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The Progressive Presidents Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson 1901 – 1909 1909 – 1913 1913 – 1921.

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1 The Progressive Presidents Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson 1901 – 1909 1909 – 1913 1913 – 1921

2 Roosevelt’s ‘Square Deal’ “Wild Man”…but favored a strong central gov’t. whose executive could act as the ‘steward of the people’. “Wild Man”…but favored a strong central gov’t. whose executive could act as the ‘steward of the people’. Slow, methodical change - mostly to protect America against more radical changes Slow, methodical change - mostly to protect America against more radical changes Modernized the Presidency by using the office as a ‘Bully Pulpit’ – a forum from which to lead. Modernized the Presidency by using the office as a ‘Bully Pulpit’ – a forum from which to lead. Supported a few African Americans – Invited for dinner Booker T. Washington to White House – Criticized for it. Supported a few African Americans – Invited for dinner Booker T. Washington to White House – Criticized for it. Energetic personality gave America confidence and Roosevelt was America’s mediator for the public good. Energetic personality gave America confidence and Roosevelt was America’s mediator for the public good.

3 Roosevelt and Business TR believed in Free Enterprise – not anti-business TR believed in Free Enterprise – not anti-business Goal was to prevent abuses of power so he favored regulation – not destruction of trusts. Goal was to prevent abuses of power so he favored regulation – not destruction of trusts. He wanted power for government to investigate and publicize cases of abuse. He wanted power for government to investigate and publicize cases of abuse. Power of public opinion pressure would end abuses Power of public opinion pressure would end abuses Government would then handle the largest abuses. Government would then handle the largest abuses.

4 Fair Minded Mediator Sherman Anti-Trust Act Invoked Northern Securities Company, a Railroad Monopoly dissolved Northern Securities Company, a Railroad Monopoly dissolved J.P. Morgan, ”…send your man to see my man and they can fix it up.” Government had always sided with Business… United MineWorkers Strike – Roosevelt asks Owners to agree to federal mediation. Owners, “NO”. TR threatens Fed Troops and United MineWorkers Strike – Roosevelt asks Owners to agree to federal mediation. Owners, “NO”. TR threatens Fed Troops and said miners needed a ‘Square Deal’. said miners needed a ‘Square Deal’. Roosevelt acted to break up Trusts, Pools and Monopolies 44 times during his presidency, and acted on behalf of labor as well.

5 TR’s Lasting Reforms 1902 - Newlands (National Reclamation) Act – Federal Funds for Dams, Canals reservoirs and cheap hydroelectric power in the West – all badly needed by western cities. 1902 - Newlands (National Reclamation) Act – Federal Funds for Dams, Canals reservoirs and cheap hydroelectric power in the West – all badly needed by western cities. 1906 - Meat Inspection Act - Cleanliness Forced in response to the book by Upton Sinclair, ‘The Jungle’. 1906 - Meat Inspection Act - Cleanliness Forced in response to the book by Upton Sinclair, ‘The Jungle’. Pure Food and Drug Act – Required truth in labeling Pure Food and Drug Act – Required truth in labeling Conservation – Set aside millions of acres for national parks. Conservation – Set aside millions of acres for national parks. Gifford Pinchot, Dir. Nat’l Forest Service served to… manage nations’ use of land rationally. Gifford Pinchot, Dir. Nat’l Forest Service served to… manage nations’ use of land rationally.

6 Taft Follows-Up Weakly TR’s hand picked successor - a former conservative judge acceptable to whole Republican party. TR’s hand picked successor - a former conservative judge acceptable to whole Republican party. Business believed he’d look out for them, & Progressives thought he’d continue Roosevelt’s policies of reform. Business believed he’d look out for them, & Progressives thought he’d continue Roosevelt’s policies of reform. Couldn’t keep anyone happy. Troubled Presidency. Couldn’t keep anyone happy. Troubled Presidency. Reverses conservation policy, & fires Gifford Pinchot Reverses conservation policy, & fires Gifford Pinchot Breaks up trusts and angers the whole Republican party. Breaks up trusts and angers the whole Republican party.

7 ‘Bull Moose’ Party Election of 1912 : Election of 1912 : Party divided & Taft’s policies anger Roosevelt Roosevelt runs again citing need for ‘New Nationalism’ and feeling fit as a Bull Moose! Republicans shun Roosevelt & re-nominate Taft. Roosevelt runs a 3 rd Party campaign & Republicans lose Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, son of a Georgia preacher, and former President of Princeton University and Governor of New Jersey…wins the Presidency. Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, son of a Georgia preacher, and former President of Princeton University and Governor of New Jersey…wins the Presidency.

8 Taft’s Accomplishments Reduced abuses of Big Business – 90 Anti-trust suits Reduced abuses of Big Business – 90 Anti-trust suits 1 st Tax on Corporate Profits 1 st Tax on Corporate Profits Achieved Mine Safety Legislation Achieved Mine Safety Legislation Interstate Commerce Commission regulates telephone and telegraphs. Interstate Commerce Commission regulates telephone and telegraphs. 8 hour workday 8 hour workday

9 Wilson’s “New Freedom” Attacked Trusts, High Tariffs and High Finance of Mergers Wall Street controlled the banks Attacked Trusts, High Tariffs and High Finance of Mergers Wall Street controlled the banks Believed Government not bigger business smaller for greater freedom for citizens. Believed Government not bigger business smaller for greater freedom for citizens. High tariffs protected business, reduced competition and hurt the public with higher prices. High tariffs protected business, reduced competition and hurt the public with higher prices. Controlled administration trusted few aides. Brought more power to Presidency. Controlled administration trusted few aides. Brought more power to Presidency. 1st President to read his own State of the Union Address

10 Wilson’s Reforms Tariffs – Underwood Tariff Act – 1913 Greatly reduces tariffs - tax on imported goods Tariffs – Underwood Tariff Act – 1913 Greatly reduces tariffs - tax on imported goods 16 th Amendment – 1913 Legalized Income Tax 16 th Amendment – 1913 Legalized Income Tax To make up for lost tariff revenues To make up for lost tariff revenues Banking – Federal Reserve Act - 1913 Banking – Federal Reserve Act - 1913 Federal Reserve Banking System Manages money supply, controls inflation Business – Clayton Anti-Trust Act - 1914 Business – Clayton Anti-Trust Act - 1914 Breaks up “interlocking directorates” & No stock buys if monopoly Bank & Wall St. execs cannot serve on each others’ Boards - Federal Trade Commission – 1914 - Federal Trade Commission – 1914 Watch for violations of Clayton Act Watch for violations of Clayton Act

11 Wilson’s Accomplishments Government Reform Government Reform Initiated & passed the 1 st Federal Income Tax. Initiated & passed the 1 st Federal Income Tax. Increased likelihood for more social reform with this change Increased likelihood for more social reform with this change Social Reform Social Reform Women’s Suffrage – 19 th Amendment – 1920 Supported, passed & ratified during the Wilson Administration.

12 Progressivism Ends 3 Presidents changed America’s social ideology in 20 years. Society was more civil, people cared for one another. Society was more civil, people cared for one another. Morality improved – Prohibition 20 th Amendment passed Morality improved – Prohibition 20 th Amendment passed prohibiting the interstate transport & sale of alcohol. Politics was clean – people could vote without threat of reprisal Politics was clean – people could vote without threat of reprisal Business was forever changed. Could no longer so people’s dominate lives because of the anti-trust legislation. Business was forever changed. Could no longer so people’s dominate lives because of the anti-trust legislation. Government more responsive to people with the initiative, referendum and recall available to them. Government more responsive to people with the initiative, referendum and recall available to them.

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