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PARENT UNIVERSITY SOMERSET NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL FEBRUARY 23, 2015 A Guide to the: Florida Standards Assessment and Promotion Criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "PARENT UNIVERSITY SOMERSET NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL FEBRUARY 23, 2015 A Guide to the: Florida Standards Assessment and Promotion Criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARENT UNIVERSITY SOMERSET NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL FEBRUARY 23, 2015 A Guide to the: Florida Standards Assessment and Promotion Criteria

2 What are the Florida Standards? The Florida Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts were approved by the Florida State Board of Education in February 2014 and will be fully implemented in grades K–12 in the 2014–2015 school year. All Florida schools will teach the Florida Standards, and the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) has contracted the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to develop and administer new statewide assessments. These assessments will provide parents, teachers, policy makers and the general public with information regarding how well students are learning the Florida Standards.

3 Purpose of Florida Standards Assessment Used to measure how well students have learned the content assessed Used to measure the teaching and learning of Reading and Mathematics standards in Florida Used to identify courses for students in K-12 Used to aid in calculating Florida School Grades

4 What assessments will my child be taking? The following Florida Standards Assessments will be administered for the first time in Spring 2015: Kinder- Letter Names/Sounds & Concepts of Print Grades 1-2 Primary Reading Grades 1-2 Primary Mathematics Grades 3–5 English Language Arts (Writing component in grades 4–5) Grades 3–5 Mathematics Grade 5 FCAT Science

5 Elementary Promotion Criteria Student Performance Levels for reading, writing, mathematics and science are identified based on the end of year assessments. In addition to the specific promotion criteria for reading and mathematics listed in the following matrix, promotion decisions must take into account a student’s proficiency on the Florida Standards Assessment or the District equivalent and science (based on proficiency levels to be determined by the District and/or the State Department of Education) (F.S. 1008.25(2)). The evaluation of each student’s progress must be based upon classroom work, observations, tests, District and State assessments and other relevant information. NOTE: No single assessment is the sole determiner of promotion. Third grader’s are subject to stricter promotion criteria.

6 Promotion Criteria

7 Test Taking Tips Be on time- Since Somerset will be serving complimentary hot breakfast to all test takers, please give your child plenty of time to arrive on campus. Be rested- Get a good night’s sleep prior to the test and set that alarm clock the night before. Cooperate with Test Administrator- This includes the collecting of electronic devices, getting into assigned seats, placement of book bags in the front of room, getting “test-ready” quickly. Do your best- The reflection of the score is based on the student’s performance. It is in the student’s best interest to take this exam seriously and put forth maximum effort.

8 Test Taking Strategies to Work on at Home 1. “Prove” your answer with supporting facts and details. (Go back to passage to find the evidence that supports your response.) 2. Summarize the passage, pausing frequently to check for understanding. 3. Look at supporting details to help determine the main idea of the selection. 4. Use the maps, graphs, charts, and illustrations in the selection to help determine important information. 5. Use context clues to help you figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words. 6. Look for answers to questions based on the sequence, or order of events/information of the passage. 7. Read as much as possible and keep a dictionary nearby. 8. Look for KEY WORDS in the question to help find the evidence in the story that supports your answer.

9 Helpful Resources Florida Standards Guide- Florida Standards Assessments- Student Progression Plan- 000.1.pdf 000.1.pdf

10 Thank you for your attendance this evening. Have a great night!

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