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Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovakia CSIDC 2001 E UNICA Extensible Universal Control of Appliances Team members:Rastislav Habala Jaroslav.

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Presentation on theme: "Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovakia CSIDC 2001 E UNICA Extensible Universal Control of Appliances Team members:Rastislav Habala Jaroslav."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovakia CSIDC 2001 E UNICA Extensible Universal Control of Appliances Team members:Rastislav Habala Jaroslav Kuruc Jaroslav Kuruc Vladimir Marko Dalibor Rak Anton Weissensteiner Team mentors:Maria Bielikova Tibor Krajcovic

2 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology2 Slovak Team Members Jaroslav Rastislav Dalibor Vladimir Anton Maria Bielikova faculty mentor

3 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology3 Presentation Outline  Motivation  System overview  Design of E UNICA  Realization of E UNICA  Demonstration of E UNICA  Conclusions and future

4 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology4 Motivation  today: a user must adapt to appliances Why to adapt to our household appliances? Let them adapt to us.  tomorrow: appliances serve the user according her/his current needs

5 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology5 Presentation Outline  Motivation  System overview  Design of E UNICA  Realization of E UNICA  Demonstration of E UNICA  Conclusions and future

6 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology6 What Is E UNICA ? Platform for Remote Controlling and Monitoring Household Appliances

7 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology7 E UNICA Enables...  to connect arbitrary kind of appliance  to connect appliance by arbitrary connection method  to load and execute control program for the appliance  to communicate control programs inside the control unit

8 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology8 Our Innovative Ideas  Modularity simple addition of an arbitrary appliance  Mobility remote control and monitoring of appliances within a household or outside of the household  Adaptability user controlled adaptability event-controlled adaptability system-controlled adaptability  Sophisticated Control of Access Rights multilevel permission checking enhanced by biometric identification

9 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology9 E UNICA Potentials E UNICA Eureco

10 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology10 Eureco  Simple mobile user interface device (PDA-like) E UNICA ML browser  Adaptable and adaptive user interface children, elder or disabled people  E UNICA Remote Control  Identification of users PIN method biometrics (fingerprint scanner, retinal scanner, voice recognition) user’s possessions (passive resonator)

11 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology11 E UNICA Potentials E UNICA User control Eureco

12 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology12 User Control  Comfortable access to the appliances camera, thermometer  Common way of appliances control TV-sets, Hi-Fi  Internet access using e-mail reading news  Enhanced user interface wash machine, heating, alarm  Monitoring state of appliances

13 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology13 E UNICA Potentials E UNICA Smart control User control Eureco

14 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology14 Smart Control  User request + user location = smart control  Examples listening to the nearest radio (instead of specific one) lights switch on/off in accordance with the user current location

15 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology15 E UNICA Potentials E UNICA Smart control Macros User control Eureco

16 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology16 Macros  Macro can be activated by user request specific state of particular appliance (including user location) other event (daytime)  E UNICA Macro - sequence of actions

17 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology17 E UNICA Potentials E UNICA Smart control Macros Automatic data acquisition User control Eureco

18 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology18 Automatic Data Acquisition  Automatic reading energy meters  Sending measured data through the network to the energy providers  Securing against data misuse or forgery

19 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology19 E UNICA Potentials E UNICA Smart control Macros Automatic data acquisition User control Access from outside Eureco

20 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology20 Access from Outside  Possibility of monitoring and control our household also from outside  Access by Internet or by phone  Examples  working parents monitor child’s temperature using a wristlet on its hand user switches heating on before his/her irregular arrival

21 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology21 E UNIC A Potentials E UNICA Smart control Macros Automatic data acquisition User control Access from outside Eureco

22 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology22 Presentation Outline  Motivation  System overview  Design of E UNICA  Realization of E UNICA  Demonstration of E UNICA  Conclusions and future

23 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology23 Design Objectives  User-friendly interface  Simple incorporation of new appliances  Dependability Achieved by adaptable and adaptive features Achieved by modular architecture Achieved by strong consideration of security and reliability issues

24 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology24 Detailed Design  Control unit  Eureco  E UNICA ML  Access rights control  Security

25 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology25  Group drivers Group common features and user interface of similar appliances  User modules Represent users in system and store data related to them  Adaptability modules Adapt common control to particular user  Identification modules Identify user employing identification method  Communication interfaces Enable communication between appliance drivers and appliances  Communication modules Control communication through communication interfaces  Encryption modules Provide encryption features for appliance drivers  System modules Ensure operation of the entire system  Dispatcher Dispatches messages and ensures identity of sender in message  Appliance drivers Monitor and control appliances  Independent component architecture style Control unit consists of independent modules Design of Control Unit Appliance drivers Group drivers User modules Adaptability modules Identification modules Communication modules Communication interfaces Encryption modules System modules Dispatcher

26 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology26 Design of Eureco  PDA-like appliance with E UNICA ML browser as a user program not limited to particular hardware  Eureco  Control Unit specific eureco module in the Control unit wireless connection to the Control unit Bluetooth technology is optimal  designed for use in mobile devices  not limited by line of sight

27 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology27 E UNICA ML Design  Requirements for control pages wide range of household appliances wide range of user interface devices (eurecos)  different size of display  different resolutions  different color depth proportional relative coordinates

28 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology28 E UNICA ML Processing  Different control elements among appliance groups  Similar control elements inside group appliances  Specific control elements for particular appliance 1 3 2 1. main level 2. appliance group level 3. appliance specific level   Hierarchy of control elements

29 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology29 Access Rights Control  Levels of access rights the whole system the group of appliances specific appliance some of appliance’s features (requires appliance driver support)  Authority structure in the Control unit multilevel permission checking  Users can restrict access for other users  Permission checking before realizing a user request (by responsible appliance driver)

30 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology30 Security  Communication between Control unit and appliances using inherent protection of communication technology using encryption modules inside Control unit  Communication among modules inside Control unit using independent component architecture each module has own ID and wouldn’t change it  Avoiding misuse of appliances and data in the Control unit Digital sign of modules

31 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology31 Security (cont.)  Three security levels in the use of appliance functions Publicly available functions Restrictions (initial identification of the user is sufficient) Protected functions (additional identification is demanded)

32 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology32 Presentation Outline  Motivation  System overview  Design of E UNICA  Realization of E UNICA  Demonstration of E UNICA  Conclusions and future

33 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology33 Control Unit Realization  IBM laptop computer  Bluetooth application and training tool kit  Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional  Sun Java2 JDK 1.3 Standard Edition  Borland JBuilder 4 Foundation

34 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology34 Eureco Realization  Toshiba laptop computer  Bluetooth application and training tool kit  Precise 100 A Fingerprint scanner  Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional  Sun Java2 JDK 1.3 Micro Edition Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.0.2 Kilobyte Virtual Machine  Borland JBuilder 4 Foundation

35 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology35 Bluetooth Integration  Developed general purpose library Wraps the Bluetooth stack supplied with the Project Kit

36 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology36 Bluetooth Integration (cont.)  Library integration into J2SE and J2ME platforms  Problems with Bluetooth hardware Fault in Bluetooth module’s firmware confirmed officially by SIGMA COMTEC

37 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology37 Appliance Prototypes  Heating control  Radio

38 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology38 Heating Control Prototype  Environment simulator  Heating control  Heating control driver

39 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology39 Radio Prototype  Analog radio based on TDA7000  Micro controller Intel 8031  Connection to Control unit by RS232  Manual control

40 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology40 Presentation Outline  Motivation  System overview  Design of E UNICA  Realization of E UNICA  Demonstration of E UNICA  Conclusions and future

41 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology41 Software statistics KLOC without comments Number of classes Control unit5,649 Eureco5,547 BT Library6,411 Heating simulator0,93 Bluetooth J2ME a J2SE extension 2,228 Fingerprint scanner J2ME extension 0,75 Radio0,5 Summary21.8143

42 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology42 Presentation Outline  Motivation  System overview  Design of E UNICA  Realization of E UNICA  Demonstration of E UNICA  Conclusions and future

43 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology43 Conclusions  E UNICA serves householders Modularity Mobility Adaptability Sophisticated Control of Access Rights  E UNICA prototype uses the most up to date technologies Bluetooth technology Java platform Fingerprint scanner for identification COM technology  E UNICA adheres to standards

44 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology44 Market Research  List of questions on Internet (  106 respondents  Most of them in age between 18 and 30  Most of them from Central Europe

45 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology45 Benefits...  to Society easy and secure monitoring and controlling of appliances for all, including specific groups of users (children, elder or disabled people)  to Informatics Research and Practice adaptive and adaptable user interfaces modular architecture, unification of various ways of appliance control and monitoring  to Ourselves improved skills necessary to work in team improved design skills getting in touch with emerging technologies and development environments

46 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology46 Future  Extending Control unit with specific modules New types of user identification Localization of the user Defining and executing macros New appliances and groups of appliances  Extending E UNICA to distributed system involving several Control units  Adapting E UNICA from household system to hotel system to office system

47 E UNICA Slovak University of Technology47 Thank you for your attention

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