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Resistance to the Holocaust Belfer Presentation Robert Hadley Mandel 2001-2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Resistance to the Holocaust Belfer Presentation Robert Hadley Mandel 2001-2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resistance to the Holocaust Belfer Presentation Robert Hadley Mandel 2001-2002

2 Define Resistance What does this term mean? –Physical –Spiritual –Cultural –Emotional

3 Physical Underground Youth Movements Partisans Camp Revolts

4 Underground Youth Movements Hashomer and HeChalutz (Zionist) Akiva (Zionist) Dror (Zionist) Bund Betar Communists

5 Partisan Movements Abbe Kovner, Vilna Ghetto Bielski Partisans, Belorussia Joining Polish and/or Russian Partisan Movement

6 Camp Revolts Sobibor Treblinka Auschwitz

7 Map of Revolts

8 Role of Women in the Resistance Intelligence and Reconnaissance Couriers Fighters Educators

9 Spiritual Maintaining ones Faith in God Strength of Human Dignity Observing Jewish Traditions Kiddush ha-Shem ("Sanctification of God's Name")

10 Prayers and Religious observation Minyanim (10 or more gathered to pray) Religious Holidays Fasting and remaining Kosher in face of starvation

11 Emotional Staying alive! Helping others stay alive Not allowing ones spirit to be defeated  Resource : If you Cried, You died

12 Cultural Art and Music –Terezin Requime Schools Community based programs –Self Help Plays Lectures

13 Art in the Camps How is Art resistance? What record do we have of the Holocaust as a result of Artists? Urge to create in the midst of death


15 Cultural Events Cultural events took place in the camps and ghettos Impact and power of such events as Resistance?

16 Music in the Camps Archive of music program from Terezin Importance music played in camp life?


18 Schools in the Ghettos Primary purpose to nourish the body and the soul (see the bread on napkins) Aliya: Religious boarding schools Most Schools were clandestine Orphanages: Dr Janusz Korczak


20 Movies/Videos Escape From Sobibor (1989) Showtime The Grey Zone (2002) Out of the Ashes (2003) Showtime Uprising (2001) NBC

21 Books Defiance: The Beilski Partisans by Nechama Tec They Fought Back by Yuri Suhl The Avengers by Rich Cohen The Bravest Battle by Dan Kurzman Resistance by Israel Gutman Justyna’s Narrative by Gusta Draenger Kazik: Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter by Simha Rotem Unbroken by Len Crome Against All Hope by Hermann Langein Fighting Back by Harold Werner

22 Great Web Sites! The Ghetto Fighter’s House: Museum of the Holocaust and Resistance. Israeli museum with searchable archives. Many articles and pictures online. The Ghetto Fighter’s House: Museum of the Holocaust and Resistance. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. - Uses the history of genocide and resistance to it to argue for the right to bear arms. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. - Museum of the Slovak National Uprising. Museum in Slovakia dedicated to their 1944 armed uprising against the Germans, one result of which was the Jewish Novaky brigade. Anniversary of the said Uprising - Museum of the Slovak National Uprising. Anniversary of the said Uprising - Simon Wiesenthal Center - Has material on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising as well as general Holocaust information Simon Wiesenthal Center - Incredible archives of the Holocaust including Resistance

23 Online lessons _movement.htm (Great list of FAQ’s with websites) _movement.htm (scroll down to Sample lessons, do the one on Resistance, powerful tool with students!) (Excellent resource on Resistance for educators) (Great comprehensive Lesson when pressed for time in a unit)

24 More Online Lessons T/WARSAW.HTM (Great way to connect with the Ringleblum play) T/WARSAW.HTM T/resistan.HTM (I have used Courage to care in the classroom…Great video…and great way to close a unit on the Holocaust. Bring Hope back to your students…like I said..bring them out of the darkness) T/resistan.HTM

25 Even more lessons! (many lesson plans and activities around Resistance and resistance movements, all vetted by Mark Nataupsky, an excellent educator from Virginia!) (excellent Resistance Unit created by Sol Factor, a Mandel fellow from Ohio. You don’t have to use the entire unit…the lessons can be extracted separately)

26 Totten Series Teaching and Studying about the Holocaust Holocaust Education Holocaust Literature

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