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The KUZZ Newsroom Remodel We began the project on January 6, 2008, dismantling the 20- year-old newsroom console desk and removing the aging, outdated.

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Presentation on theme: "The KUZZ Newsroom Remodel We began the project on January 6, 2008, dismantling the 20- year-old newsroom console desk and removing the aging, outdated."— Presentation transcript:

1 The KUZZ Newsroom Remodel We began the project on January 6, 2008, dismantling the 20- year-old newsroom console desk and removing the aging, outdated equipment.

2 This is the back view of the old console desk – theoretically a work area, but actually rather useless!

3 The old junk is removed!

4 Terry Gaiser left his mark under the control board!

5 Next to go – the space-wasting console desk.

6 The newsroom computer systems are moved into the old KUZZ control room and installed on the stand-up DJ console. This will be the temporary main newsroom.

7 The “sound soak” acoustic material is removed from the sheetrock (there are concrete block walls behind the sheetrock). Those blobs of adhesive would take weeks to remove.

8 Next, the ceiling had to be removed, along with the fluorescent light fixtures.

9 Various methods would be tried to remove the adhesive “blobs.”

10 Working at a standup console was causing serious physical pain for the news anchors, who spent entire shifts on their feet, producing, writing, and anchoring. It simply had to be lowered.

11 With the “blobs” removed, the new acoustic material is installed. Notice the wall mounts for flat-screen TV’s

12 Next, the acoustic surface is applied

13 March 4, a milestone! The custom-built furniture arrives!

14 Furniture installation would take two days.

15 The room is now ready for equipment. There are three work stations. The on-air Wheatstone digital control board is to be installed at the window facing the new KUZZ control room. Two other positions will use Wheatstone NewsMixers and PC’s. Follow the pictures left to right and down, and you have made a 360- degree clockwise turn around the room.

16 Equipment installation began in mid-March, 2008


18 The complex installation included Wheatstone digital mixers and router, tied into the Wheatstone-equipped digital control room, plus four computers to handle newsroom audio and copy editing, storage, and inputs to the AudioVault automation system. Notice the three Samsung TV sets mounted on the walls. JBL monitor speakers for the individual work stations are mounted above each TV set.

19 At last, the newsroom is ready for air.

20 Broadcasting from the new facility begins Monday, April 21, 2008

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