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Heritage Elementary Heritage Elementary Chinese Immersion 2014-2015 Giving your child the gift of a second language.

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Presentation on theme: "Heritage Elementary Heritage Elementary Chinese Immersion 2014-2015 Giving your child the gift of a second language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heritage Elementary Heritage Elementary Chinese Immersion 2014-2015 Giving your child the gift of a second language

2 Ni Hao Ni Hao

3 Why Chinese? Chinese is the world’s most widely spoken first language. Chinese is the third most commonly spoken language in the US. China is heir to the traditions of the world’s most ancient and richest cultures. China is an increasingly important force in business, political and military affairs.

4 Why now? “The power to learn a language is so great in the young child that it doesn’t seem to matter how many languages you throw their way.” “Children just have this capacity. Their brains are ripe to learn languages.” Dr. Susan Curtiss (Professor of Linguistics UCLA) Children are ready

5 What is Language Immersion? Students learn academic content through a second language. Students learn second language by encountering and using the language in multiple meaningful contexts. Focus on building proficiency—being able to use the language—not on teaching grammar. Learn by doing

6 Why immersion? Cognitive development and language development are interdependent. Children naturally use language as a tool for understanding and communicating meaning. Children perceive the school curriculum as important and of value. How children learn

7 Why immersion? Academic content exposes children to rich and varied vocabulary, language structures and functions Help students acquire language and content without using instructional time specifically to teach the immersion language How children learn

8 What are the goals of immersion? High levels of academic achievement across all subject areas Interpersonal and academic language proficiency in English and the immersion language Enhanced intercultural understanding for more effective participation in the global community Goals

9 What are the benefits ? Academic/Educational Enhances reading acquisition and communication skills Cognitive Improves divergent thinking, pattern recognition and problem solving Economic and Political Enhanced employment opportunities Socio-cultural Ability to communicate with other ethnic and cultural groups Academic

10 Chinese Immersion: will help Heritage Elementary students prepare academically, linguistically, and socially for challenges and opportunities in our global community. Benefits






16 MATH CURRICULUM: GRADES 4-5 PEARSON enVision MATH, Practice Sheets in Chinese

17 Chinese literacy: Better Chinese, grades K-1 Volume 1Volume 2

18 Chinese literacy: Better Chinese, grades 2-3 Volume 3Volume 4

19 Chinese language for primary schools: Singapore materials TEXTBOOKACTIVITY BOOK

20 Instructional Model for Kindergarten Extended Day Ext ENG pm Ch pm Reg K pm Reg K am Ch am Ext ENG am

21 Kindergarten Schedule – Monday – Thursday AM K Chinese Lunch English 8:50 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:05 12:05 - 1:25 PM K English Lunch Chinese 10:50 -12:05 12:05-12:40 12:40 - 3:25 Friday (No English and No Lunch on Friday) AM KChinese 8:50 - 10:50 PM KChinese 11:15 - 1:15 This schedule is for the 2013-14 school year. Extended Day

22 Instructional Model for 1 st – 6 th Grade Instruction is divided between two high quality, creative classrooms:  English  Chinese 50/50 Eng pm Eng am Ch am Ch pm

23 The Chinese teacher speaks only in Mandarin She communicates using a range of engaging strategies including:  pictures  songs  games  body language  expressions  pantomime  drama, etc. Instructional Model Strategies

24 Curriculum Math Science Social Studies Art Music PE activities Chinese Language Arts Chinese

25 Curriculum English language arts  Reading  Writing  Spelling  Communication English

26 Parents’ Role Develop an understanding of immersion education Commit to long-term participation K-6 Encourage use of Chinese outside school Help your child attend school daily Be on time for school Must be willing to help in classrooms Provide experiences outside of school to develop English language skills Parents will learn a few words, but your main job is to support English. Support

27 How do I know if my child is ready? Is my child independent? Dresses self Organizes materials, backpack Takes care of self in restroom Checklist

28 How do I know if my child is ready? Does my child have good communication skills? Speaks in complete sentences Pronounces all English sounds (with the possible exception of ‘s’ and ‘r’) Demonstrates the ability to appropriately ask questions Demonstrates the ability to answer ‘wh’ questions (who, what, where, when, why) Demonstrates age appropriate vocabulary Demonstrates the ability to ask for clarification Checklist

29 How do I know if my child is ready? Does my child demonstrate good behavior? Pays attention Shares with others Problem solves Demonstrates social maturity Follows 1-2-3 step directions Demonstrates the ability to share with others their own age Is able to attend school and arrive on time each day Checklist

30 Registration and Information Maximum of 56 placements for Kindergarten – two classes of 28 students each Students selected by lottery Complete Chinese Immersion application and Parent Commitment form returned to school by March 4, 2014 3 rd C Track possibly option: won’t be able to do others Applying now you are choosing to split children, if applicable Question/Answer list on website Plan for any 1 st grade openings Policy

31 zhu nin hao yun

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