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November 11, 2013 November 13, 2013 December 4, 2013 What you need to know about the A community forum Milford Public Schools  Milford, Connecticut.

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Presentation on theme: "November 11, 2013 November 13, 2013 December 4, 2013 What you need to know about the A community forum Milford Public Schools  Milford, Connecticut."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 11, 2013 November 13, 2013 December 4, 2013 What you need to know about the A community forum Milford Public Schools  Milford, Connecticut

2 Presentation Overview 1.The Background: 1893 to present 2.Common Core: Defined 3.The Standards 4.The Assessment: SBAC replaces CMT/CAPT 5.Professional Learning: Teachers need realignment, too 6.Parents: What you can do to help 7.Questions and Answers 2

3 The Background

4 The concept of Common Standards is not new. 1893: Columbia University, NYC Ten men in a secret society debated what American high schools should teach. In their final report, the Committee of Ten concluded: “Students deserve a strong liberal arts education – in which every subject is taught in the same way and to the same extent to every pupil so long as he pursues it, no matter what the probable destination of the pupil may be.” TIME, Monday Sept. 30, 2013, Amanda Ripley 4

5 The Background June 2008: Governors Across Country Request Common Standards  An earlier study (2004) revealed students were graduating without the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the work world. Governors requested:  Standards that directly link to what colleges and employers want young people to know.  Standards for all students - Grades K-12.  Standards that are more rigorous, but fewer in number. 5

6 The Background  June 2010: Common Standards Released  English Language Arts  Mathematics They were created by educational experts, teachers, administrators, and members of the private sector.  July 7, 2010: Connecticut Adopts Common Core (for English/Math)  August 2013: 46 States have adopted the Common Core State Standards. 6

7 Common Core Defined

8 8

9 Common Core Defined Common Core State Standards are: “a set of research-based, globally competitive K-12 expectations for English language arts and mathematics.” 9

10 English Language Arts

11 Common Core: English language arts English/Language Arts Standards  Emphasis on content-rich nonfiction and information texts to build knowledge, in addition to literature.  Reading and writing grounded in evidence from the text.  Listening and speaking skills are included as a standard. 11

12 Common Core: English language arts What’s In and What’s Out? In…… Out…… 1. Daily Encounters w/complex texts1. Leveled texts (exclusively) 2. Texts worthy of close attention2. Reading any ol’ text 3. Balance of literary and info texts3. Solely literature 4. Coherent sequences of texts4. Collection of unrelated texts 5. Mostly text-dependent questions5. Mostly text-to-self questions 6. Evidence-based analyses6. Personal opinions about issues 7. Emphasis on academic vocab7. Emphasis on literary terminology 12

13 Mathematics

14 Common Core: Mathematics Mathematics Standards  Significantly narrow the scope – move away from ‘a mile wide and an inch deep’ curricula.  Dig deep into fewer concepts for a well-developed understanding of topics that are crucial in college/career success.  Ask students to think across grades and make links to major topics within grades.  Demand that students have conceptual understanding and can demonstrate procedural skill and fluency, and application. 14

15 Common Core: Mathematics Priorities in Mathematics 15 GradePriorities in support of Rich Instruction and Expectations of Fluency and Conceptual Understanding K-2Addition and subtraction, measurement using whole number quantities 3-5Multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions 6Ratios and proportional reasoning; early expressions and equations 7Ratios and proportional reasoning; arithmetic of rational numbers 8Linear algebra

16 Common Core: Mathematics An Example … CMT Grade 4 16

17 Common Core: Mathematics An Example … SBAC Grade 4 17

18 Common Core: Mathematics An Example … SBAC Grade 4 (2 nd in a series) 18

19 Testing

20 Two tests were developed to be used in conjunction with the Common Core State Standards States could choose either one. 20

21 Testing Connecticut chose the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, also known as SBAC. 21

22 Testing Key points about the Smarter Balanced Test (SBAC) 22  Test is given 100% on the computer.  SBAC will replace CMT/CAPT  SBAC will be Field Tested in Connecticut in Spring 2014  First official SBAC to be administered in Spring 2015

23 Testing Key points about the Smarter Balanced Test (SBAC) 23  Questions are delivered one at a time.  Questions will ‘build’ upon the previous question (in a series).  The SBAC test is adaptive; it records correct and incorrect answers and monitors how far a student can go before getting ‘stuck.’  Real time data will greatly assist teachers in planning student instruction.  Test requires the application of skills and context to real world problems.

24 Testing SBAC: Grades 3-8, and Gr. 11 (new) - Replaces CMT/CAPT One Exception: 24  CMT/CAPT – Science - Gr. 5, 8, and 10 only - Expected to be far more difficult

25 Professional Learning

26 Teacher Training Will be Essential - Curriculum - Assessment - Teacher Training to involve a Shift in Thinking 26

27 How Parents Can Help

28 The Sure Fire List of ‘Best Bets’ 1.Visit the Library …. Often. 2.Encourage your child to read non-fiction texts. 3.Review your student’s work, involve yourself in their studies. 4.Ask lots of questions – have discussions about their work. 28

29 Resources

30 PTA Parents’ Guide to Student Success  A concise guide to the standards for each grade in ELA and Mathematics  Includes an overview of key things your child will learn in math/English  Gives ideas for activities to help your child learn at home  Includes topics to talk about with your child’s teacher throughout the year 30

31 Resources Connecticut Dept. of Education Website 31 Milford Public Schools Website

32 Questions & Answers

33 … and how about that True/False Test?

34 True False Test …. 34

35 Thank you for your support!

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