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Meredith Hicks Personnel Specialist/ Substitutes 817-232-0880 Ext. 2758.

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1 Meredith Hicks Personnel Specialist/ Substitutes 817-232-0880 Ext. 2758

2 Budget Codes The purpose of budget codes are to track funding sources from which to pay substitutes. The type of absences or absence reason determines the budget code that is used. i.e. an employee is out for a “school related” absence. This would fall under the campus budget code.

3 Accounting Codes Will begin using next year Accounting codes are very similar to Budget codes, and are used as an alternative Will only be able to view your campus rather than all campuses in the district

4 Account Code Break Down 6 Account Codes per campus Curriculum Staff Development Any training that Curriculum is sending the employee to attend School Related Activity Campus Budget Any trainings that the Principal is sending the employee to attend Any supplemental sub that is on campus School Related Special Education Teacher School Related Special Education Aide Training or Supplemental Has to be approved by Special Programs Office Supplemental Aide Campus Budget Adding an extra position/person on campus for the day Supplemental Nurse Aide Adding an extra nurse aide on campus for either testing or enrollment

5 Account Codes Cont. Employees do not have the ability to enter an Account Code for an absence. This will need to be done through the campus user. Most of the account codes that need to be entered for the employee are going to be: School Related Activity Curriculum Staff Development School Related Special Education Absences due to illness, family emergency, Immediate family illness, comp time, FMLA, Doctors Appointment…etc. do not require a budget code.

6 Vacancies Open Posted Position: To be used if a teacher leaves in the middle of the school year and a sub is needed to fill the position Supplemental: To be used if you need an extra body on campus. i.e. a teacher is doing testing and a substitute needs to be in her classroom for the day. Testing Monitor (Certified/Non-Certified): these can be hall monitors, bathroom monitors…etc. Certified is used for those in place for teachers.

7 Absences Next year notes will become mandatory when entering all absences This can be found on the bottom of the page when entering an absence. To help payroll and other departments understand what budget the money is coming from.

8 Reconciling Needs to be done on a daily/weekly basis Absences can only be edited for 2 days after an absence occurs Click the “U” corresponding with the absence day. This will then turn into a green “R” By Reconciling you are saying that “Yes, this teacher is absent and has this substitute in their place.”

9 Reports Great for reconciling absences! Finding Employee’s ID and PIN numbers when they don’t know them What Substitutes are available to work for the day Substitute sign in sheet to know what substitutes are on campus. This also makes reconciling easier. Employee absence summaries

10 Reports Cont. 13 different reports that can be run by the Campus User Daily Report Unfilled Absences Day of Week Absence Analysis Absence Monthly Summary Absentee Report Substitute History by Date Absence Call History Substitute Availability Substitute Sign In Excluded Substitute Report Employee Register Report Absence Feedback Absence Interactive

11 Daily Report: Which employees are out and which substitute is filling their job Unfilled Absences: Which jobs have not been filled over a specific date range. If you do not want to see the vacancies for your campus then select “Absences” under “Type.” Day of Week Absence Analysis: This report allows you to view what absence reasons have been used for your campus or a certain employee in graphical form. Absence Summary Report: View how many absences you have for the month on a daily basis and the percent fill rate for those absences Absentee Report: More in depth report that allows you to sort by employee to view how many absences there are for each employee Absence Approval Report: This would be used if absences needed to be approved in AESOP. Substitute History by Date: Want to see what sub has subbed on your campus before and for what teachers? This report allows you to do that. Call History: See the call history of a specific absence or substitute Substitute Availability Report: What substitute is available and is the substitute qualified to sub in the position. Substitute Sign In: Great for knowing what substitutes are present on campus and allows them to sign in. Excluded Substitute Report: Allows you to see who is excluded from your campus. Employee Register: See what employees are assigned to your campus and it allows you to see their PIN and ID numbers Absence Interactive: This report has the most filters and also allows you to export to excel

12 AESOP Back Up Make sure that your campus has more than one person who understands AESOP. Designate one main AESOP Campus User, and one Emergency AESOP Campus User

13 What’s To Come Next Year Cheat Sheets Curriculum Schedule Proper Accounting Codes to use Accounting Codes Notes Required Reconcile on a weekly basis


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