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Dr. Cory J. Steiner, Data Steward Southwest Principals Meeting December 18 th, 2013 Making Decisions the Right Way: Starting the Conversation.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Cory J. Steiner, Data Steward Southwest Principals Meeting December 18 th, 2013 Making Decisions the Right Way: Starting the Conversation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Cory J. Steiner, Data Steward Southwest Principals Meeting December 18 th, 2013 Making Decisions the Right Way: Starting the Conversation

2 Agenda Part I Miscellaneous State Course Codes The Data Movement SLDS—The Basics Part II Tips and Tricks Logging in Part III Key Reports—Starting the Conversation Part IV Conclusion

3 Part I

4 State Course Codes State Course Codes (PowerSchool) Go to school Go to courses Select course name oVerify alternate course number field is filled in with state course code number Repeat process for ALL courses (active & inactive)

5 State Course Codes (continued) Next steps: School level Click on system reports Engine tab oStored Grades Update Submit NOTE: Only run this report when school is NOT in session with students (500 records/minute—includes all stored grades on every student)

6 Confirming Success Select a student Click on historical grades Click on a specific grade Scroll down oNorth Dakota Information State Course Code should be filled in ‘Scanned’ button should now be checked

7 The ‘Data’ Movement Data is not new…the focus on data is new It is simply an additional ‘input’ We have been using data to inform practice throughout educational history: Examples: Observation Grades

8 Why the ‘Data’ Movement Has Failed Change is not coming…it is here…and it is continuous Failing to create short-term wins & remember… WIN (What’s Important Now) What is the ‘WIN’ in your organization? The answer has to be… oSTUDENTS

9 State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)

10 What is a Data Warehouse?  Logical and strategic ordering and storage of data in central area  System consists of a statewide data warehouse that allows program evaluation over single or multiple years  Integrates data from several state agencies  In other words:  Cumulative file made electronic  School improvement binder made electronic

11 Tool for Analyzing Data How are we doing? 1.Compared to Self Grade Level, Sub Groups, Trends 2. Compared to Others National, State, Similar Schools 3.Compared to Absolutes Standards, Cut Scores, Scale Scores, Readiness Michael Fullan

12 Analyzing Data -Creating Information and Avoiding DRIP (Data Rich Information Poor) -So What, Now What 1.Drill Down 2.Go Visual 3.Export

13 Part II

14 SLDS Sections 1. District 2. School 3. Teacher 4. Student 5. Postsecondary Feedback

15 Tips and Tricks Use Internet Explorer or Firefox Avoid Chrome and Safari DON’T click on main ‘browser’ arrows Click on small blue arrows ‘within’ page Small blue arrow takes you back one page If parameters don’t show up, click on arrow to close section and then reopen (iPads) To get back to main page, double click on PK-12 To export a file, click on ‘actions’ (left side of screen) Exporting to Excel allows visual ‘manipulation’

16 Let’s Roll Enter log and password (right side of screen) as K-12 user DISREGARD ‘user’ settings message (in yellow) Double click on PK-12 STOP and wait for further directions!!

17 Part III

18 Key Reports (refer to handout) School Snapshot Student Directory District School Roster Guiding Question How could you utilize these reports with your staff?

19 Part IV

20 Next Steps

21 Next Steps—Answering Key Questions 1. Which area(s) are above/below expected levels of performance? 2. Describe the area(s) that show a positive/negative trend in performance. 3. Which area(s) indicate the overall highest/lowest performance? 4. Which subgroup(s) show a trend toward increasing/decreasing performance? 5. Between which subgroups is the achievement gap closing/widening? 6. Which of the above reported findings are consistent with findings from other data sources?

22 Next Steps (continued) Smaller Schools Consider training AdvancED team (or other teams) in school Acquire logs for teachers Teachers access SLDS account to check functionality Formulate plan to train teachers on SLDS and use of data Begin to identify ‘now what’ strategies as teachers begin utilizing data

23 Next Steps (continued) Bigger Schools Acquire logs for administrators, directors/coordinators, and counselors Determine proper ‘rights’ for individuals Individuals access SLDS account to check functionality Get formal training on the SLDS Identify next steps for use of SLDS including adding key teachers from individual buildings Consider training AdvancED team (or other teams) in individual schools

24 Next Steps (continued) All schools Attend an SLDS 101 Training 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Bismarck—1/31/14 Devils Lake—2/27/14 Grand Forks—3/4/14 Jamestown—4/3/14 To register, go to: Consider participating in the SEED Project Presentation/handouts from today will be on this site

25 Final Thoughts Have a genuine appreciation for the effort and commitment that everyone makes because together, we shall succeed. Casey Bradley, Jacksonville Jaguars Head Coach

26 Questions?? Dr. Cory J Steiner E-mail: E-mail: Twitter: @nddatasteward Blog:

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