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WIDA MODEL™ Measure of Developing English Language.

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2 WIDA MODEL™ Measure of Developing English Language

3 What is the WIDA MODEL? Proficiency assessment for ELL students in grades K-12 Adaptive test composed of test items which target the 1 st five proficiency levels

4 The WIDA MODEL™ … Provides a valid snapshot of current proficiency Tracks progress, monitors growth Provides valid and reliable data Serves as a benchmark assessment (may be used 1 or 2x per year) Determines tier placement on ACCESS for ELLs

5 WHY? Useful when additional data needed to Exit students achieving 4.6 or above on winter ACCESS Useful to have Raw Score/Scale Score relating directly to Proficiency Level

6 F.Y.I. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education the MODEL cannot be administered in place of the W-APT It can be administered in addition to the W-APT The W-APT must be used to inform identification and placement, but the MODEL can be used to provide additional information

7 REMEMBER… It is one piece… of the multiple criteria …necessary to inform decision making RESOURCES

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