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P ROCESSING P ERSONAL C OPIES Part 3 of Hayden Course Reserve Manual.

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1 P ROCESSING P ERSONAL C OPIES Part 3 of Hayden Course Reserve Manual

2 3.1 P HYSICAL P ROCESSING – P ERSONAL C OPIES PERSONAL COPIES of BOOKS 1. Create a call number (see example below for format) and write it on the left-hand side of the course sheet and/or online submission form on the Call Number line: 2. Create call number label. Open up “PC label template” found here - N:\Departmental\Access Services\Internal\Shared Documents\Reserve (if you open it and the gridlines are not showing up, click on the Layout tab and highlight view gridlines) Type in the call number as shown in example below (Arial, Bold, Size 11, Centered, Double Spaced) Use complete last name of professor (not just first five letters) Print out on PC labels located in drawers under the Reserve scanner 2 Processing Personal Copies EXAMPLE COM310 (no space between course and number) MESSM (first five letters of professor’s last name) PC01 (PC and sequence #, no space) C01 (if there is more than one copy of the same item, number them C01, C02, etc.) EXAMPLE COM 310 (one space between course and number) MESSMAN (professor’s FULL last name) PC01 (PC and sequence #, no space) C01 (Copy and sequence #, only needed if there is more than one copy of the same item)

3 3.1 P HYSICAL P ROCESSING – P ERSONAL C OPIES ( CONT.) PERSONAL COPIES of BOOKS (cont.) 3. Tape book (see example below for location of tape) If a book has a cover, remove it and file it in the shelving under the black binders. Put a post it note on the course sheet so that we know to put the cover back on when the item comes off Reserve. Apply clear tape as close to bottom as you can, all the way around. Then apply Red or Yellow loan tape on top (refer to the course sheet for the loan period chose by the professor). Red tape indicates the item is not to leave the library. It is the default tape used for videos and DVDs that have a no overnight loan period. It can also be used if a professor specifically requests that the item not leave the library. In all other instances, use the yellow tape. Apply clear tape above the loan period tape, in the center. On top if it, place a barcode. (There should be new barcodes on the Reserve processing table. If not, there are more in Edward’s office.) Apply clear tape at the top of the spine (or in the upper left corner if the spine is too small.) You will put the call number label you’ve printed out on top of this and another piece of clear tape on top of the label to avoid smudging/fading. Please note: be conservative with tape - do not use more than necessary 4. Pencil in the last 8 digits of the Barcode number on the Reserve Course sheet 3 Processing Personal Copies Position PC label on spine at top if spine is wide enough If spine is not wide enough, place PC label on front, in the upper left hand corner Position barcode in center above loan period tape Position loan period tape at bottom, around spine

4 3.1 P HYSICAL P ROCESSING – P ERSONAL C OPIES ( CONT.) 4 Processing Personal Copies PERSONAL COPIES of DVDs or VHS TAPES 1. Retrieve an empty DVD or VHS case from the Reserve storage closet. File the professor’s case in the storage closet, organized by last name, put a post it on front of the prof.’s case with course name and number (only needs to be on the top case if there are a multiple cases) and put another post it on the course sheet that says “case(s) in closet.” 2. Create call number (see #1 from section 3.1) 3. VHS tapes Open up “Spine label template” found here - N:\Departmental\Access Services\Internal\Shared Documents\Reserve (if you open it and the gridlines are not showing up, click on the Layout tab and highlight view gridlines) Center text, double space and use the following format: ENG 101 WILSON PC01 Top line: Arial, Size 14, Prof Name bold, All caps Gone With the Wind Bottom line: Arial, Size 14, Title Bold, First letter caps only Print out on spine (Avery) labels found in drawers under Reserve scanner Apply the label to the spine of the VHS case, underneath the plastic Be sure the case has the correct loan period tape and a barcode on the inside of the case 4. DVDs Create a spine label as described in step #3 Create a PC label as described in section 3.1, step #2 Apply the spine label to front center portion of the DVD case, underneath the plastic Apply the PC label to the upper left hand corner of the DVD case (on top of a piece of clear tape).

5 3.2 C REATING A C OURSE R ECORD 1. See section 2.2 to determine if a Course Record needs to be created 2. If yes, see section 2.3 for instructions; if no, continue with instructions below 5 Processing Personal Copies 3.3 C REATING B IB AND I TEM R ECORDS - PC S 1. Access the Course Reserve record (see section 2.2 for details) 2. Select Add Items 3. Select New 4. Click on rsvhy: reserve hayden and click on Select

6 3.3 C REATING B IB AND I TEM R ECORDS - PC S ( CONT.) 5. Enter Author Last Name (all caps) and click Next Single author: SMITH (last name only, all caps) Two authors: SMITH & JONES (last names only with an ampersand, all caps) More than two authors: SMITH ET AL (last name of first author only and et al, no punctuation, all caps) 6. Enter Title (all caps) and click Next 7. If the screen Duplicate Record(s) found appears, select Close 8. Click on Summary button to display next page 9. Select i Item from the drop down menu on the left and then click on Attach New Item on the right 6 Processing Personal Copies

7 3.3 C REATING B IB AND I TEM R ECORDS - PC S ( CONT.) 10. On New Item Options page, single item button should be highlighted, then click OK 11. Select hyr238 12. Enter location type (see section 2.4) and click next 13. Enter (or scan) barcode and click next 14. Enter call number (if item is a DVD or VIDEO, type that in parentheses after call number) and click Next 15. Click on Save 16. Click on Add item 17. Click OK 18. Item should now be listed on course record 7 Processing Personal Copies Don’t forget!!! Mark statistics when you are finished!

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