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Goals 1. AP Multiple Choice Practice 2. Exemplification Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals 1. AP Multiple Choice Practice 2. Exemplification Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals 1. AP Multiple Choice Practice 2. Exemplification Writing

2 FFW - Fill out answer sheet for MC Practice Test - Hand in answer sheet

3  Remember to use examples that do each of the following: 1. ADD INTEREST In the example provided, readers are not just going to be interested in statistics or facts about FCAT scores, AP scores, etc. They are going to want some “human interest” or something to keep them reading. EXEMPLIFICATION ESSAYS


5  3. USE EXAMPLES THAT WILL BE PERSUASIVE, and which will get your readers to believe that what you are saying is reasonable and worth considering. EXEMPLIFICATION ESSAYS

6  Make sure you use ENOUGH examples. Unfortunately, no general rule exists to tell you how many examples you need to support your thesis. We are going to be reading several essays that use as few as two, and as many as more than half a dozen examples that “drive home” the point the writer is trying to make. Selecting a RANGE of examples is just as important as choosing an appropriate number. If you wanted to persuade your readers into believing that MHS students outperform FPC students, you would need to provide a WIDE RANGE of examples, from: music awards, performance on standardized tests, scholarship offers awarded, National Merit Scholars, AP test results, graduation rates and much more… EXEMPLIFICATION ESSAYS

7  Make sure you use REPRESENTATIVE examples.  One person’s experience is NOT enough to support a conclusion. You need to gather examples of the experiences of MANY people to decide if your theory is valid. EXEMPLIFICATION ESSAYS

8  Writing an exemplification essay is really no different than writing any other type of essay we’ve written in the various rhetorical modes this year: Begin with an effective INTRODUCTION, typically an ANECDOTE, which is typically an example itself. End the introduction with a statement, or thesis, that states the point you are going to illustrate. Each body paragraph should develop a separate example, or presents the point as illustrated by several brief examples, or explores an extended example which continues throughout the essay. Beginning your paper with a striking example might stimulate your reader’s interest and curiosity; ending which one as well (or coming back to the original one!) might vividly reinforce your thesis as well. How do you structure the exemplification essay?

9  Use examples that are RELEVANT: An example HAS FAILED if it does not help your reader see the truth of what you are saying. An example HAS FAILED if it is too trivial! TIPS FOR WRITING A SUCCESSFUL EXEMPLIFCATION ESSAY:

10  Use examples that are VIVID. Many examples FAIL because they are too VAGUE or non-specific or just plain BORING! TIPS FOR WRITING A SUCCESSFUL EXEMPLIFCATION ESSAY:

11  When necessary, ESTABLISH a CLEAR CONNECTION between your example and the point you are making. You do this with “connecting comments” using transitions.  Some connective expressions include, “for example,” “for instance,” “to illustrate” “a case in point” TIPS FOR WRITING A SUCCESSFUL EXEMPLIFCATION ESSAY:

12  Does your essay have a clear THESIS STATEMENT in the introduction that states or asserts the concept that you will illustrate?  Do your examples explain and clarify your thesis statement?  Have you provided enough examples?  Have you chosen CLEAR and REPRESENTATIVE examples?  Are your examples PERSUASIVE?  Do your examples ADD INTEREST?  Are you examples VIVID?  Have you used transitional words and phrases that reinforce the connection between your examples and your thesis statement?  Have you had a PEER read and OFFER SUGGESTIONS for improving your essay? CHECKLIST for writing and REVISING your EXEMPLIFICATION ESSAY

13 Process Analysis  Continue Process Analysis presentations (per. 4 only)  Process Analysis Rubrics and scores (per. 4 only) Discussion Questions/Answers

14 Closure  Hand out “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by MLK  Annotate qualities of exemplification writing

15 Homework 1. Read “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by MLK – annotate qualities of exemplification writing

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