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Texas FFA Scholarship Application Timeline Know your Area Timelines Area Check State Scholarship Selection Process: Austin, TX May 23 rd -24 th State.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas FFA Scholarship Application Timeline Know your Area Timelines Area Check State Scholarship Selection Process: Austin, TX May 23 rd -24 th State."— Presentation transcript:


2 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Timeline Know your Area Timelines Area Check State Scholarship Selection Process: Austin, TX May 23 rd -24 th State Scholarship Selection Process: Interviews at Degree Check June 9 th

3 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Planning Start when students are freshmen Keep up to date records Ongoing process Start taking ACT and/or SAT end of sophomore year but for sure junior year Download application and make sure the student qualifies before completing the entire application. Download application early and start working on it as soon as possible, give yourself time!!! 2016 Texas FFA Scholarship Application will open as close to January 1 st as possible.

4 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Filling Out Application Secure 2 copies of transcript and test scores 1) Official Transcript, signed and sealed for application 2) Working copy, to use to check and write on All papers with any information on them must have raised crimp seal (Example: Official Transcript, College Board Score Report, etc.) Follow directions and be accurate and truthful Be specific and fill each area up as much as possible. Start with freshmen year and go to senior year in order. Once complete, set it aside for a couple of days and come back to it to check for mistakes, misspellings and other problems.

5 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Application Page 6 Questions 17 My planned career is:________________________ Be very specific and elaborate to fill it up Page 7 Listing Courses for College Credit Use the college course name (ex ENG 1301, Math 1314) Page 8 Agriculture Courses Use the course names as they appear on the high school transcript (ex PRINAFNR)

6 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Page 9 LDE Type in Event Name, place, and put a number under participation column 1,2 or 3. Be specific! Page 10 CDE Type in Event Name, place, and put a number under participation column 1,2 or 3. Again, be specific! Page 11 or 12 FFA Achievement Be specific, Page will look different next year (possibly) Offices up top, committees on bottom, 1 page maximum. Make sure to have an accomplishment listed.

7 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Page 13-14 FFA Achievements Be specific, start with freshmen year and build up, make sure you have remarks listed for each activity. Page 15-16 Summary of SAEP Book one and five are short books (Book 1 Aug-Dec, Year 1 Book 5 Jan-May) List SAE only Placement, Entrepreneurship, Exploratory (no classes as in past). List Scope, #of head, hours worked or researched, and money earned. SAE Narrative: answer the question be thorough and specific.

8 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Page 17-18 SAE Achievements Be specific, accurate and truthful, X under level Page 19 Financial Need Be truthful! This will be verified. Answer all areas and questions. Page 20 Financial Need Narrative Most points lost on this page. You must explain your answer in essay below. Be specific and use as much of the space as needed. (limited to 2000 characters). If your student does not feel that they have a circumstance that applies, then discuss their motivation for applying for the Texas FFA Scholarship.

9 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Page 22 Summary Page All of this page is automatically filled out. Just check to make sure that the information transferred correctly. Page 23 Scholarship Agreement page Legal Contract must be filled out, read, and signed by all parties. Make sure to read questions 1-8 at bottom and be able to fulfill each one or you could lose scholarship if awarded (Must attend State FFA Convention and banquets to receive scholarship).

10 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Page 24 Score Sheet Nothing to do: Make sure GPA, Test Scores and EFC Number transferred correctly to this page. Page 25 Checklist Look at this page carefully. You must write the word “YES”, No check marks This is where you should catch all mistakes Page 27 Signature Page Get all signatures and information

11 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Page 26 Record of Unweighted GPA Important Page Type class names just like the transcript (ex ANATPHYS, ADVANSC, ALG 1) Grade as is on transcript and Credit as is on transcript ½ or 1, if your school has a yearly average use it and a 1, if your transcript only puts semester averages(no Yearly) list the class twice with each grade and ½ credit on both. Check this sheet and transcript by putting pencil check marks on it to make sure it is accurate, then erase the checks. Any grade on transcript goes on this page, 8 th grade classes for high school credit, college classes etc. Pass/Fail classes do not. All decimal grades should be rounded up. Ex: 95.5% should be recorded as 96%.

12 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Common Problems at Area and State Checks: Transcript does not match application-even one letter in a course name, decimal in a grade or credit, etc. has to be corrected if it doesn’t match perfectly Submit an application that won’t need “corrections” once it reaches the state office Make sure that you double check EVERYTHING. Transpose errors are very common. If your supporting documentation does not have the appropriate raised crimp seal, we can’t accept it. If you update the application after a check, update the materials. Always make sure everything matches. EFC, course names and credits, class rank, number in class, are the most common errors!

13 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Interview Questions are Posted on Texas FFA Website Print them and practice them Official Dress to the T 1 st Question: “Tell us about yourself” (90 seconds max) Student will draw 3 questions. Know how to answer them! Filling out HLSR Financial Aid Verification Scholarship Form Be Truthful and accurate. Houston checks this, and your student will lose the scholarship and the award will be re-assigned if recorded incorrectly. This is not a “gotcha” it insures that all applicants are meeting donor requirements.

14 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Show Good Example Show Bad Example Questions and Answers

15 Texas FFA Scholarship Application Brent Lankford State Scholarship Chairman School (940) 479-8356 Cell (903) 814-0745 Stephen Scitern State Scholarship Vice Chairman School (325)823-4413 Cell (325) 721-5161 Kaleigh Burnett State Scholarship Coordinator Office (512)480-8045

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