1,082.76 Technology$54.43$113.80 Utilities and Insurance$147.90$309.21 Curriculum and Textbooks$58.44$122.17 Other Supplies and Library Materials$124.07$259.39 Instructional Professional Development for Certificated and Classified Staff $9.04$18.89 Facilities Maintenance$73.27$153.18 Security and Central Office$50.76$106.12 SHB 2776
L EGISLATIVE S CORECARD HIGH POVERTY CLASS SIZE: House – Reduced for grade K-3 to 24.23 for high poverty schools only and included this as Basic Education. $25,000,000. Senate: Reduced K-3 Class Size to 22.76 for high poverty schools, but failed to define this as basic education. $64,330,000. Both utilized a 50% poverty threshold.
L EGISLATIVE S CORECARD MATERIALS, SUPPLIES AND OPERATING COSTS Both agree to a common name for MSOC. Prior documents sometimes referred to it as Maintenance, Supplies and Operating Costs. Both increased the initial MSOC values by the Implicit Price deflator (IPD) to $542.53 per Student. Both use a common multiplier for CTE & Skills Center MSOC.
L EGISLATIVE S CORECARD HOLD HARMLESS Both establish a “Total Hold Harmless” in which several areas are offset against each other to define a net amount to hold districts harmless to. Both include net changes to Basic Ed, Bilingual, LAP, Highly Capable and Learning Assistance Program without employee benefit changes.
L EGISLATIVE S CORECARD HOLD HARMLESS House budgets $19.2 - includes K-3 High-Poverty class-size changes and MSOC. Senate Budgets $41.5 - does not includes K-3 High Poverty class-size changes or MSOC.
L EGISLATIVE S CORECARD Central AdministrationPercentStaff Type Total Central Admin Staff5.3% Percent Certificated Administrators25.47%CAS Percent Classified74.53%CLS
L EGISLATIVE S CORECARD SB 5919 - TIMELINES If adopted Bill 5919 would remove the adoption timelines contained in the original 2776. Removes full implementation by 2018 Redefines implementation timelines for various as “to be phased in by legislative schedule” Affected programs: Transportation, Highly Capable, LAP, Bilingual, MSOC, & FDK, Statutory Timelines
Career and Technical EducationNewOld FormulaStaff Type Base Enrollment100 Student Certificated Administration0.410.410CAS Teachers4.5164.718CIS Other Certificated Support0.202In aboveCIS Classified1.6991.702CLS Total6.8276.830 Legislative Score Card Skills Center StaffingNewOld FormulaStaff Type Base Enrollment100 Student Certificated Administration0.480.480CAS Teachers5.2725.519CIS Other Certificated Support0.236In aboveCIS Classified1.6991.702CLS Total7.6877.701 CTE and SC
Materials, Supplies, and Operating CostsCTESkills Centers Total MSOC per Student FTE$1,334.08$1,186.51 Technology$140.21$124.70 Utilities and Insurance$380.97$338.83 Curriculum and Textbooks$150.54$133.89 Other Supplies and Library Materials$319.06$284.24 Instructional Professional Development for Certificated and Classified Staff $23.29$20.71 Facilities Maintenance$188.73$167.85 Security and Central Office$130.75$116.28 Legislative Scorecard CTE/SC MSOC
L EGISLATIVE S CORECARD Anything I’ve Missed??
Lots of confusion around the planning factor. Legislation addresses the planning factor. The budgeted elementary factor of 13.42 % for planning time creates a increase multiplier for teachers of 1.155 The budgeted middle and high planning time of 16.67% creates an increase multiplier for teachers of 1.20. P LANNING T IME
Elementary Middle High (1)Prototypical Enrollment 400.00 432.00 600.00 (2)Class Size (Assume K-3 for elementary) 25.23 28.53 28.74 (3) # Teachers Required with no Planning (1) / (2) 15.85 15.14 20.88 (4)Assumed Instructional Day 5.60 6.00 (5a)Planning Time (assumed) 0.75 1.00 (5b)Budget Bill Assumption (5a) / (4)13.42%16.67% (6)Assumed instructional time per teacher (4)*(1- (14) ) 4.85 5.00 (7)# class hours (3) * (4) 88.78 90.85 125.26 (8)Number of Teachers Required With Planning Time Inc (7) / (6) 18.31 18.17 25.05 (9)Staffing multiplier to be used for planning (8) / (3) 1.155 1.20 P LANNING T IME A LGORITHM
W ORKING M ODEL FOR D ISTRICTS Have had several requests to create a simple working model for districts to use in building their own projections and or to incorporate into their local excel models. This is on our work list however may be awhile. When available to It will be found at: SHB 2776 link.
C OMPARISON M ODEL Legislation requires a comparison model between funded staffing and actual staffing by school. To be generated by OSPI in February based upon S-275 reporting. Current examples on our website.
C OMPARISON M ODEL - D ETAILS School Level enrollment must be taken from CEDARS. It will be transmogrified to FTE using district level FTE to HC from P-223. Staffing Information will be from S-275. Model will show a comparison between the funded staff units and funded salary dollars versus the actual staff units and actual salary costs.
S-275 C HANGES The S-275 will require changes to align the reported duty codes and job description to the prototype model. More information to be provided this summer.
A CCOUNTING S YSTEMS For 2011-12 additional activity codes have been added to address: 31 - Professional development of instructional staff 32 - Instructional Technology (Computers) Further changes are anticipated for 2012-13
To assist with transition and training the SHB 2776 format of the F-203X has been available since January. As of April 26 th, 192 Districts have created 404 F-203X estimates. Highest number of estimates for one district = 14. Most optimistic named estimate - “Final Budget.” 103 have not created any estimate! F-203X SYSTEM USAGE
F-203 will be programmed and released after the legislature passes a budget. If the legislature runs late..... school district budget timelines may prompt action before this. Districts may have to use the F-203X for initial budget preparations for July proposed budget release. The F-203 would have to be completed to accompany final filing to OSPI. B UDGET A DOPTION F-203 OR F-203X ??
K NOWN F-203X DEFICIENCIES CTE Classified Staff ratio generates 2.536 less FTE than current law. This has impact on minimum expenditures within the CTE program. Missing Data on the 1191 ED – applied only to item codes D57 and D58. Small Schools/Remote and Necessary bonus calculations not accounting for all units. BEA MSOC rate changes not impacting item codes Z246 and Z245. CIS benefit calculation using partial rate.
F-203X AND F-203 C APACITY Policy Decision/Area of Funding Y/N Hold Harmless – Governor’s ProposalY MSOC changes for IPD inflationY Central Admin Staffing Percentage ChangesY Hold Harmless – Senate and House ProposalsN K-3 High Poverty Reduction of Class SizeN
A BALANCING A CT System Development Recap. F-203 / F-203X Apportionment Development of various ancillary Excel models to support 2011-12 school funding calculation and payments.
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