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IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Welcome & Intro Tom Weaver Director, Mary Lyon Centre, MRC Harwell Wellcome Trust London, 7 th April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Welcome & Intro Tom Weaver Director, Mary Lyon Centre, MRC Harwell Wellcome Trust London, 7 th April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Welcome & Intro Tom Weaver Director, Mary Lyon Centre, MRC Harwell Wellcome Trust London, 7 th April 2011

2 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Agenda & Discussion Sessions IMPC Overview – Mark Moore, IMPC/NIH Perspectives on Engagement Models – Before Lunch (12:45) 1.Large Pharma – Steve Harrison, GSK 2.Preferred Suppliers – Paul Rounding, Taconic Perspectives on Engagement Models – After Lunch (1:30) 3.IMPC as Service Provider/CRO, Yann Herrault (ICS) 4.Database Support or Tool Developers, Abel Ureta-Vidal, Eagle Genomics Break for Tea/Coffee @ 3:30 Review Main Points & Wrap Up by 4-4:30

3 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop IMPC & Industry - Context National funding strategies demand collaboration  Knowledge transfer and innovation (science, technology, applications to create new markets and jobs)  Basic research & focus on “Translation” Vendors/Suppliers/Biotech provide academic researchers with...  Essential tools and platforms for creating and working with mouse models  Their support helps drive innovation Pharma Biotech exploit mouse models for drug development  Thirty-four of the top 100 drugs by sales volume (>$44B) in the US were enabled by the use of a mouse models.  There is a high degree of correlation between mode of action of drugs in humans and the phenotypes of their corresponding targets in mice.

4 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Osteoporosis Drug “Prolia ® “ (Denosumab) The discovery program began in an Amgen lab when researchers observed that one of the knockout mice it had developed during gene disabling research work had grown huge. "We noticed, hey that's a really big mouse," Amgen CEO Kevin Sharer recently told the Wall Street Journal. "It's really got big bones." 2% Stock Rise $2B Value!

5 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop IMPC & Industry - Challenge IMPC NEEDS TO:  Ensure that the output of the IMPC truly does benefit biopharmaceutical research and development programs.  Take into account the expert views, experiences and expectations of industry researchers working with mouse models or providing products, pre-clinical services, or enabling technology platforms.

6 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop IMPC Governance & Management 11 Academic, Government Institutes To Date, No Industry Partners Engagement Essential Strategy Needed Set up Working Group Steering Committee & Secretariat  MRC Harwell (Steve Brown, current Chair; Tom Weaver)  Secretariat (Mark Moore, Executive Director; Jorg Rossbacher)  MRC (Nathan Richardson, Clare Newland)  NIH (Jane Peterson, Eric Green, Jim Battey, Colin Fletcher, Martin Guyer)  Sanger Institute (Alan Bradley, Karen Kennedy)  Wellcome Trust (Michael Dunn, Clare McVicker)  Infrafrontier (Martin Hrabe de Angelis)  Helmholtz Zentrum Munich (GMC) (Martin Hrabe de Angelis)  Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics (TCP) (Colin McKerlie)  Institute Clinique de la Souris (ICS) (Yann Herault)  Australian Phenomics Network (Adrienne McKenzie)  European Commission (Jacques Remacle, observer)

7 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop IMPC Industry Working Group Allan Bradley, WTSI, Cambridge UK, Martin Hrabe-deAngelis, GMC, Munich Germany, Colin McKerlie, TCP, Toronto Canada, Mark Moore, NIH/IMPC, San Francisco USA, Tom Weaver (Chair), MRC Harwell, Oxford UK,

8 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop IMPC Industry Working Group Remit:  The working group is tasked to developing a strategy for liaising with Industry and making recommendations for consideration by the IMPC steering committee. Goals:  How the IMPC can best serve the needs of the biopharmaceutical industry.  Communicate with industry about our program.  Explore how industry can participate in the IMPC.  Develop and implement an engagement plan.

9 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Planned Activities Draft Engagement Plan  Consider Different Models  Begin Discussing with Industry Contact List (>100 so far) Workshop (London, April 7th) Sign-off By Steering Committee Launch @ Bio2011 (Washington DC, July 2011)

10 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Goals of London Workshop  Value Add: How can the IMPC best serve the needs of the biopharmaceutical industry and its product and service providers? What can this academic consortium be providing to industry that they can’t or are not willing to do themselves?  Partnering: Gauge what interest BioPharma, Contract Research Organizations, and platform vendors have for participating in the IMPC, and propose one or several models for developing IMPC - Industry partnerships.  Contribution: What can industry offer the IMPC? Consider opportunities for industry to contribute either funds or in kind resources such as services, reagents, information, or technology to advance the program.  Communication: What are the best ways to communicate with industry about IMPC so that they are aware of this important research program and access to data, technology, analysis tools, and mouse models.

11 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Outcome of Our Meeting Consensus On:  IMPC Value Proposition To Industry  Realistic Engagement Model for Industrial Involvement  Identify Barriers To Making This Happen  How To Communicate & Attract Champions Leading To Industry Engagement Strategy & Action Plan

12 IMPC-Industry Liaison Workshop Thank You For Participating!

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