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Health Report on Cancer Bryan Gregory (Extra Credit Presentation)

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1 Health Report on Cancer Bryan Gregory (Extra Credit Presentation)

2 Summary This is a report on cancer a disease that kills over 500,000 Americans each year. Cancer affects both men and women, children and adults. This presentation provides some general statistics on different types of cancers, and ways to help prevent them. The data presented in this report was gathered from the web site of the American Cancer Society.

3 Objectives Present Cancer statistics Present facts and tips for five different types of cancers Conclusions

4 US Mortality, 2003 Source: US Mortality Public Use Data Tape 2003, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006. 1.Heart Diseases685,089 28.0 2.Cancer556,902 22.7 3.Cerebrovascular diseases157,689 6.4 4.Chronic lower respiratory diseases126,382 5.2 5.Accidents (Unintentional injuries)109,277 4.5 6.Diabetes mellitus 74,219 3.0 7.Influenza and pneumonia 65,163 2.7 8.Alzheimer disease 63,457 2.6 9.Nephritis 42,453 1.7 10.Septicemia 34,069 1.4 RankCause of Death No. of deaths % of all deaths Cancer kills more people each year than any other disease except Heart Disease!

5 2006 Estimated US Cancer Deaths* Cancer affects both men and women ONS=Other nervous system. Source: American Cancer Society, 2006. Men 291,270 Women 273,560 26%Lung & bronchus 15%Breast 10%Colon & rectum 6%Pancreas 6%Ovary 4%Leukemia 3%Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 3%Uterine corpus 2%Multiple myeloma 2%Brain/ONS 23% All other sites Lung & bronchus31% Colon & rectum10% Prostate9% Pancreas6% Leukemia4% Liver & intrahepatic4% bile duct Esophagus4% Non-Hodgkin 3% lymphoma Urinary bladder3% Kidney3% All other sites 23%

6 The following set of slides presents some basic facts about five cancers which have the highest death rate: –Lung Cancer –Colon Cancer –Breast Cancer –Prostate Cancer –Skin Cancer

7 Lung Cancer Facts: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for men and women in the United States. Smoking tobacco accounts for 8 out of 10 of lung cancer deaths There are two types of lung cancer, nonsmall cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Symptons of lung cancer are: –A cough that won’t go away or worsens over time –Chest pain –Shortness of breath –Weight loss –Loss of appetite –Coughing up blood –Repeated respiratory illnesses

8 Lung Cancer Tips: The five year survival rate is only 40% for the localized stage (detected early before the cancer has spread). Here are some recommendations to help prevent lung cancer: The best way to prevent lung cancer is to never start smoking or to quit if you do smoke. Elimination of smoking would virtually wipe out lung cancer! A healthy lifestyle including a well-balanced diet also helps. Everyone should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Avoid carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals). Asbestos and vinyl chloride are two examples. Monitor indoor radon levels

9 Colon Cancer Facts: Colon cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the US. There are virtually no early signs of this type of cancer. This type of cancer forms from Polyps (precancerous tissue) Warning signs usually only show up in advanced stages. Warning signs in the late stages include: –Rectal bleeding –Blood in stool –Change in bowl habits –Cramping pain in the lower abdomen Surgery is the most common form of treatment along with chemotherapy and/or radiation.

10 Colon Cancer Tips: Because colon cancer forms from precancerous tissue (polyps) early screening for the disease can prevent it or catch it in a treatable stage. Ways to reduce the risk of getting colon cancer include: –Regular physical activity –Maintaining a healthy body weight –Limit saturated fats from your diet –Don’t smoke –Limit alcohol consumption –Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (at least five servings per day)

11 Breast Cancer Facts: Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast and shows up as a lump. Of all the cancer types it is the second leading killer of women next to lung cancer (over 40,000 per year). It also occurs in men. If it is not detected early enough it can spread to other parts of the body. The major risk factors for breast cancer are: –Age (half of all breast cancers are diagnosed in women 61 or older) –Race –Family history of the disease –Reproductive history

12 Tips: Like many of the cancer types there is no known way to prevent breast cancer. However, there is good news with breast cancer. With early detection the five year survival rate is 98%. Here are some recommendations to help early detection: –Women 40 and over should have a mammogram once per year –Women in their 20’s and 30’s should have a clinical breast exam every 3 years –All women should perform a regular self examination Breast Cancer

13 Prostate Cancer Facts: In men, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death next to lung cancer. Prostate cancers usually grow slowly, but when they spread thet spread quickly with deadly results. Early warning symptoms include: –Frequent urination (especially at night) –Blood in the urine –Weak or painful urination The causes of prostate cancer are not well understood. However, there are several risk factors which include: –Family history –Age –Race –Diets high in saturated fat

14 Prostate Cancer Tips: Beginning at age 50, men should begin annual screening for this cancer. The five year survival rate for patients with early detection is 100%. The ten year survival rate for all stages is 93%. Here are some recommendations to help prevent the disease: –Eating a diet low in saturated fat –Reducing the intake of red meat –Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables each day

15 Skin Cancer Facts: Skin cancer is one of the most common of all the cancers. Skin cancer is a slow growing disease that is easy to recognize It is easy to treat once it is detected. Skin cancers are either Nonmelanoma or melanoma Most skin cancers are nonmelanoma - meaning they occur in basal cells or squamous cells (locate din the outer layers of the skin) Melanoma cancer forms from melanoma cells that create skin color. This type of cancer is more rare than nonmelanoma skin cancer, but more deadly. The five year survival rate for localized melanoma is 99%. The risk of melanoma is 10 times greater for whites than African Americans.

16 Skin Cancer Tips: The best way to prevent skin cancer is to protect the skin from over exposure to the sun. Ways to accomplish this include: –Wearing protective clothing –Wearing large brimmed hats –Wearing wraparound sunglasses –Use suncreeen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher –Avoid the use of tanning booths As with most cancer types, early detection is important. Regularly check the body for changes in the size, shape or color of a mole.

17 Conclusions Cancer is the second leading cause of death behind heart disease There are many types of cancers Little is still known about the cause of cancer A healthy lifestyle can reduce the chances of getting cancer Early detection increase the chances of surviving cancer dramatically

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